View Full Version : i can cure your anxiety

09-20-2010, 02:52 AM
guys i cured my anxiety in 2 months,i went through a lot in these two months.so i thought i would help you guys who have been suffering from it.i am ready to help only those who believe in their inner strength.i can assure you that i can cure you,you just have to believe in me.all you have to do is
share your case with me.write your case down and message it to me.since i am studying i will take only one case at a time.cheers and have a good day.

09-20-2010, 10:09 AM
Then chances are what you have was never anxiety to begin with, and I think everyone suffers anxiety at some stage, just because you suffered some does not mean much, most of us it's deep rooted and i mean deep rooted and hard if not impossible to ever cure, the best we can manage when it comes down to it is to control it as much as possible through help and medication...

A lot of people who suffer from Anxiety don't even know what it is like myself 2 years ago most people who suffer Anxiety think what they feel is perfectly normal it's not until someone stops them and goes NO, that's not right every sufferer will feel 'normal'

09-20-2010, 10:24 AM
hey man, dont get me wrong but with such an attitude you will die fighting it and never get out of it.i saw hell in my anxiety days,and dont even tell me about the supressed memories.trust me man if you have a belief and you are ready to die for it you can cure anything in days.if you wish to be cured
try watching (you can heal yourself by louise hay on youtube) god bless you man.

09-21-2010, 09:14 AM
Well, I have a very good attitude and I am a very strong person. I have had anxiety attacks since 1995 and I have tried everything, nothing stops it. I don't think you can cure me. My nervous system is shot, thanks to uncle Sam. Not all cases are the same, so for you to say you can cure any of us is just BS. But I am glad that you have over come your situation.

09-22-2010, 01:51 AM
I don't think you can cure me.

Dont be so negative! Where there is a will there is a way! No I am not saying that manyu can cure you or anyone else because I have no idea BUT anxiety is a curable condidtion in time!

09-22-2010, 05:10 AM
dude if you yourself believe that your situation cant be cured then how can i help you.i came out of it because i really wanted to.i feel very sad when you guys say it cant be cured,i have overcome my fears,and trust me my fear got the best of me when i gave it a chance.i beg you guys too watch this documentary called (you can heal your life by louise hay) and practice it like there is no other thing that works better.you know there is one thing in this world which is the most powerful thing in the universe and that is BELIEF,and once you start to believe in your capabilities you will come out of it.god bless you man..if you need any more help i can guide you guys better.dont get habitual to anxiety it will stay there and make your life hell.i have also seen cases where people start to enjoy it,there is one word to define it,and that it masochist.god bless you guys

09-22-2010, 05:46 AM
Dont be so negative! Where there is a will there is a way! No I am not saying that manyu can cure you or anyone else because I have no idea BUT anxiety is a curable condidtion in time!

You certainly have it right that anxiety disorder is curable IN TIME. However, I do NOT believe that, like this guy here says, anxiety disorder can be cured in DAYS. Perhaps there are a few cases where this MIGHT be true. But for the vast majority of anxiety sufferers, TRUE recovery occurs over a time frame of months to years.

09-22-2010, 08:53 AM
Pretty sure none of us can be cured in "days" it''s a process...and it is taking baby steps.

Some days you have a day where you feel "ok" some days you feel "death is knocking at your door" other days you may feel something in between...

09-22-2010, 09:07 AM
guys you dont understand the power of your thoughts,when you say you cant be cured you design the universe accordingly,you know thoughts are of four types alpha,gamma,beta,theta.theta being the positive thought.our thoughts have magnetic power and this universe from the smallest to the biggest is made up of nothing but energy,and you attract what you demand.
i am here to say try being positive and be grateful for what you have,see how your life changes,never crib about your problem or visit forums talking about it all the time,you make your condition stronger and stronger.i have seen cases who have cured 3rd level cancer with just positivity and i can cite you the cases if you guys wish to.our brain is very powerful,if we learn to use it properly anything can be cured.einstien once said we use only 10 % of our brain and i think we actually do.and yes i am pretty positive you will see the results in days,many of you might have OCD,make positive thoughts your OCD.thats what i did and i saw results which amazed me.

sif you guys want some positive affirmation which work i will write them for you in the next post,but you gotta believe in it and its power.god bless guys peace

09-27-2010, 12:32 PM
i believe!!!! i have GAD and genuinelly just worry and feel down alot, i know its al about the way u think iv done alot of studying on this ie the secret and many more. only thing with me is i find it hard to stick to it, one min il be feeling al positive and things wil be going great then something wil tern it al around, im a very sensitive person (femal too which doesnt help) so it doesnt really take much for me to look too much into things,over anaylizing things and start getting upset,worried negative ect ect. but id be willing to give it a go. can u give more info


09-27-2010, 03:56 PM
I was with you Manyu until you started talking about magnetic power and curing cancer!

Presumably you have some clinical trials you can refer us to?

Don't get me wrong, I agree that positive thinking is important in the treatment of anxiety but (a) that has nothing to do with magnetic energy in the universe (or whatever) and (b) you can't cure cancer with positive thinking.

09-27-2010, 06:48 PM
guys i cured my anxiety in 2 months,i went through a lot in these two months.so i thought i would help you guys who have been suffering from it.i am ready to help only those who believe in their inner strength.i can assure you that i can cure you,you just have to believe in me.all you have to do is
share your case with me.write your case down and message it to me.since i am studying i will take only one case at a time.cheers and have a good day.

Howdy all

Interesting and i must say i watch some of it and also read the secret but i have to say that a lot of it is just to easy and it dose not work like that .

There are many other things that play into anxiety than just change your thinking .

guys you dont understand the power of your thoughts,when you say you cant be cured you design the universe accordingly,you know thoughts are of four types alpha,gamma,beta,theta.theta being the positive thought.our thoughts have magnetic power and this universe from the smallest to the biggest is made up of nothing but energy,and you attract what you demand.

I don't think you fully understand that anxiety is not just about Lets all be happy today and will will be right . Anxiety and to cure anxiety is all about understanding it and then accepting that it will be part of your life for a while . See our thinking is part of us and we react to things in our lives sometime . These reaction and thinking can be out of place but they are not abnormal . It is not abnormal to feel sad , to feel depressed or to feel anxious . These are normal feeling but the problem is that sometimes they are out of whack . Often this is caused two fold by our thinking but also the way our body feels .

i am here to say try being positive and be grateful for what you have,see how your life changes,never crib about your problem or visit forums talking about it all the time,you make your condition stronger and stronger

I agree that being positive is the biggest key . But hey lets add another be a realist . If you feel like shit , if you feel lost , depressed or what ever else then find the reason and do something about it . Its great to feel positive but you have to see that being positive is a action and not just a thought.

As for visiting forums well that's crap . Visiting forums is very helpful but what you need to do is do it with a open mind . As the person who said I don't think you can cure me. that's right . You cant cure anyone and all you can do is offer things that may help them but when it comes down to it the only person that can cure you is YOU . Yes you change your thinking but you also get of your butt and do something about what is causing the thinking in the first place . If you want to recover then come and ask question but listen and dont have your mind made up before you ask like I don't think you can cure me.

So i dont not agree with you and in fact pretty much do on much of it but there is many many factors that play into it .

cheers kev

10-05-2010, 02:08 AM
guys i am not here to talk about anything supernatural,i here to talk about what we are capable of.i know some of you must have gone through a real bad childhood or in some case even worse,but one thing i am not ready to accept is you cant be cured...i cured myself just through my thoughts and trust me i had to reprogram my brain again.i worked my ass off,i thought i had schzophernia or some other mental ailment.but i am glad i met just the right people at the right time.

one thing i just dont understand is how can medicine not increase the serotinin level in cases taking it for years.in my case i was on zosert 100 mg,i would not say it made me worse but to be honest it was of no real help.the only medicine that helped me was lonazep or colonotril,but taking them on succession made me feel depressed.so the point here is,what helps?

well i read everything what charles linden had to offer,i know its easier said than done.but thats is the only way,there is no other way.

for those of you who want to be cured follow these steps.and i promise you that you will be cured.

1)first of all keep yourself busy,make a time table follow it

*i started my day happily no matter how sad i felt inside,i stood in front of mirror and told myself that i will finish this.

* then i did yoga and meditation,its hard to follow in the begining but after 2 week of practice it shows great result,i now can feel energies traveling through center of my palm.

*went for work and did everything i mean everything that made me fearful,for example if you are scared of talking to people go talk to as many as you can,this is your life dont let fears control your schedule.

2)watch or read you can heal your life by louise hay

3)read a man's search for meaning by viktor e frankl

4)read power of subconcious brain by joseph murphy

5)now is the most important step,start to believe in your capabilities,and trust me you have no idea what you can achieve,i never gave up on myself,because i had a belief that i will come out of it and i did just that.

guys in this world belief is the strongest thing in this world,once you have a belief and your ready to die for it,then i say bring up anything.

10-05-2010, 01:58 PM
The biggest Pill is Will.

I actually find it real hard to beleive that you guys are jumping on this guy. Let it be and be thankful that there's hope. Some of the thoughts that comfort me every day is know that some people over come this, or never deal with it at all. Give this guy a break. It's the thought that counts even if our situation is different.

Thanks Manyu for your help, insite, and support....

10-19-2010, 06:01 AM
Please stop worrying about a cure. Just practice willingly demanding more anxiety and feel how calm you begin to feel. Don't waste your £ on anything that tells you otherwise. It takes time to believe. I am still working on it!

10-22-2010, 11:14 AM
I'm not too sure about curing cancer at any level with positive thinking, but I do know that it has helped me overcome anxiety. I am by no means "cured" and I still get some twinges of it, but positive affirmations, taking control and telling myself over and over again that I will NOT allow this to rule my life has made a huge difference.

I actually sat at work this morning and a thought hit me that I was feeling normal. Just normal. It's been nearly two weeks since I took control and started working on changing my thought patterns and I feel gooooood.

I have changed from a complete emotionial wreck into someone who feels like there is a purpose in life, after all.


10-22-2010, 08:28 PM
I thought it would never get better but it has for me...