View Full Version : Physical symptoms change?

09-18-2010, 09:15 AM
So for the past 3-4 weeks I have been feeling zapping feelings all over my body then they switched to twitches for a week then back to zapping. Then I had a fairly good week, I started feeling more normal then today I went shopping and my fingers started feeling numb and I starting freaking out and then I thought my legs started feeling numb too and just when I was about to accept this as anxiety I think something is wrong again. Is it normal for symptoms to just up and change? I'm scared :(

09-18-2010, 09:36 AM
Sure is, I find that I will have a symptom of some sort that makes me feel anxious. When I accept that it is nothing more than anxiousness it will switch to something different, then something different again and around and around we go! Its sort of like playing whack a mole!

09-18-2010, 11:59 AM
Yeah, it's normal. You may have seen my post about how I used to fixate literally 24/7 on my heart and having been in therapy, learning about my catastrophic thoughts and how to handle them, my heart skips started to go down, I started to not focus nearly as much as I had on my heart, then BAM! All of a sudden, I was unusually calm and felt like I couldn't breath..since then, it's my lungs I focus on.
Like I have said before, the brain doesn't like unemployment! :shock:

09-19-2010, 05:21 AM
Yeah, it's normal. You may have seen my post about how I used to fixate literally 24/7 on my heart and having been in therapy, learning about my catastrophic thoughts and how to handle them, my heart skips started to go down, I started to not focus nearly as much as I had on my heart, then BAM! All of a sudden, I was unusually calm and felt like I couldn't breath..since then, it's my lungs I focus on.
Like I have said before, the brain doesn't like unemployment! :shock:

so so true, over the past month or two I think my anxiety has jumped through at least 6 concerns all with different symptoms in mind. Everytime I start to get past something I am onto something else. Its exhausting!

09-20-2010, 01:49 PM
I know the feeling!! It's always something!!! You'll have symptoms, be fine for a while (and feel so relieved - I'm OK after all!!) then, BAM, something else pops up, and you're back on the Worry Wagon again!!! I hate it!!

09-21-2010, 05:44 AM
My fingers feel like they are starting to go numb and it won't go away I'm really starting to freak out, this can't be anxiety! I'm so scared!

09-21-2010, 05:58 AM
Howdy Sara

this can't be anxiety!

IT can and it is .Well its stress and your reaction to it with fear is what is causing the anxiety .

I will tell you now that this symptom is one of my most common one and i get it in my hands as well as my toes . It will not hurt you and if you try and just let it past you will start to forget about it and it will fade away .

cheers kev

Ps the first post is also very common and the zapping was what started it all for me , I had zapping across the chest and swore i was having a heart attack .

09-21-2010, 06:12 AM
I have had the numbness before but then this numbness seems like it isn't letting up it's not completely numb but my fingers just feel weird and I'm tense and shaky. I don't feel like I'm stressed, just feel like I'm obsessed, can my obsession be causing me stress that then in turn is anxiety, I just don't understand!

Ps thanks so much to everyone that responds I feel so much less alone here when I have you guys, thank you for calming me down a little

09-21-2010, 06:25 AM

I am about to head of to bed but in answer to your question

I don't feel like I'm stressed but you have said this in the last post I'm so scared

It is all related to stress and fear .

I know what you are talking about . The feeling you have in your fingers in a strange feeling , Not really numb but you just feel them. I get this on my left side bad at times . I think it comes down to that you are focusing on it so much and that in turn makes you feel it more .

The numbness is from the stress and the stress is from the anxiety now . It may have started with something else but because you have come to fear it then the anxiety feeds it . Hope that makes seance .

See i have the same feelings but i don't fear mine so i don't have anxiety towards it . I just let it be and look at it as my body telling me that i am stressed . Stress is both a mental and physical thing . You can be stressed from your thinking just as you can from say having the flu . But the anxiety will only ever come about from your thinking and the fear you feel towards the symptoms .

Trust me it will not hurt you , I have had mine going on two years and it is slowly fading . It comes and goes as my stress increases . It is a pain at times but again it is only stress and it will not hurt you

Talk a deep breath , tell yourself you will be fine and that tomorrow is a new day . It will pass if you let it as it has in the past .

cheers kev :D