View Full Version : dizziness.......

09-25-2010, 10:31 AM
So as you all know by now I have gad well I was reading and all of a sudden looked at it at got so dizzy then my heart started beatin fast ..mi still don't feel quiet right either...anyone ever experience this? I wasn't panicking when reading I was all into the book..

09-25-2010, 11:56 AM
yes i have had exactly that your eyes have gone out of focus because youve been reading for a while so when you have focused on somthing else your eyes havent got onto it properly and its sent your mind funny witch in that meaning makes you have pulpitations and you start to panic but be assured that you are ok just take 5 mins when your reading to relax and have alook around

09-25-2010, 03:21 PM
terror,do you not feel "right" for hours later? this is how I feel still dazed and not quiet right for some reason...

Paul Dooley
09-25-2010, 04:21 PM
Terror- X is right. Sometimes your eyes get out of focus due to strain, then if you see blurry or get dizzy and the anxious tendency is to assume that something major is happening.

But unless you have a history of specific diseases that could affect vision, I would just try to relax. Even if it's lasted for hours, chances are it's lingering anxiety about being dizzy and not much else.

Give it some time, it will fade on it's own.

Nervous Nelly
09-26-2010, 12:52 AM
Yes, this is a common one. You get lightheaded and then even confused and you think something major is going wrong. Being a hypochondriac, this is horrible for me. Try to get mad or focus on something else when it happens. Also, the whole dizzy thing can be a very debilitating cycle. You basically are nervouse about the dizziness, so in turn you tire yourself out and that in turn makes you more dizzy. Then you think you're going to pass out. Then you go into this "control freak" mode and you become afraid to even go to sleep at night. The best thing is to bite the bullet and go crash on the bed or sofa. Just let yourself go. Don't let your fears build up, one on top of the other.