View Full Version : Trip to Reno

06-24-2006, 02:32 AM
OK guys, I've veen doing well until the last couple days or so. I'm leaving for Reno for the Womens National Bowling Tournament on Sunday, and I'm starting to freak out. I've done it before so I know what to expect, but I'm bowling with a team I've never bowled wiht before. And one of them I can't really stand to be around. I keep telling myself I'll be able to focus on my game better, (no distractions) but I still feel uncomfortable. Maybe a little encouragement from you all will help me. I can't back out now and thank God my husband will be there for support. I'm trying to look at it as a vacation and nothing else. I might write tomorrow cuz I'm sure it'll be worse. Like I said I leave Sunday evening and come back Wednesday. :roll:
Wish me luck Chele

06-25-2006, 12:00 AM
Good Luck Bubbywu,

You can do it, just pace yourself, look how far you have come already. Give yourself an out if you need it (eg a timeout spot), and I think you should just be honest and introduce yourself to your new team and tell them about your anxiety - that way you will have their support and understanding. Most people are pretty nice about it. Other then that go to your GP tell him/her what your up against and ask if you can have a light sedative (just to get you through this - tell the Doc you will keep it in your bag just as a crutch unless you really need it - sometimes just the thought that you have it there nearby is comfort in itself).

Anyway all the best. Let us know how you go.

06-25-2006, 02:13 AM
I have Xanax as my safety net, but I'm still a little freaked. Having them with me are mainly like you said a safety net. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.
Thank you!!!
