View Full Version : Question about drugs

06-30-2006, 06:31 PM
I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety problems for a long time but it has really started taking over my life in the last year. My doctor prescibed me Paxil but I am worried to start taking meds. One I'm afraid to become totally addicted or dependant. Two I have heard that Paxil has side effects, like extreme weight gain. Now I don't want to sound vain but I don't want to start taking something that will make me overweight.
Has anyone else taken this med? Does it help? Are the side effects really that bad?
He also prescribed me Lorazepam. Anyone have any info on this drug?

Thanks to anyone who can help me.

06-30-2006, 10:15 PM
hey babyblue your fear bout taking meds is normal i was the same way but i have taken paxil before and it didn't work for me but that doesn't mean it won't work for you but anything med u take is gonna have a side effect for the most part when u introduce something that isn't natural into your body its goin to react odd at first but most side effect go away in a week or two and if they don't or after the suggested time you've been told to take them you don't feel they r working tell your doc and u can try sumthin else the docs prescribe them to help you how r they goin to help u if u don't try they won't hurt you and like i said if u don't feel they work dicus with the docs and try sumthin new but as for the lorazpem i had great success with it awesome med decreases anxiety in a bout 20 mins for most people but u can become dependent on it which is why they r tryin to get u on the paxil because its a long term thing where lorazpem is short while u adjust to the meds but they won't help unless u try also u should try therapy u haven't already helps alot but good luck and if any other questions be sure to post good luck you've taken the first step towards a better life so give yourself a pat on the back for one goal achieved :D

07-04-2006, 01:44 AM
I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety problems for a long time but it has really started taking over my life in the last year. My doctor prescibed me Paxil but I am worried to start taking meds. One I'm afraid to become totally addicted or dependant. Two I have heard that Paxil has side effects, like extreme weight gain. Now I don't want to sound vain but I don't want to start taking something that will make me overweight.
Has anyone else taken this med? Does it help? Are the side effects really that bad?
He also prescribed me Lorazepam. Anyone have any info on this drug?

Thanks to anyone who can help me.

I'm supposed to take zoloft and it was prescribed to me like 6 months ago but I haven't even taken 1 yet. I have some klonopin's left from a trip I took to the hospital and I take one when my anxiety gets really bad, it helps a lot. It kind of makes me sleepy, but once they are in full effect (about 2 hours after I take them, for me anyways) I don't have irrational thoughts or fears and I feel quite normal. I keep thinking about taking my zoloft but I don't know why I haven't tried them yet.

07-04-2006, 04:39 AM

click above for info on that drug

07-04-2006, 10:41 PM
I have been Dx with GAD Panic disorder and OCD. (yup, i've got issues, lol) and am on Paxil. I have not gained any weight on it and actually had to lose a little and am doing it just fine on Paxil. I also take Xanax or Klonopin for attacks. but those are highly addictive. so i take the Paxil to try to PREVENT them. GL with this. and do not be afraid to take it if you need it. :)

ceo hank freid
05-23-2008, 01:32 AM
Depending on how long he has been taking Lorazepam, it is not a good idea to stop this drug "cold turkey". Usage over about 8 weeks and usually by 12 weeks will produce withdrawal symptoms very similar to what you are describing. Seizures have also been seen. I suspect it is stopping the Lorazepam.

05-23-2008, 02:46 AM
I've been prescribed Lorazepam a couple of times in the past and find it really effective.

However, it also a very addictive medication so you need to be careful. As someone who used to use recreational drugs, and by nature has a very addictive personality, I have to make sure I keep it in check.

At one point I did start to mis-use it. So now I take beta-blockers through out the day to try and prevent the on-set of an attack, and only reach for the Lorazepam if this fails.

I’ve never taken Paxil before, but I have taken another form of SSRI called ‘Lustral’. All I can say is that I hope you have a better experience to me whilst taking this type of drug. I found the effects of my own medication to be horrible and the process of coming off them incredibly difficult.

GlaxoSmithKline have been subject to a number of lawsuits over Paxil, mainly due to its effects of suicidal ideation and withdrawal symptoms.

But remember that it wouldn’t be approved if it wasn’t safe and that people’s reactions to medications are unique, so it could do you a lot of good.

05-23-2008, 04:54 AM
Here's something else to consider. What kinds of nonpharmaceutical approaches have you tried as far as overcoming your anxiety? I personally believe that medications should not be used until non-pharmacological approaches have been exhausted (except for insomnia). The fact is that SSRIs often DO have VERY negative side effects, such as weight gain, loss of sexual desire, 'spaciness', emotional numbing, sleep problems, and tiredness. And getting off them can be REALLY hard. Paxil is particularly notorious for both causing lethargy and bad withdrawal. I'm not saying that you will experience any or all of these problems - you won't find that out unless yu actually try it. But keep in mind that bad experiences with SSRIs are not really 'isolated incidents' (even if your doctor makes them out to be EXTREMELY rare, which doctors often do). For this reason, I just don't consider SSRIs to be a good first-line option. Consider your non-pharmaceutical options first.

05-23-2008, 06:46 AM
I am in agreement with Robbed because Paxil caused me to be super 'light' sensitive and I had a headache ALL the time. It was awful. Also, my mouth got so unbelievably dry that at night I almost choke :o

Yes Lorapazam or ativan is a life saver but yes it can be addictive and it makes one very sleepy in about one and half to 2 hours later (and it lasts for a while hence the reason I take ativan when I can't sleep in the night.)