View Full Version : Is this the way it is.

09-28-2010, 12:33 AM
Hi all. I was just wondering if anxiety symptoms are there all the time even when you think you are doing well. I have so many physical symptoms which obviously my head tells me aren't anxiety even though I know they are. Some days I think I'm ok and then I will get some ache or pain or more spots in my eyes which remind me I'm not ok after all. It seems I'm becoming a bit of an insomniac as well. My sister told me that once u have got it, it will always be there you just have to teach yourself to recognise it as anxiety and move on. I'm sick of it. I want to live and enjoy life but everytime I try and do that my head tells me something bad will happen if I do enjoy life so now I'm stuck in a rut too scared to make the most of life because something bad will happen. I'm only 27 with a husband and 5 children that want a fun mum who enjoys life not one that's totally introverted. I used to be so confident a real livewire.

09-28-2010, 12:57 AM
Hi Emma

NO its not the way it has to be .

I was just wondering if anxiety symptoms are there all the time even when you think you are doing well.
Yes they will stay a while . If you think you are doing well then you are doing well but as with any illness it takes time to recover so don't go adding to it with worrying why it hasn't gone yet . It will fade over time .

I have so many physical symptoms which obviously my head tells me aren't anxiety even though I know they are. Some days I think I'm ok and then I will get some ache or pain or more spots in my eyes which remind me I'm not ok after all.

Your still OK your just a bit more stressed on those days that all .

My sister told me that once u have got it, it will always be there you just have to teach yourself to recognise it as anxiety and move on.

Well she is half right . Yes you will have to teach yourself its just stress and move on but as for it always being there . Ask yourself this Was it there before ?? Again it will fade overtime by just letting your nerves settle and moving past it .

I'm sick of it. Yes been there . Even now as i haven't really had a good sleep in at least 12 months i am also sick of it but you know what no amount of worrying is going to make it go any faster . If you broke your leg would you expect to walk on it before it heals No . So look at anxiety the same . Just let yourself heal and do what you can do .

do that my head tells me something bad will happen if I do enjoy life so now I'm stuck in a rut too scared to make the most of life because something bad will happen.

You know that head of yours is just some dead weight sitting on your shoulders . It is not telling you anything . It is just like a hard drive on a computer . You program it. Nothing bad will happen and you just need to tell yourself that again and again and sooner or later you will believe it . Trust me .

Yes you want to enjoy life and that's great so go and do it . Dont be scared it is only your anxiety feeding you rubbish . You go show it who's boss and i guarantee you that it will back down just like any bully .

cheers kev :D

10-02-2010, 01:32 AM

It's important to recognize if your irrational fear is stemming from a thought or not.

It can be thoughts, usually provoked by a past trauma, OR it can be a sign of a chemical imbalance.

The reason it is important, is that you can directly control your thoughts.

However, if it is a chemical imbalance, it is different. If it is a chemical imbalance, it is fixable, especially if you address it early.

Chemical imbalances can provoke unwanted thoughts, don't get me wrong, but some thoughts would also never occur if there wasn't an imbalance.

There is no bad news here. Both are fixable.
