View Full Version : A Bit Of Positivity!

09-25-2010, 12:24 PM
Ok, so I haven't been on this forum for a while, I came onto it about a month ago and read it like a religious book haahah, but now I'm distancing myself from it a bit since it's just reading worries sometimes. I think it's nice that there are people here who have recovered to support ohers, but sometimes the posts can be really scary to read you know?

But I was thinking of posting this today.
I've been having these mood swings (ahah, aren't we all!) and I was thinking about the CBT and how helpful it is and I just thought about those people like me who are so caught up or intrenched in their own heads that they forget that there's a massive world out there to see!!!! There's tons of people to meet nd like (and dislike), (for me there's) art to see, music to hear that can be heart wrenching and beautiful, amazing meals to eat and these amazing landscapes to see, foreign languages and relaxing moments of sitting in the sun or in the snow and eating chocolate!! ahahah

and I worry "oh, what if I wont like it when I get there, what if my mood is rubbish that day" but then you get there and it's amazing!!

There's so much to see and do!!
did we all forget?

09-25-2010, 03:18 PM
sometimes you feel trapped in your own body,or if your like me you never really feel "right". You feel weak and dizzy/faint alot

09-26-2010, 12:57 PM
but isn't THAT exactly the negativity I was talking about being on this forum and how all those things I posted are positive out of your body things that you need to remember.

I know the feeling of just being soooo entrenched in your own thought. But that's the point completely, it's self-obsessed to be thinking that way.

break out of it.

:D think freedom! (Cheesey Braveheart line though ahaha)

09-27-2010, 05:18 PM
This is true, I will 100%agree with you. I just got a CBT training book and the Lucinda Bassett "from panic to power" book!

I just got today and I can not wait to start reading

09-28-2010, 10:11 AM
Great post! So true, we just need to "take our mind off our minds" and fill it with GOOD stuff! We CAN rewire our brains to think differently, but it takes time and effort, and when you are in the throes of despair, it's hard to take that first step. But, we just have to bite the bullet and DO IT, whether we "feel" like it or not. We can't let our feelings control our entire lives . . . feelings LIE.

09-28-2010, 01:08 PM
ahahaha I'm glad this spurred you guys on.
jj1983, I'm pleased and excited for you to get the CBT book, it's going to help so much.
I don't know if feelings lie, they are just confused you know? poor wee guys, all stressed out over something silly. Cause I always think "although there are conflicting feelings over this or that thing underneath the real me wants things" Like for example say I feel anxious about this girl coming, but underneath I really want her to come and want to see her again cause I know when I'm around her it's not that bad, it's just the worrying about the irrational things about it.

silly thoughts you know? so silly you should laugh at them.