View Full Version : Anxiety and work

09-17-2010, 06:27 PM

I work in an office environment that is extremely tense. I've been there for several years, but it seems to get more pressure filled as the recent years have progressed.

One reason is my boss. She is a very unfriendly and abrasive person. She acts like she is mad at you and rarely has a nice thing to say about the department I work in or anyone there. She acts like she hates me most of the time though I have never given her any reason to. I try to avoid her, but sometimes I just can't.

Because of how she is, my department is being micro-managed a lot these days. Too many "chiefs" in charge, constantly in your face. I do my job well, but I find myself constantly holding my breath to be "perfect" just so they'll stay the hell away from me and have no reason to get up in my business. This works, but it makes me second guess my every move all day, every day. Ugh.

In the past year I've seen too many people be abruptly fired over singular mistakes and it scares the hell out of me. My boss would never have anyone's back if something went wrong, and i doubt she'd ever have mine. I do my job well, I try, but that constant fear is in the back of my mind. And my boss is just rather mean.

I try affirmations and putting up a "wall" to keep the toxic environment out, but it's still hard. I keep my eyes out for other jobs, but nothing has stuck out to me yet. I want to leave, but I want it to be because I choose to when I eventually do. It's just rough.

Any advice? Thanks--LJ

09-18-2010, 02:07 AM
Im sorry for what is going on in your job, what you have described has been going on previously in my job. The situation has eased somewhat of late, but Im afraid the damage is no done and as soon as any tension arises, I shake and feel sick and am convinced that what has happened is my fault.

I dont know what the answer is - except that think I should have left my job when it started, as it seems to have damaged me permanently.

If only they knew what they were doing to us :cry: