View Full Version : Blood shot eyes related to anxiety

09-23-2010, 07:11 AM
Does anyone else get blood shot eyes related to anxiety and sore eyes

09-23-2010, 08:25 AM
Does anyone else get blood shot eyes related to anxiety and sore eyes

Hey mate, not sure about the bloodshot eyes being anxiety related bit I did only have this fear a day or so ago. I think it's actually from the lack of sleep and being emotional, the sore eyes can be an anxiety thing. Either from bein teary or something to do with blood vessels in the area being tensed up.

09-23-2010, 01:33 PM
I get sore eyes! Not sure baout bloodshot, but my boyfriend's eyes get bloodshot a lot and he also has anxiety.

09-23-2010, 02:01 PM
I sometimes get bloodshot eyes on stressful days. I have high blood pressure, and any time I notice my eyes are red, checking my BP often reveals it is elavated. If you haven't already, I would check my BP. TONS of people are living normal lives with high blood pressure thanks to medication, so don't let it worry you too much. If it's high, your doc will perscribe you some beta blockers, that will not only get your bp to a normal level, but may even lower your anxiety a bit.

09-24-2010, 12:13 AM
I sometimes get bloodshot eyes on stressful days. I have high blood pressure, and any time I notice my eyes are red, checking my BP often reveals it is elavated. If you haven't already, I would check my BP. TONS of people are living normal lives with high blood pressure thanks to medication, so don't let it worry you too much. If it's high, your doc will perscribe you some beta blockers, that will not only get your bp to a normal level, but may even lower your anxiety a bit.

Actually that would make sense, the elevated BP could cause it. BP could be elevated just through everyday stress as well and will drop when the attack is over.

Bloodshot eyes could also be caused through lack of sleep, alcohol or drug use etc etc.