View Full Version : Vision problems?

09-20-2010, 04:08 AM
Anyone have vision problems like these?Can high anxiety cause vision problems? Did improving your anxiety cure them?

Over a year ago I went to a neurological doctor because I had some weird vision problems. When I looked at the carpet I would see clear shaky lines. When I looked at the sky I'd see a geometric figure pulsating inwards in the center. It was like a constant visual migraine. It got worse with increased anxiety.

I got an MRI and it was clean. He also diagnosed me with nystagmus.

Over a year later, I still have vision problems. I notice after images after looking at a lot of things for a second. When i try to focus on a specific point my vision starts shaking. Also, when the room is dark and I look at a certain point it's really easy for the colors in my peripheral vision to like blur and make objects disappear.

An ophthalmologist didn't see any issues at a recent visit. No retina problems. I have a new appointment in a few weeks.

Edit: Oh, and if anxiety is to blame then I'm stuck in a vicious cycle. Cause these problems just make my anxiety worse.

09-20-2010, 04:28 AM
Anyone have vision problems like these?Can high anxiety cause vision problems? Did improving your anxiety cure them?

Over a year ago I went to a neurological doctor because I had some weird vision problems. When I looked at the carpet I would see clear shaky lines. When I looked at the sky I'd see a geometric figure pulsating inwards in the center. It was like a constant visual migraine. It got worse with increased anxiety.

I got an MRI and it was clean. He also diagnosed me with nystagmus.

Over a year later, I still have vision problems. I notice after images after looking at a lot of things for a second. When i try to focus on a specific point my vision starts shaking. Also, when the room is dark and I look at a certain point it's really easy for the colors in my peripheral vision to like blur and make objects disappear.

An ophthalmologist didn't see any issues at a recent visit. No retina problems. I have a new appointment in a few weeks.

Edit: Oh, and if anxiety is to blame then I'm stuck in a vicious cycle. Cause these problems just make my anxiety worse.

I cant say that I have had the issues you mention thankfully. You would be best off discussing these things with an appropriate doctor but I do have two thoughts:

1. If all the scans came back clean and it was all good there is no need to stress about it!

2. I wonder if theres a possibility your trying too hard to focus? If your staring at things to the point of blurring maybe your starting it for too long. If I start at something long enough it looks weird too!

09-20-2010, 04:36 AM
Anyone have vision problems like these?Can high anxiety cause vision problems? Did improving your anxiety cure them?

Over a year ago I went to a neurological doctor because I had some weird vision problems. When I looked at the carpet I would see clear shaky lines. When I looked at the sky I'd see a geometric figure pulsating inwards in the center. It was like a constant visual migraine. It got worse with increased anxiety.

I got an MRI and it was clean. He also diagnosed me with nystagmus.

Over a year later, I still have vision problems. I notice after images after looking at a lot of things for a second. When i try to focus on a specific point my vision starts shaking. Also, when the room is dark and I look at a certain point it's really easy for the colors in my peripheral vision to like blur and make objects disappear.

An ophthalmologist didn't see any issues at a recent visit. No retina problems. I have a new appointment in a few weeks.

Edit: Oh, and if anxiety is to blame then I'm stuck in a vicious cycle. Cause these problems just make my anxiety worse.

I cant say that I have had the issues you mention thankfully. You would be best off discussing these things with an appropriate doctor but I do have two thoughts:

1. If all the scans came back clean and it was all good there is no need to stress about it!

2. I wonder if theres a possibility your trying too hard to focus? If your staring at things to the point of blurring maybe your starting it for too long. If I start at something long enough it looks weird too!

After I got the MRI results I was determined to improve my anxiety. But, I had to have gallbladders surgery at 22 years old and that freaked me out. Then my 17 year old cat got chronic renal failure and taking care of her was stressful. Messed up in school and had no friends. My anxiety turned from social anxiety to day to day general anxiety.

Actually, in 4 months it will have been 2 years since I got the MRI and I can't help but stress.

My vision problems occur after only a second of focusing on something, but things do get worse with staring longer. My eyes do get strained a lot though. Lot of time on the computer and etc.

09-20-2010, 04:45 AM
After I got the MRI results I was determined to improve my anxiety. But, I had to have gallbladders surgery at 22 years old and that freaked me out. Then my 17 year old cat got chronic renal failure and taking care of her was stressful. Messed up in school and had no friends. My anxiety turned from social anxiety to day to day general anxiety.

Actually, in 4 months it will have been 2 years since I got the MRI and I can't help but stress.

My vision problems occur after only a second of focusing on something, but things do get worse with staring longer. My eyes do get strained a lot though. Lot of time on the computer and etc.

I do understand who these things can all increase your anxiety levels and its hard to bring them down. It also does tend to move from one concern to another, hence health to social and around again!

In all honesty 2 years isnt that long and the odds on anything having changed in that time are remote. Plus if the symptoms stayed the same all that time you have no need to worry.

Spending alot of time on a computer does do terrible things to your eyes!

Try not to test them too much by staring at things!

Good luck! :D

09-20-2010, 05:41 AM

Sorry i don't have time to do a big answer but yes anxiety will cause vision problem . I have had many with my eyes .

It works because anxiety is a nervous problem . It effects the nerve and as there are 1000s of nerves in the eyes it will effect the eyes .

cheers kev :D