View Full Version : Anxiety and heart palpitations

09-18-2010, 08:25 PM
Hi everyone I am new to the board and wanted to ask a question, First of all I have always been a very anxious person, but in the last few months I have experienced heart palpitations and wondered if this is a heart condition or if it is just caused from stress, I experience from 50 to 150 Palpitations per day, they are worse after I eat and when I am in front of people ( I am a worship leader at my church.) I am having heart tests done in the next few weeks and have already worn a Holter monitor which the Doctors did see the palpitations. Anyway here is my question, can my anxiety and stress cause heart palpitations that go on and off all day long? They are so scary, and I am trying to find out what to do about this. I have also heard that going on certain anti depressants can cause more palpitations, but I feel like I need some help because these palpitations are causing me some depression. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Jan

09-19-2010, 05:14 AM
It does, like with anything, getting it checked out and doing the holter and ECG tests are good but certainly anxiety and some meds can cause heart palps!

09-19-2010, 02:06 PM
I have had them for 7 years. I have had all the heart tests done and nothing is wrong with my heart. The skips have gone down after receiving therapy for may anxiety issue.

09-19-2010, 02:30 PM
Thank you for reminding me to trust in the Lord with all of my heart, I need to remember this in times like what I am going through right now. May I ask what kind of therapy you had and how it helped you. BLessings, Jan

09-19-2010, 03:46 PM
I am 27 and have this same issue. I am a very healthy person,good weight,dont smoke or drink all bloodwork came back perfect,but 2 abnormal ekg's and I too had to wear a heart holter monitor for 24 hrs and get a stress and ecg done this coming week.

I hope both of us are just stressing and it isn't heart issues..and I feel it is not but the way my heart feels sometimes you never can be to sure. Get an ecg and everything done and if they come back fine, then you are for sure ok!

09-19-2010, 06:19 PM
Liftyour hands,
Yes, I have to remember the Lord is here for me. Do you have the book, "Prayers that Avail Much?" I love the prayer to "overcome cares and worries."
I am in cognitive behavioral therapy. Have been for just over a year. It's working wonders.

It is good to get the tests, andof you are anything like me...it's just anxiety. I had all the tests. EKG, Event recorder, holter monitor, echo...several times at that, and nothing is wrong with my heart...just like to dance to it's own tune. ;)

09-19-2010, 08:05 PM

No I don't have that book but it sounds like a good one, I think I will get it. Can I ask you did you have a lot of Palpitations everyday, I have had them for going on 5 weeks everyday some days like yesterday I counted 147 of them, so scary. I will be praying for you and I hope you will pray for me as well, I know nothing is impossible with God and I really need to lean on him, and I will do that. Thanks again for everything. BLessings, Jan

09-19-2010, 09:20 PM
I do have them every single day. Last night woke up at 230 am with them!scary feeling..taking melatonin helps them for me personally

09-20-2010, 09:18 AM
at my worst times they would be literally all day long. I would have extremely high anxiety and sometimes panic attacks from them and in turn it would make them worse. I have got some for the past few days and my old thoughts were trying to come back that something is wrong and I had to stop them in their tracks. It is in the back of my mind, however. Some also feel scarier than others, like harder or longer.

09-23-2010, 08:51 AM
I have them sometimes and yes when Im in an anxiety ridden time of my life. I dont have nearly that many a day but.. when I do have them they freak me out. Feels like something is jumping in my chest / throat.