View Full Version : Drug induced anxiety

09-23-2010, 03:51 PM
Are there any of you out there that have anxiety because of past drug use? I tried LSD once and ever since then I have had anxiety. I was wondering how you coped with it. Thanks

09-23-2010, 04:05 PM

09-23-2010, 04:18 PM
How do you feel on a daily basis? Have you thought of seeking therapy or medication? I tried Xanex and therapy and it vastly help my thought processes and everyday life. Also, talking with others helped a lot more than I thought it would. Ill be willing to talk with you about it and help you in any way I can.

09-26-2010, 09:10 PM
My anxiety began while I was doing alot of drugs. I was doing alot of cocaine, extacy, lsd and pot. The first panic attack I ever had was when I smoked a joint with a acouple of friends. At the time I smoked weed 5 to 6 times a day so it wasnt like a wasnt use to it. I all of a sudden felt like I couldnt breathe and that I was going to die. After that everytime I smoked a joint I had a panic attack. But only when I smoked weed. Then the first time I had anxiety that wasnt drug induced was on the city transit and I actually got out and walked 20 blocks then I would get it ever time i went on the bus. Then it started progressing to the point where I constantly have anxiety about everything and I feel like Im gonna die all the time. Its been 5 years since I had my first panic attack.

09-27-2010, 05:55 AM
I had anxiety for a time after trying a hit of LSD years ago. Basically, I had a REALLY bad trip, and this scared the daylights out of me. And, like SO many people who have this happen, I was quite worried for some time that I had done irreversible damage to myself as a result of taking the drug. However, it just gradually went away over time. Granted, it took something like three years before I got over it entirely. But they key point is that I actually did. And that was without knowing that I should just accept symptoms and let them pass. So I think that anyone with this problem can recover. Just try not to worry about the problem so much and try to continue to live your life as normally as possible despite your anxiety problem. And allow yourself the time you need for recovery (be patient, because recovery does NOT happen overnight). I know that this sounds difficult. But it truly is the key to recovery. I also find that spending time outdoors in a natural setting is VERY helpful to recovery.

10-04-2010, 01:34 PM
When I was took LSD I was having a great time until a friend who was with us and high on acid as well went nutzo. She thought we were all vampires and ran away. I thought I was coming down when we went to look for her so it was no big deal. Once we found her she talked to us as if nothing had happened, however, she would not go into the house. It was mid january and it was cold. her boyfriend went to get her a coat an left me with her so she wouldnt get lost again. I was talking to her and pacing around because it was cold. Keep in mind I thought I wasnt tripping anymore. I walked around while looking at my shoes and when I looked up I had no point of refeerance and had no clue where I was. I had walked around to a different part of the neighborhood. All of the sudden a feeling of terror casscaded over my body as I frantically looked for some piece of familiarity. I ran back the way I had come until I saw her there. I ran past her and toward my house. As I was running I looked at my feet for what felt like 10 seconds and when I looked back up it was as if I hadn't moved an inch. At that point I realized I was still tripping and needed to keep my wits about me. I ran with my head up and made it home. I found out later that I had a panic attack while tripping. It was one of the worst things ever. My thoughts spiraled for the rest of the night and into the next day. I had to drink myself to sleep.

That was my truamatic experiance that I think led to my anxiety. Thank you all for listening.