View Full Version : Help? Could this be teenage health anxiety?

09-17-2010, 07:05 AM
For a week or two i have been experiencing mild shooting pains all around my head, fatigue, after sleep, dizziness, shortness of breath and eye pain. So, me being me, I googled my symptoms and saw a brain tumor and now i believe i have one.

I have seen 2 GP's who have told me its anxiety and one looked my in the eyes and told me i didnt have any sort of cancer and 2 A and E doctors which basically could find nothing and found no reason to give me a scan.

I have been prescribed tablets for my anxiety. but i just really think i have something serious and that my anxiety which is just having it on my mind could actually cause this symptoms?? im just so scared and need some advice?

The pains seem to come every half an hour or so and last a few seconds and on a scale of 1 - 10 they are around a 4.

09-17-2010, 08:25 PM
Googling will get you nowhere, all it will do is cause you untold stress and anxiety. Google is not a doctor, it cant properly assess you or check your symptoms, plus, we when we read these things we twist what we read to suit our symptoms.

Have a look through the list of symptoms on the forum, it will help put your mind at ease! Never google!

If two GPS told you that you were fine then you are fine! If they had even the most smallest bit of doubt they would investigate it further!

09-19-2010, 07:20 AM
Hi I'm the same I'm 18 and constantly convinced I'm dieing it won't matter what the doctors tell you you believe what your mind wants you to. I know it sounds impossible but distracting yourself is the only way through this and it should get better in time