View Full Version : That weird edgy feeling...

09-22-2010, 01:56 AM
I presume other people get it as well, it doesnt worry me in itself because I know its just stress and fear, in fact it doesnt worry me at all.

I know its not a symptom of anything but my question is this, when you have that strange feeling of being on edge with no trigger that you can think of, how do you reduce it?

At times I get this strange feeling of being edgy and nervous but for no reason but no matter what I do I cant get it to go away. It doesnt stress me but its a tad unpleasant!

09-22-2010, 03:14 AM
Howdy Phoenix

I guess what you are talking about if the adrenaline feeling . Like you can feel it rushing though you .

Its good that its only a pain . I guess the only thing you can do is just let it be and let it work itself out of your system .

Can i ask when do you get it ? Is there anything you can think of that would be a cause .

I still get it from a few things . One would be when i come here and there is a newbie who is in pain and they state that they went to the doctor and all he did was give them pills and tell them to go away . This really gets my goat .

Another is when i am really busy and trying to think of too many things at once or trying to work out how to fit everything into a day .

Another would be when i excited . Yes thats a hard one to get . The other day i got a good deal for work and started it off just from that . I know this one had nothing to do with being nervous or such .

I think that it just runs out of whack to what it should and over time it slowly goes back down to normal .

cheers kev :D

09-22-2010, 04:42 AM
Howdy Phoenix

I guess what you are talking about if the adrenaline feeling . Like you can feel it rushing though you .

Its good that its only a pain . I guess the only thing you can do is just let it be and let it work itself out of your system .

Can i ask when do you get it ? Is there anything you can think of that would be a cause .

I still get it from a few things . One would be when i come here and there is a newbie who is in pain and they state that they went to the doctor and all he did was give them pills and tell them to go away . This really gets my goat .

Another is when i am really busy and trying to think of too many things at once or trying to work out how to fit everything into a day .

Another would be when i excited . Yes thats a hard one to get . The other day i got a good deal for work and started it off just from that . I know this one had nothing to do with being nervous or such .

I think that it just runs out of whack to what it should and over time it slowly goes back down to normal .

cheers kev :D

Hmm, hard to say when I get it, it just comes on for whatever reason. I guess maybe there is some kind of anxious thought in the back of my head that maybe triggers it. I dont give in to the thought but maybe the adrenaline switch gets flicked.

I guess the most likely thing is I am obviously still stressing about something in there so the adrenaline just runs on overload looking for something or getting ready to run away from something even though it doesnt know what it is yet! I suspect my body is just on hyper alert still hence at the moment the smallest worry can still snowball so until I can get away from those worries it will keep happening.

09-22-2010, 09:20 AM
That's happening to me right now and I couldn't quite describe it!
I had a dream that I was slowly being debilitated/lungs shutting down (thought I had MS)...and now while I am not giving in to the thought because it was only a dream, I have butterflies in my stomach and the edgy feeling also.

09-22-2010, 09:32 AM
I think I know what you're talking about. I often feel like I'm on a highwire, telling myself "don't look down" ie think about how far from home I am and how long I'd have to run to get back, and if I do think about it, it triggers a panic attack. I will often rub a coin, click my nails, or any other kind of fidgety activity that pulls me out of my mind a little. Lately, I've found listening to music on my headphones diminishes my agoraphobia allowing me to at least walk my dog around the block.

09-22-2010, 02:41 PM
Howdy Phoenix

I suspect my body is just on hyper alert still hence at the moment the smallest worry can still snowball so until I can get away from those worries it will keep happening.

I think this is what is wrong with calling anxiety a disorder . How can something that is natural to every person on earth be a disorder . See we all have anxiety at one time or another . Different things would worry different people . What one person could handle another may have stress with . You could have a skydiver that has no problems jumping from a plane and then freaks when he has to talk to a girl by himself . I bet that every person on earth could be told they have this so called disorder over something . Every body has some sort of fears but most people can avoid their where as with ours it covers to many things to avoid and in turn feeds itself.

I think we just have to learn that there is things in life that stress us out . Because we are now set on that hyper level we are going to feel them move . They may not even be something we need to deal with just something we have to adjust to until our stress levels come back down and we don't feel the stress behind things so much .

I think that a lot of us forget this and when we get that feeling we just assume that something is wrong and in turn with start to worry and panic .

See when i was bad i would have trouble with my two girls and little things they would do would stress me and in turn i would start to stress about feeling stress and in turn this would start to make me feel anxious towards the way i was feeling . Then the thoughts would start , What is it this time , why isn't it gone etc etc .

But then you could take the next day . I had a good sleep and i feel happy and they would do something and i would just over look it and move on . There would be no thoughts feeding it .

I think what we need to do which is what i did was change the way you look at your anxiety . Instead of Saying things like Oh your back cant you go away , I am so sick of you etc etc . You change it to and say to yourself . Oh your back , i guess i must be a bit stressed today , i think i might find sometime to have a bit a a relax .

You cant wish anxiety to go away and all it does is feed more stress into it . So all i see my symptoms as now is a warning that i am still under stress and that i need to do more work to reduce this stress

cheers kev :D

09-22-2010, 06:21 PM
That's happening to me right now and I couldn't quite describe it!
I had a dream that I was slowly being debilitated/lungs shutting down (thought I had MS)...and now while I am not giving in to the thought because it was only a dream, I have butterflies in my stomach and the edgy feeling also.

Ah yes, that was a pet fear of mine a couple of years ago. Especially since its symptoms are quite vague and anxiety like! The thought still hits me occasionally when I get it but usually its just frustrating!

I will often rub a coin, click my nails, or any other kind of fidgety activity that pulls me out of my mind a little. Lately, I've found listening to music on my headphones diminishes my agoraphobia allowing me to at least walk my dog around the block.

Yeah I do that, il be really fidgety and tapping on things or clicking my tongue or the likes. Almost like trying to burn the excess energy away as well.

I think what we need to do which is what i did was change the way you look at your anxiety . Instead of Saying things like Oh your back cant you go away , I am so sick of you etc etc . You change it to and say to yourself . Oh your back , i guess i must be a bit stressed today , i think i might find sometime to have a bit a a relax .

I do recognise that I am feeling stressed but I guess when you have that on edge feeling for no obvious reason its hard, I can recognise that I must be stressed about something but trying to find the cause is hard sometimes!

You cant wish anxiety to go away and all it does is feed more stress into it . So all i see my symptoms as now is a warning that i am still under stress and that i need to do more work to reduce this stress

09-28-2010, 02:23 PM
exactly my problem. just being nervous and feeling this physical sensation like my nervous system is wrecked, with no obvious triggers. comes and goes with no discretion or regularity. someone on here recommended a course of high strength magnesium and B vitamin supplements, which ive been on for 4 weeks, yet no relief. think its like others have said, everybody is alert to threat(fight or flight etc) but our nervous system is set at a higher level than normal. maybe its genetic and we've all evolved from a tribe of cavemen who lived in a particularly dangerous part of the world, who had to be on a constant state of alert! think you've got to accept it and implement as much relaxation into your routine as possible. take care