View Full Version : Do you ever just feel run down and sick?

09-23-2010, 03:04 PM
My anxiety has been getting worse and worse the last couple months. With its increase I get hit with waves of just feeling sick. Sometimes its just nausea, sometimes I just feel flu like, tired fatique, worn out!

it can come and go during a day. The nausea can hit me when Im actually hungry which is strange..

What confuses me the most is these symtoms dont necessarily come at the peak fo me feeling extremely anxious mentally at the moment.. but at other off times when mentally I think Im calm.

I dont know if its because I have been in such a chronic state of stress / anxiety that I am run down. If its like a post anxiety thing.. OR if I am just as anxious subconsiously as I am when I feel mentally overwhelmed.

Thoughts? Other experiences?

09-23-2010, 04:09 PM
Hi, I can relate to these symptoms.

Most of the time when you are feeling sick the reason that you anxiety ids fine is that your mind is preoccupied with feeling bad so that it cant really focus on the irrational thoughts. It is plausable that the symptoms are completely unrelated to anxiety. Maybe you arent getting enough water, sleep or exercise. It can also be caused by having an abnormal sleep schedule. I hope I have been helpful. Keep fighting the good fight against anxiety, my friend.

09-23-2010, 06:30 PM
Yes I feel the same way and I know I am healthy per all my blood work. I don't smoke drink anything. I eat healthy and drink only water.. But still feel bad frequently. My hubby has never had anxiety and usually tells me I need to calm down,ya right easy for him to say huh

09-24-2010, 12:18 AM
My anxiety has been getting worse and worse the last couple months. With its increase I get hit with waves of just feeling sick. Sometimes its just nausea, sometimes I just feel flu like, tired fatique, worn out!

it can come and go during a day. The nausea can hit me when Im actually hungry which is strange..

What confuses me the most is these symtoms dont necessarily come at the peak fo me feeling extremely anxious mentally at the moment.. but at other off times when mentally I think Im calm.

I dont know if its because I have been in such a chronic state of stress / anxiety that I am run down. If its like a post anxiety thing.. OR if I am just as anxious subconsiously as I am when I feel mentally overwhelmed.

Thoughts? Other experiences?

It could be a couple of things, when your stressed your adrenaline shoots up making you feel on edge, as you start to come down you experience adrenal fatigue as your body has used it up. This makes you feel sick and weak. It could also be that your eating the wrong foods at the wrong times which is making you "crash"

We also have a tendency to get run down during anxiety runs which can make you feel a bit wierd and sick.

09-24-2010, 06:51 AM
Thanks for the responses. That all makes sense. I have wondered about the adrelaline crash myself.. that makes sense...

Sleep, I was having problems with because of my dog but that has gotten WAY better, but then again who knows if you are sleeping good or not. I Feel pretty refreshed most mornings.

Water, I have ALWAYS had issues with not drinking much liquids. i just dont get thirst much. I have to really stay ontop of myself to drink extra water. I have not been the best at that lately. I dont drink pop or cafenine at all hardly. Just water and fruit juice

Food, I eat better than most but still eat junk on occasion. I eat more processed food than Id like.. just kinda trapped in the time crunch diet and we all know what is convenient.

Exercise I have DEFINATELY been bad at but just this week I hvae started back (well last 2 days). I hope that starts to help me!