View Full Version : lymes

09-21-2010, 12:59 PM
i get palpitations...skipped beats thuds in the chest...everyday not all day but its scaring me i read its linked to lymes now im so scared pls help me :(

09-21-2010, 07:52 PM
Have you been to a cardiologist/cleared from any heart issue?

09-22-2010, 12:52 AM
i've had heart traces 3 of them actually and they said all is fine.

09-22-2010, 01:39 AM
i get palpitations...skipped beats thuds in the chest...everyday not all day but its scaring me i read its linked to lymes now im so scared pls help me :(

Now where did you read that? Or more importantly, why!

Palpatations occur with any number of things....most commonly....ANXIETY! :)

You have had the heart scan, its all good, just relax!

09-22-2010, 02:25 AM
i know...im finding it so hard to break my googling habbit i get these palps even when im not anxious tho? i'm going crazy in my own head thanks for the reply tho

09-22-2010, 02:38 AM
i know...im finding it so hard to break my googling habbit i get these palps even when im not anxious tho? i'm going crazy in my own head thanks for the reply tho

When my anxiety first started, actually even to this day, I would worry because a symptom would come on even when I felt ok! I used to think to myself, this can't bs anxiety because I am not anxious! The problem though is this, we are anxious when we have them so the body fears them. Your subconscious is still on the look out for them as a threat so our stress levels remain higher. Hence they reoccur and drive the circle on. When you don't fear them anymore you will find they pass!

09-22-2010, 03:28 AM
HOwdy Tink

im finding it so hard to break my googling habbit


What is it you are trying to find out , Why do you feel the need to google ?

There is a saying that everything we do we do because we get something out of it . Good or bad . So what good are you getting from google .


i get these palps even when im not anxious tho

Stop kidding yourself . Your anxious , When your not is only when you are busy and forget about being anxious . I bet as soon as you remember it you start to feel it again .

Ok your body is like a bowl of jelly. Now what you are doing is hitting it with a spoon ( your worries and fears ) . Now just because you stop for a little while doesn't mean that that jelly will stop wobbling . It may start to settle a bit and then you come along and hit it again and it starts again .

The problem though is this, we are anxious when we have them so the body fears them. Your subconscious is still on the look out for them as a threat so our stress levels remain higher. Hence they reoccur and drive the circle on. When you don't fear them anymore you will find they pass!

100% correct . If you dont fear them they will not worry you. They will still be there for a while but as you know longer fear them then they have time to heal and will slowly fade away without you adding fear into them.

The body is built to heal itself . If you have a scab on a sore and you picked it each day it would take a long time to heal . While by feeding your stress with fear it is doing the same thing . Your body can heal itself you just need to get out of the way and let it do its job .

What do you do to help your stress reduce????

cheers kev :D

09-22-2010, 03:48 AM
reduce stress? i wouldnt know where to begin i tried deep breathing but as i am focusing on my breathing so much i think i am not doing it right and panic i've downloaded some tranquil sounds i listen to which is nice other than that i have nothing

the googling i am guessing i am looking for something that gonna kill me have a mega fear of dying i lost my mum dad and brother within 3 years of each other im convinced im next..so i'm looking for that one thing that is gonna kill me
thanks for your reply

09-22-2010, 04:46 AM
Stop kidding yourself . Your anxious , When your not is only when you are busy and forget about being anxious . I bet as soon as you remember it you start to feel it again .

Ok your body is like a bowl of jelly. Now what you are doing is hitting it with a spoon ( your worries and fears ) . Now just because you stop for a little while doesn't mean that that jelly will stop wobbling . It may start to settle a bit and then you come along and hit it again and it starts again .

This is true, to this day I find it myself. Il be worried about whatever the flavour of the month is, then il be busy and be fine but il pause and remember it again and what happens? It all comes crashing back! I know that I bring some of these things on myself though and once you can accept it it gets easier!

Good luck with it! :D

09-22-2010, 05:52 AM
i get palpitations...skipped beats thuds in the chest...everyday not all day but its scaring me i read its linked to lymes now im so scared pls help me :(

As you may or may not know, Lyme's disease is transmitted by ticks. And tick bites are something that you typically have to go out of your way to get. Unless you have a pet or hike alot, chances are you have probably not been bitten by a tick. Also, the most common symptoms of Lyme's disease are flu-like symptoms. So if you are simply experiencing skipped beats (which are common with anxiety disorder), you don't have Lyme's disease.

Of course, it is always wise to take precautions against tick bites. Specifically, try to keep any pets free of ticks. And when hiking, try to stay in the middle of the trail so as to avoid contact with grass and brush. Also, after finishing a hike, check your clothing and body for attached ticks (and reomve any in an appropriate manner). Furthermore, keep in mind that, if causght in its early stages, Lyme's disease is completely curable with a course of antibiotics (such as amoxicillin or doxycycline).

09-22-2010, 06:22 AM
Howdy Tinker

the googling i am guessing i am looking for something that gonna kill me have a mega fear of dying

This sound alot like depression to me. Have you lost your hope and are only just sort feel like your just plodding long ??

i lost my mum dad and brother within 3 years of each other im convinced im next. Sorry for your loss . I think that you should find someone that you can talk to about this and the way you feel . I have no doubt that this in itself would be causing a lot of fears . I am guessing that this is having a huge effect on you and something you may not have come to terms with in your own way.

Is there anyone around that you can talk to about it , I would say if you can deal with this then you will start to get better . You have to find peace with it . I have had many members of my family pass away though out my life and was bitter towards it for a long time .

I also use to have a huge fear of death , well not so much death as dying . I have come to peace with it now and must admit that i am so much happier for it .

I take it that you are not seeing someone about all of this . Can i ask why?

Breathing never worked for me much because it made me focus on anxiety more but what did work was meditation and learning to shut off from things . You should try this with your track every day a few times but as i said i think that the deaths are feeding things so this is something you have to deal with also and you can do it you just need to talk it out.

Cheers kev :D

09-22-2010, 07:37 AM
i've tried councilling i can't talk to anyone without crying and i just want to not talk and hope it all goes away, i have never even thought i might be depressed in any way dr put me on muslce relaxants sigh....thank you all for your kind words

09-22-2010, 09:54 AM
i lost my mum dad and brother within 3 years of each other im convinced im next..so i'm looking for that one thing that is gonna kill me

I'm so sorry to hear that. I know where you are coming from. I lost my parents 10 months apart, and I am the only child, so I started thinking like "I'm next." I've had health anxiety since.

I had palps and thumps/skipped beats for a while as well, but eventually went away when I found something else to fear. It is all anxiety. You do not have to be anxious AT THAT VERY MOMENT for palps to happen. Your nerves are on high alert 24/7 and they will shoot off at random, etc. Don't be alarmed. The more you focus on your palps, the more you will get. Try to "not give them the time of day" and they will eventually subside.

09-22-2010, 02:20 PM
Howdy Tinker

i've tried councilling i can't talk to anyone without crying

This should show you that it is effecting you and is something you need to let out . Holding it in is not good and will cause stress , anxiety and depression . I know it is hard and even if you tried someone you may not have clicked with them . I think you should keep trying . Maybe a support group for grief might help .. Maybe even a church and a good priest . If you find the right one , one that is there to help you and not force you into their beliefs it can help . It did me . Crying is not a bad thing and in fact i think is a good thing . I spent years trying not to do it , to hide the way i was truly feeling and this didn't help i can tell you . You have to learn to be honest with yourself . I think that holding things in is a problem with people with anxiety . We dont talk about things and hold them in.

i just want to not talk and hope it all goes away I understand this but as i said it wont go away untill you deal with it and find peace with it .

My anxiety was from two things . First was a virus i had when younger and the fears i had from it returning . I thought if i never thought about those fears they would go away . But 20 years later those fears come true and i crashed .

Second now after i crashed doctors placed me on benzos which were the wrong sort and i went down hill very fast , they would not help me to get off them and i live in a nightmare for a few months . I have a lot of hatred there now and know if i don't deal with it then it will just keep eating at me. See this is something i have to do to find peace with it so that it is not effecting me any more . See i think i have forgiving the doctors but what gets me so mad when i have to deal with this is the fact that if it wasnt for them and their drugs and treatment i would not need to be dealing with it . If i had caused it all i could handle that but because someone else caused it i am having a hard time accepting that and i need help to move past this . Its OK to ask for help sometimes , this is something i never learned growing up . It was suck it up and get on with it boy , well that doesn't work .

I think you should go back to the doctors and find one you can relate to . I think that what you are feeling is pretty normal for someone with such loss and i know you don't want to deal with it but sometime we need to deal with it kick and screaming if needed .

I know its effecting you and i think you do also . Your first post was about their deaths and that was 9 months ago . From what i did read i think you are angry with the doctors over your mum . You need to forgive them . Forgiveness is not about them it is about you and moving on . You need to try and remove your focus from their deaths to the good times you had with them all . Remember they are gone but you will meet again sometime . Well at least i believe this to be so .

Anyway if you ever want to talk drop me a line .

Cheers kev