View Full Version : sleeping with hands above head??

09-21-2010, 05:06 PM
iv pretty much self diagnosed myself with some sort of depresion, reasons being i just feel sh$t al the time,low,moody,anxious,sensitive, everyday for the last 3 weeks or so there hasnt been a day where i havnt been in floods of tears and most of the time there isnt a good reason for this, i havnt been sleeping at al the last 3weeks or so either and went to the docs and got put on lorazipan to help....which didnt that much as iv ran out but stil cant sleep despite feeling exausted! i wondered if it was the tablets that could be making me like this but not sure, im certain i cant be pregnant,im nearly 24 so cant be menapause. i was browsing online as to why i cant stop crying and it looks like im depressed and a clear sign of this is sleeping with ur hands above ur head which i dont normaly do but noticed i have been doing it recently. i want to no why im so down and upset all the time latley,i cant seem to find a good reason which in turn makes me feel selfish and then makes me worse. iv never really been the type to resault to drugs but do u think i should be on some sort of medication....what the best ones without side effects?

thanks for reading x

09-21-2010, 05:48 PM
Howdy Worried

Ok Time for some tough love

STOP GOOGLEING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD :x . Can you not see what this is doing to you . It is feeding this thing.
Google is like putting chock put on your veggies they are going to get bigger . Google is nothing but a little monster that is sending you mad :twisted: .STOP DOING IT .

Ok So what is the problem . Is it you don't believe that it is anxiety ( or and depression which is same thing)?

Why is it that you cant believe this ? For what reason are you questioning it ?

First step Stop drinking . I don't care if you want to drink because you think that it will help . What it is doing is adding to things . The fact you have a hang over this morning is the cause of things now . If you weren't hangover then you more than likely would not be feeling like you are and you would not be needing to react as you are with fear .

Ok depression . Thats a weird one about the hands . My wife sleeps like this and i know she is not depressed in the least . In fact she is in bed now like that with the flu .

Why are you depressed . Well at this stage i would have said if you weren't it would be a bigger problem .

You can sleep . your dealing with this shit every day . Yo feel overwhelmed . you feel ill , you feel like it will never go , you feel like that you cant handle this anymore . Your worried that it is something else . Shall i go on . Just look at it and ask yourself is there any wonder that you are depressed and anxious .

Ok drugs . You may need them . I didn't because i will not let anything win . You would be better off on a benzo but you need to learn how to use them . You also need to talk to someone that will teach you about anxiety and also how to react to it . Drugs will only ever cover the problem . You need to learn to brake things down and find what is causing the worry and depression and then you need to change your thinking towards it .

Anxiety and depressions and normal emotions that we sometime get high and in turn feed more into it .

You are depressed i have know doubt about that as i also get depressed now and then but you need to look at why you are and accept it for now and work on changing it .

There is only one person that will cure you of this and that is you . Drugs may help but as i said they will cover it . You need to work out if you are going to step up to the plate and put this thing back in its place . You can do it but you have to want to do it and again only you can do it with the guidance of other people .

I shall say it again STOP GOOGLING . If you have a question then come here and ask and someone with answer .
But also accept that answer .

Oh and last thing your other post . All very common with anxiety

One more thing . If your doctor only gave you drugs then find a new one . Second the benzos you were on were not the best ones to be on . You need a long half life one not a short half life one .

cheers kev :D

09-22-2010, 01:42 AM
STOP GOOGLEING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD :x . Can you not see what this is doing to you . It is feeding this thing.
Google is like putting chock put on your veggies they are going to get bigger . Google is nothing but a little monster that is sending you mad :twisted: .STOP DOING IT .

This ^

BTW, as for the arms over the head....that sounds like complete pseudoscience. Its ridiculous!