View Full Version : Thought i was getting better :(

09-19-2010, 03:10 AM
Im well and truley fed up now with anxiety i thought i was getting better and geting my life back on track, that was untill yesterday.

For some stupid reason im convinced im dying again and i cant get this out of my head realy its making me so upset im convinced im going to die and leave my 20 month old son!
These worries are just going round and round in my head i cant think straight why has this feeling come back when i thought i was getting better im on antidepressants to 150mg so surely they should be stopping me from feeling like this!
someone please help me i feel so alone xx

09-19-2010, 05:07 AM
Dont worry, your not alone! Anxiety has a habit of coming and going. Especially when we are getting rid of it.

I have generally felt pretty bad for the last few months, then I would get better for a few days and crash right back down again! I felt good again a week ago for about 2 days and then gradually ended up right back at the beginning again just with a different problem in mind.

Keep on it, eventually you can push it back down! I have done it before and sooner or later will do it again.

09-19-2010, 05:52 AM
The important thing to remember is that recovery from anxiety disorder is NEVER a steady upward progress. You will ALWAYS experience ups and downs on your way to recovery. And the downs can certainly be quite severe at times. However, they are NEVER permanent. Just try your best to be patient and accepting of these down times. They are no fun. But they will eventually pass.

As for being on medication, remember that antidepressants are HIGHLY imperfect drugs (regardles of what any doctor might like you to believe). They may help to reduce the sypmtoms sometimes to some degree in some people. But they are cetrainly no guarantee that you will NEVER feel anxiety, or that you will not experience setbacks.

09-19-2010, 06:20 AM

Just two quick questions . How long has this last time been going on ?

And how long have you been on the DP

The power of the mind is the most powerful drug on earth and as you would know if it is not working well you would get anxiety and depression but if you use it well then you can over come these things .

There is no drug as powerful of as the mind you just need to learn how to use it

cheers kev

09-19-2010, 06:58 AM
Hi rachael

You are getting better. Setbacks are part of the recovery process. You need to see it for what it is - a blip on the recovery radar. Instead of rationalising your thoughts, you've catastrophised them.

I have put so much time and effort into ensuring my anxiety doesn't come back that I managed to build it up in my head so much that it would cause the anxiety to return. It's easier said than done, but you need to practice some belly breathing and do something completely opposite to how you're feeling. For example, put some loud music on and dance around the house. It will get the endorphins going and change the gears in your brain.

Also, when I feel unbearably anxious, I bounce up and down on a gym ball. It deals with the adrenaline dump that anxiety causes and is just really soothing.

09-19-2010, 07:04 AM
I have become extremely shaky and my finger tips remain numb. I'm so scared. I was doing so well and now I feel like I'm at the beginning again, convincin myself that this could not possibly be anxiety. I'm at a loss :(

09-19-2010, 07:27 AM

Just two quick questions . How long has this last time been going on ?

And how long have you been on the DP

The power of the mind is the most powerful drug on earth and as you would know if it is not working well you would get anxiety and depression but if you use it well then you can over come these things .

There is no drug as powerful of as the mind you just need to learn how to use it

cheers kev

The last time happened a couple of weeks after i had a miscarriage on the 9th july, literally thought i had throat or lung cancer went to over 20 doctors in 3/4 weeks all tell me im fine after examination! and to remember im too young for that im only 23! ive been on dp sice it all started start dosage 50mg that didnt even touch me it made me worse then they upped it to 100mg but because i was making myself sick for relief of how i was feeling they have since last week upped it to 150mg

09-19-2010, 08:00 AM
The important thing to remember is that recovery from anxiety disorder is NEVER a steady upward progress. You will ALWAYS experience ups and downs on your way to recovery. And the downs can certainly be quite severe at times. However, they are NEVER permanent. Just try your best to be patient and accepting of these down times. They are no fun. But they will eventually pass.

This is very true, it's never smooth sailing. You can be fine one minute and then right back at the start again. Although sometimes the set backs aren't as bad, sometimes they are worse because just when you accept it's anxiety you get hit again.

As they say, the night is darkest just before the dawn. :)

09-19-2010, 03:46 PM
sometimes they are worse because just when you accept it's anxiety you get hit again.

You don't necessarily need to have a problem with worrying that anxiety symptoms are causedby something else to have a bad setback. For me, worrying that anxiety symptoms could be caused by, say, a heart attack, was never a problem. Anxiety disorder, with its reputation of being a debilitating, lifelong problem (and doctors all too willing to convince me of that), was scary enough. In fact, there were several times where I WISHED that it could all just be due to a heart attack. Because people actually can recover from heart attacks.

09-19-2010, 05:49 PM
sometimes they are worse because just when you accept it's anxiety you get hit again.

You don't necessarily need to have a problem with worrying that anxiety symptoms are causedby something else to have a bad setback. For me, worrying that anxiety symptoms could be caused by, say, a heart attack, was never a problem. Anxiety disorder, with its reputation of being a debilitating, lifelong problem (and doctors all too willing to convince me of that), was scary enough. In fact, there were several times where I WISHED that it could all just be due to a heart attack. Because people actually can recover from heart attacks.

Ah yes I see your point, for me its the other way around. If something can be put down to anxiety then I am ok. Its when I cant that I become distressed. Sure living with anxiety is a nightmare but by the same token I would rather that than the alternative. When I can blame a symptom on anxiety then great, I can make anxiety my enemy and not some other vague life threatening problem.

09-19-2010, 06:26 PM
That's how I feel too. I fear all the time soemthing physocal is happeing to me, but it really isn't and that helps me a lot. Even though anxiety, well, sucks, I like saying, "It's just anxiety."

09-19-2010, 09:22 PM
Howdy again

ive been on dp sice it all started start dosage 50mg that didnt even touch me it made me worse then they upped it to 100mg but because i was making myself sick for relief of how i was feeling they have since last week upped it to 150mg

They made it worst so they gave you more of the same drug . Go and find a doctor that has a clue . These drugs either work or they make you worst . The fact that you have up and got worst tells me that they are not doing as they should and are in fact adding to it .

Anxiety takes time to get over but if you take the wrong drug it is like something holding you back . See if you can find a doctor that is good in mental health , Many are not and only give out drugs ,

Robbed Well said i was like you .

Because people actually can recover from heart attacks. People recovery from anxiety also .

cheers kev