View Full Version : Waiting for Effexor to take Effect

09-17-2010, 09:56 PM
Hi all, I've been treated for depression for the past 2 years with prozac, and just recently sought further help for my debilitating anxiety. My psychiatrist has cross tapered me from 60mg prozac daily to 150 mg effexor daily. I guess it can take up to a month to notice any anxiety relief from this snri. I went to my psychiatrist for help while my anxiety was at its worst ever. Lately, I've felt extremely anxious and irritated/agitated; way more than normal. I'm wondering if he could prescribe me anything temporarily to help me until the effexor takes full effect. Thanks for the feedback!


09-18-2010, 05:36 AM
Sometimes, benzos (ie valium. ativan, xanax, etc) are prescribed to those starting antidepressants.

09-21-2010, 12:54 AM
Hi all, I've been treated for depression for the past 2 years with prozac, and just recently sought further help for my debilitating anxiety. My psychiatrist has cross tapered me from 60mg prozac daily to 150 mg effexor daily. I guess it can take up to a month to notice any anxiety relief from this snri. I went to my psychiatrist for help while my anxiety was at its worst ever. Lately, I've felt extremely anxious and irritated/agitated; way more than normal. I'm wondering if he could prescribe me anything temporarily to help me until the effexor takes full effect. Thanks for the feedback!


Cymbalta is one of the medicines that can help those who are struggling to get over anxiety, who are victims of fibromyalgia, or have nerve damage as in diabetic neuropathy.

Depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, or diabetic neuropathy [nerve damage], can all be treated with Cymbalta. Cymbalta is available at emedoutlet with 15% discount coupon code 5234E and Free Shipping with 4848B.

10-02-2010, 04:24 AM
This is really great information you have shared with us about Depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, or diabetic neuropathy. Thanks for sharing. Hope you will share more in future.

10-31-2010, 09:57 AM
Hey again,
so now I'm on 150mg Effexor, and prescribed 3mg of clonazepam daily. I first was put at 1mg a day, and been bumped up to 3mg. Though, for me tolerance to this medication has developed pretty fast, and didn't notice that I was needing more of it for the same amount of anxiety relief. So, as of now I've been left with a couple days short of my medication. Should I call my doctor? I'm in no way drug seeking/abusing, it just seems like clinical addiction to this drug is quick. What I'm most afraid of is the withdrawals from this kind of drug.
No doubt though, it's definately helped me with my day-to-day anxiety, and has improved my life for the time-being (I hope to taper around Christmas). I have an appointment with my doc Thursday, and that's when I'm supposed to pick up the clonazepam. Im just rather concerned about the time between then and now. I have about 1 mg left. Any advice is much appreciated! (I'm also nervous/anxious, as my adderall prescription had been stolen, and had to get that earlier a couple weeks ago, and don't wish to be viewed as drug seeking)

11-01-2010, 08:44 AM
3mg of clonazepam is quite a lot. Most people are prescribed 1 mg a day. .5 in the morning and .5 at night.
I would be careful with this drug, just like any other benzo. I would not take it daily. I suggest having a day on, and a day off, regardless of how you feel. You will live to see the next day, and chances are you will feel a withdrawal if you take this for 2 weeks straight.
Because benzos are SO effective at relieving the symptoms of anxiety temporarily, it's hard to live life without them. Because we want the calm feeling so bad, not necessarily the 'high', but how we percieve we SHOULD feel is closer to normality on the drug than not. So when we take them over a period of time, and we get used to the calm effect (even if its for a week every day) especially at high doses, STOPPING the drug is not only physiologically addictive but also pyschologically...
All im saying beware, I dont necessarily say dont take it AT ALL, but take a smaller dose AS NEEDED, not on routine. And if you find you are taking it as needed MORE than the prescribed dose, than you'll find that you are actually becoming addicted to the drug.

The effexor should take roughly 2-4 weeks to feel the effects, and 6 weeks for maximum effect. Sometimes longer. That does not mean take clonazepam for the entire period. Infact, I would only take it 3-4 days of the week, regardless of how shit you feel on the days off.
It's not worth it, I promise. The addiction is so easy, and the withdrawals are FUCKED for anyone, but especially for someone who ALREADY suffers from anxiety, is just a nightmare.

Hope this helps and doesnt scare you too much ;)
Take care

11-01-2010, 08:49 AM
adderoll is a stimulant too, it has a speed-like effect. For some people, I have heard it helps their anxiety, but in the long run, i doubt adderoll is going to help you much. If you don't have ADD/ADHD try to avoid taking it so much. I know a couple of girls who are addicted and pop like 6 + a day.
Obviously i don't know your circumstances but adderoll and concerta and all that stuff gives me massive anxiety when im coming down... does help me study for a while tho :p
