View Full Version : Hypochondria over drug test :(

09-24-2010, 01:31 PM
Please read this. The past two weeks have been like hell on earth. I suffer from hypochondria and general anxiety; a huge phobia of mine is medical testing. My current crisis began when it became clear that my new job required drug testing. It's been a downhill spiral since then.

To be clear, I don't use any drugs. But I became concerned that I have been in clubs and parks recently where others have smoked marijuana nearby. If you know like I know, a little "what if" can become a HUGE spiral in short order. I won't go into the sordid tale, but due to a hugely incompetent HR person, I ended up having to go to THREE different places before they could get this testing done, which means I have had two full weeks to go into a deep spiral on this. I also ended up having a panic attack and going to the ER where I was given Xanax; I took half a pill before it dawned on me that this could turn up on a drug test and add yet more shenanigans to the situation. That compounded my anxiety.

I'm supposed to start Oct. 4.

I am suffering really badly. Can't breath. Can't eat. Convinced I will fail this test and be in a lurch because I have resigned my other position. I've done exhaustive research on these tests and concluded that:

1) The type of test I finally ended up taking, an oral test, is not used by that particular lab to test for the drug class that Xanax is in.

2) The oral test, according to its makers, only detects things for about three days. I took a .25 dose (half a pill) of my Xanax about seven days before the test.

I also don't have to tell my fellow hypochondriacs that I have taken nothing short of six personal drug tests. I got the results for the most recent one - a LabCorp urine test that can tell things that are in your system a little longer - back today. Negative - then I immediately began thinking up ways this was just wrong (ie. the test wasn't accurate enough, etc.) I have done this before with HIV tests. I ended up taking eight that time, fortunately they were free; this time, I estiamte I've spent about $300 on several tests.

I have things I should be doing to prepare for a move, but I can't bring myself to do them. I've felt suicidal about this - I just want it to be over.

I'm convinced that this will come up on the test somehow, they won't care about my prescription and I'll be jobless. I'm convinced further that they will somehow spread the word about this and I'll never work again anywhere in the country. Please don't laugh because this is not a joke.

I'm dying inside and feel like I'm teetering on the brink of insanity. Worst yet: I have no idea when this woman will let me know whether I passed my test or not.

09-26-2010, 08:03 PM
hi. first of all calm down. i know what you are going through hell i wont even be brave enough to take my meds. i am freaked out about side effects the only thing that i will take is tums tylonel and ib profin. i have had numerous test done too. i get my regular stuff done each year but if i have a crazy symptom ill go here and everywhere and compare answers. dont feel bad i wont drive after certain times i wont drive far at all. i dont like being home by myself most of the time. i dont like shopping on my own. the reason i made up in my head is what if something happened to me and i am alone with my 6 yr old and 2 yr old and there helpless and no one stops to help me.. i feel like i am going bipolar or something i get frustrated at my kids easily. i seem to be pissed off all the time. its like i want to be left alone but i dont want to be alone. its confusing. as far as xanax did you tell the people you took xanax at hospital? you supposed to take that stuff up to the drug testing place. anyways hope it goes well. take a chill pill i wish i could lol