View Full Version : real bad pains in left arm...what do i do?

09-21-2010, 02:17 PM
im freaking out, my left arm feels achey and heavy and i have a pins and needley feeling in my fingers and pain too....im so scared right now im home on my own in spain right now away from everyone. im so scared is this something really bad? i do have a massive hangover today and been feeling ill and teary all day but this doesnt feel right. what happening!!!

09-21-2010, 03:38 PM
Hey, worrier, how does it feel now? It's been a while since your post, does the arm still feel bad?

I can see from your previous posts that you mentioned this before. But it went away right?

Comfort yourself by reminding yourself that it will always go away.

I know it's hard but try distracting yourself. Here are some distraction techniques I found. You will be able to find others online I'm sure:

Try to visualise a pleasant scene in your mind where you felt calm and happy– or an object, like a flower or your favourite car. Really concentrate on it, bring it to life in your mind.

Having a ‘bridging’ object such as a photograph or souvenir from a happy time means that when you look at it, it can help trigger positive thoughts and reduce anxiety

Try doing a puzzle or sums in your head, or reading a good book, or counting the number of red doors you see on your way home, or imagining what the people you see do for a living

Let me know how you get on!

09-21-2010, 03:55 PM
i get this when im tensed up and my arms go heavy as well as my head neck and shoulders im sure its just tension.

09-22-2010, 01:43 AM
I would bet anything its just a stress reaction being made worse by the fact your stressing about it! Like anxioused said, try a bit of distraction, it will pass.

09-22-2010, 09:59 AM
I had this not too long ago, the heavy, achy feeling in my right arm. Weird feeling!! It went away. It's just...you guessed it...anxiety!

Paul Dooley
09-22-2010, 08:36 PM
Having pain in your arms, or any other part of your body for that matter, because of anxiety is not abnormal. Actually, I'd say you should expect that to happen at least sometimes if you've had anxiety problems for awhile.

If this is a brand new symptom and you're really concerned you can always seek a doctors advice. But given the hang over and the fact that you're worried so much, you probably have a mild case of anxiety versus some other, more terrible, condition. You'll be fine. ;)