View Full Version : chest pain

06-25-2006, 07:43 AM
i know its a symptom of anxiety, but yesterday i was getting a pain in my chest every 5 minutes for about 4 hours. it was like every 5 minutes it felt like someone was stabbing my heart with a pin, and it went away when i started drinking.

anyone else have this or should i get it checked out? ive had this before and its lasted up to 30 minutes before.

06-25-2006, 06:53 PM
Id say its probably anxiety Kevin but getting it checked out wouldn't do no harm.

Good luck :mrgreen:

07-04-2006, 04:43 AM
hiya mate,

this is very very common anxiety prob - ive had it myself many a time ive had so many test done on my heart as it was worrying the hell outta me :| but the tests came back all fine, but you might aswell get it checked out to be on the safe side,


hank freid fans
05-27-2008, 12:53 AM
"In medicine, chest pain is a symptom of a number of serious conditions and is generally considered a medical emergency, unless the patient is a known angina pectoris sufferer and the symptoms are familiar (appearing at exertion and resolving at rest, known as "stable angina"). When the chest pain is not attributed to heart disease, it is termed non-cardiac chest pain.