View Full Version : now i think im goind mad

09-24-2010, 12:25 PM
hi all can it get any worse it bad as it is im suffering bad. its like iv been having a mini panic attack for 5 long weeks it killing me. i cant help but think im going mad one min im ok the next im im panicing thinkin i cant cope what if i cant cope am i going mad or can g.a.d do this to you how to i stop the thinking it so bad i need help thank you all so much :( :( :(

Paul Dooley
09-24-2010, 03:24 PM
Hi there,

First let me say, take a deep breath, because you're going to be just fine.

Anxiety can affect your mind and body in tremendous ways. It really can make you think that you're going crazy or that you're going to die, but these are all lies.

Your mind gets tired after so much anxiety, so much stress, and so it becomes vulnerable to thoughts that are not based in truth, but are instead based on fear.

And I promise that fear, anxiety and panic don't kill or make you crazy.

Try to get active by exercising or by occupying your mind with something that requires attention.

It is hard to fight the illusions that anxiety throws at you, but they are just that, illusions. Breath easy, relax, and try to focus on something else.

It's not easy to do, but it does get easier when you ACCEPT that you're going to be OK. You will be alright.

09-25-2010, 03:21 AM
Good advice from Paul. It is really tough when you are in the middle of everything like you are at the moment.

Distraction is the key, keep yourself busy, find something to do to break the cycle of worry.

Good Luck

09-25-2010, 07:32 AM
Hi there

Sounds like you're having a rough time. Have you recently been diagnosed with GAD?

In my experience, panic attacks are incredibly intense moments of panic that usually can't be physically maintained for more than 20 minutes. With GAD, you can be in a high state of anxiety for a much longer period of time. To be honest, I've found GAD harder to deal with. There doesn't seem to be much respite.

Three things have helped me recover from GAD: first is that you need to believe that you can get better. You need to believe in yourself and your treatment. Second, you need to follow the golden rule: never contemplate or evaluate life when you're anxious. Third, you need to find some method to deal with the adrenaline produced by the fight or flight response. My preferred way is to practice deep breathing and bounce up and down on a gym ball. These three simple techniques have helped me immensely. You can get through this. Anxiety can bluff you but it can't hurt you

09-27-2010, 01:23 PM
thanks for all your help it was helpfull i need to just hold my head up and push on foward