View Full Version : Cure yourself within months - It really is that simple!

09-26-2010, 09:29 AM
Hello my friends,

Anxiety is a vicious circle and some are trapped within this circle for decades and many have given up the will in this battle after trying numerous confusing and hopeless magical cures.

The problem nowadays is that a lot of people do not understand how anxiety works and a lot of websites are there just to make money from anxious people.

The idea to curing anxiety is to tackle the root cause of the problem by re-training the brain with positive images and positive thoughts (yes this really works!)

The anxious brain functions in a negative fuelled thought pattern thus anxiety becomes repetitive. Negative/fearful thinking will result in high anxiety levels this is the bottom line.

So to the people who read my post please give POSITIVE thinking a try.
Within a month you will see definate improvements and believe me your life will begin to change for the better, the brain will no longer function in 'negative' mode and will slowly adapt to a positive thinking pattern.

Everytime you think of 1 negative thought/image change it with 5 positive ones of yourself. Also it helps to try some light excercise when you become anxious it will take you mind off the fear. Keep the mind occupied and remain positive, think positive, speak positive.

This is the only solution to cure Anxiety you do not need to buy any pills!

This is not a bodily ilness/problem but one that can be fixed by using positive mental power.

Take this advice for a former sufferer and someone who understands the illness as you do, it affects people from all walks of life but the best news is that self-treatment is simple and effective.

I only wish to see people who suffer from this terrible burden called anxiety get well and prosper.

Dr Jazz

09-26-2010, 04:39 PM
Hey there,
This is an excellent post and we welcome any more post or advice from you here in the future.
I tell myself every morning that I am "turning over a new leaf" so to speak. I have been pretty good all day,which is a feat in itself for me, and then we go into walmart to get a tire fixed. I am totally focusing on my husband and our convo but feel dizzy the entire time&we only walked a few feet from the tire and lube (to look at bikes)...
I wish that "positive" thinking would make me feel less dizzy and I would be great:)

09-26-2010, 05:06 PM
I wish that "positive" thinking would make me feel less dizzy and I would be great:)

It's going to take more than positive thinking to deal with symptoms like dizziness. Why? Because dizziness (and symptoms like it) is a real, physical sensation resulting from the anxiety state. CBT methods (like thrying to think in a positive way) may, in time, reduce your overall anxiety. But as long as you are in a state of anxiety, physical symptoms such as dizziness will exist (regardless of how you think). Therefore, you must simply ACCEPT physical symptoms like dizziness without becoming fearful of them. And you must also be patient, and allow your mind and body the time it needs to recover from anxiety disorder.

09-26-2010, 07:57 PM
I'm telling you all you need to do is talk when you feel anxious. Its like a certain breath of air that needs to be pushed out. When you talk your breathing pattern changes to a certain way that calms your body down. Thats why they tell you when people meditate to hmm certain kind of mantras.