View Full Version : The problem with Googling

09-17-2010, 01:37 AM
Just thinking about this the other day...

Most of us know we should never Google any symptoms, EVER.

But why is it that 99.99% of sites that are brought up do not list anxiety as a cause of the concern? Whatever is causing our problems is nearly always anxiety related yet its not there as a cause?

It will bring up cancers and all sorts of weird and wonderful diseases that scare us to death when anxiety should be listed as a cause as well. Shouldnt websites have a duty to include anxiety in their list of possible causes?

I was also reading the other day that 1 full day a week in a doctors surgery is spent with patients who self diagnosed with Dr Google. Its scary!

09-17-2010, 05:53 AM
I would agree, and alot of times its not credible info either. Such as I had EVERY sign of lekumeia...but my white blood count was perfect at the dr office!

09-17-2010, 10:31 AM
You know what, the media is OBSESSED with disease. You can't open up a woman's magazine without seeing a story about some diseased person or "The 7 Deadly Symptoms You Should Tell Your Doctor About!" Let's not forget the Dr. Oz commercials! "Next, on Doctor Oz! The deadly germs lurking in your kitchen that could KILL YOU!!" *shot of audience member gasping in horror*

Another thing is that what were once mere "conditions" are now labeled as "diseases" that need medicating. Big Pharma has made sure to instill fear and trembling in us all over "Acid Reflux Disease" (which used to merely be "indigestion" to our parents & grandparents), etc. etc. Heck, even shyness requires medication!! Bratty kids? Ritalin! The list goes on. For this reason, I don't feel too sorry for the medical industry for having to deal with self-diagnosing "hypochondriacs" after they've made so much money off us in useless drugs in the first place.

One of my fears is mesothelioma. At work, CNN is always playing in the lunchroom. If anyone watches CNN, you know that they run mesothelioma commercials constantly! One time, I was stopped at a light behind a bus with the huge words "MESOTHELIOMA" on it. And a new ad campaign on CNN says something to the effect of, "Are you having joint pain? It could be Lupus! Go to www.do i have Lupus.com" (or something like that). Big Pharma and the media are peddling fear everywhere, because it sells, unfortunately. So, is it any small wonder why we're paranoid?

09-17-2010, 10:49 AM
I couldn't have said it better myself about 'the dr.oz show" and 'the doctors" commericals.. and gasping audience

They want to medicate EVERYONE!!! NO JOKE! Like "are your kids wild" give them this and this and this...." but it MAY cause them to have these OTHER issues...so now you need more drugs to solve that issue that it caused...

I guess that is why I am ao anti med..the dr gave me celexa..and did I take it?NO! WHY? Because the side effects are

•Nausea -- in up to 21 percent of people
•Dry mouth -- up to 20 percent (see Celexa and Dry Mouth)
•Drowsiness -- up to 18 percent
•Insomnia -- up to 15 percent (see Celexa and Insomnia)
•Increased sweating -- up to 11 percent
•Shakiness (tremor) -- up to 8 percent
•Diarrhea -- up to 8 percent
•Ejaculation problems -- up to 6 percent (see Celexa Sexual Side Effects).

Other common side effects (occurring in 2 percent to 5 percent of people) included:

•Upper respiratory tract infections (similar to the common cold)
•Runny or irritated nose or sinus infections
•Indigestion or heartburn
•Anxiety or agitation
•Loss of appetite (see Celexa and Weight Loss)
•Erectile dysfunction (ER or impotence) (see Celexa Sexual Side Effects)
•Painful menstrual cramps
•Abdominal pain (stomach pain)
•Muscle pain or joint pain
•Decreased sex drive (see Celexa Sexual Side Effects)

SO............Maybe I should just TRY to beat the anxiety on my OWN...Since I may feel EVEN WORSE then I did to BEGIN WITH???HUMMMMM..Just a thought!

09-17-2010, 11:19 AM
My favorite side effect is the "thoughts of suicide"...for the depression drugs!!! Or, how about allergy medication whose side effects are flu-like symptoms?

Boy, I could go on about meds, man... See, my mom did not end up dying the way I always thought she would. She had a bad heart for decades. She's had a quadruple bypass, atherectomy, balloon surgeries, and even "died" once and they used the defibrilators on her to bring her back. So, I always thought she'd either had a massive heart attack (she'd already had heart attacks before) or die on the operating table during another heart procedure. What actually took her? KIDNEY FAILURE! Of course, heart issues do cause kidney issues, but she took fistfulls of prescription medication, and that's what I believe weakened her. So, I am NOT a fan of meds and hope to never have to be on them. One tends to lead to another, and another, etc.

09-18-2010, 10:25 AM
I can understand that. My mother had an ulcer and they kept giving her prednisone and caused it to burst the ulcer. She died at age 22 due to dr's mis diagnosis of her...

crazy huh?

09-19-2010, 05:17 AM
I would agree, and alot of times its not credible info either. Such as I had EVERY sign of lekumeia...but my white blood count was perfect at the dr office!

Thats it as well, half of the information brought up is from questionable sources and even the ones from credible sources dont list anxiety. Unfortunately we manage to twist out "symptoms" to what we read as well and then convince ourselves we are dying!

I am also concerned about the medical industry pushing medications as much as they do, often without listing side effects!

09-19-2010, 06:37 AM
Howdy all

Whatever is causing our problems is nearly always anxiety related yet its not there as a cause?

Anxiety always comes down to the wordings in things . It is not anxiety that is causing the problem at all it is stress .

Anxiety is just the reaction from it . Just the same as being happy is when you feel happy , or being sad when you are feeling sad .

You cant just have anxiety . You have to have something causing you to be anxious and yes that cant just be the reaction that stress is causing in your body and the anxiety is just feeding the problem .

I was also reading the other day that 1 full day a week in a doctors surgery is spent with patients who self diagnosed with Dr Google. Its scary!
I don't think this is right as many people are still not on the net . But i do know that about 1/4 of the doctors work is stress related in one way or another .

You can knock goggle and i also do . But what you need to do is learn when you should not do it .

If it wasn't for goggle and we have to rely on doctors . We would be all treated like mushrooms ( kept in the dark and fed shit ) . I for one will say that if i had to rely on my doctors i would now be in the nut hospital . Google save my life but i did learn when and how to use and what to search .

Same with Dr OZ . You are looking at it from a person with anxiety but if you were not anxious these things would not worry you . Dr OZ as with many of them are in fact doing a great job in teaching people the their health is in there hands and they can change it . Again as with goggle you just need to weed out the crap with it .


Thats why i never took their drugs . I had half those problems without the drugs and didn't need to add any more .

I just love the take this tablet and it will fix you but it might cause anxiety and depression but if you come back and tell us we will just say oh you must be getting worst so we will give you another drug. You would be surprised there are people on 10 or more of these drugs just working to stop the effects of each drug .

cheers kev :D

09-19-2010, 08:28 AM
[quote]Anxiety always comes down to the wordings in things . It is not anxiety that is causing the problem at all it is stress .

Anxiety is just the reaction from it . Just the same as being happy is when you feel happy , or being sad when you are feeling sad .

You cant just have anxiety . You have to have something causing you to be anxious and yes that cant just be the reaction that stress is causing in your body and the anxiety is just feeding the problem .

I disagree with this to a degree, yes it is stress that is ultimately the root cause BUT anxiety is the bodies failure to appropriately respond to stressors. We are caused to be anxious by something which is a stressor, the body fails to respond as it should to this and continues to pour adrenaline and cortisol into our blood stream making us more stressed and ultimately more anxious.

I guess my point is that anxious people respond to stress differently to a non anxious person, someone without anxiety can go through a large amount of stress without a reaction or an anxiety response whereas an anxious person will drastically over react to a minor stress so while stress is the cause, anxiety is the problem.

I was also reading the other day that 1 full day a week in a doctors surgery is spent with patients who self diagnosed with Dr Google. Its scary!

I don't think this is right as many people are still not on the net . But i do know that about 1/4 of the doctors work is stress related in one way or another .

No, true fact based on UK research. In developed countries like the US, Australia and the UK internet access is widespread, so is the habit of googling problems. Again, yes the doctors work is stress related but many people are anxious because of what they read on google which is the stress we speak of.

You can knock goggle and i also do . But what you need to do is learn when you should not do it .

If it wasn't for goggle and we have to rely on doctors . We would be all treated like mushrooms ( kept in the dark and fed shit ) . I for one will say that if i had to rely on my doctors i would now be in the nut hospital . Google save my life but i did learn when and how to use and what to search .

Same with Dr OZ . You are looking at it from a person with anxiety but if you were not anxious these things would not worry you . Dr OZ as with many of them are in fact doing a great job in teaching people the their health is in there hands and they can change it . Again as with goggle you just need to weed out the crap with it .

I dont disagree, it has its place and by using it very carefully we can be armed with a wealth of information but many people can google something totally harmless and turn that into something life threatening.

Take this for my case in point, a few weeks ago I Google mucus or something along those lines because I was feeling a bit phelgmy, harmless to me it on the face of it. So next thing I read sinus inflamation and infection. Ok, still harmless until I read that Leaukaemia and HIV may be underlying causes. Now all of a sudden my harmless problem has become life threatening. Was I over reacting? Now further reading tells me that its also an anxiety side effect, and anxiety may increase allergy responses but was that on there? No, only the worse kind. Now I know the information isnt written with anxiety in mind, its just an example of why we have to be ultra careful with google.


09-19-2010, 02:52 PM
Howdy Phoenix

Ok i shall see if i can explain it a bit better .

disagree with this to a degree, yes it is stress that is ultimately the root cause BUT anxiety is the bodies failure to appropriately respond to stressors. We are caused to be anxious by something which is a stressor, the body fails to respond as it should to this and continues to pour adrenaline and cortisol into our blood stream making us more stressed and ultimately more anxious.

Anxiety is solely a reaction . The way we see things and nothing more . We are not so much caused to be anxious but it is the way we chose to react to something and i believe it all comes down to fearing it because we don't understand it and also the thinking that we attach to it .

Give you a example . There is a son and father standing in line waiting to ride the big dipper . Now they are both nervous , they both have high heart rates , they both have adrenaline and cortisol pumping into their blood stream. They are both feeling the same thing but the difference is that the son is excited and feeling happy thinking that this is going to be fun and the father is scared shitless and thinking how much he doesn't want to do this .

Another one is two guys go to football match and one leaves happy and one leaves sad . There is no difference they were both at that same game . The only difference is one team won and one team lost so there reaction is solely on what they see and how they react .

We are caused to be anxious That wrong unless you are in panic you are not caused to react to stress like that . I know this because i react to my stress different and do not let it worry me . I still have stress and very high stress but i have no anxiety towards it . Anxiety is fear and as i don't fear my stress symptoms i do not have anxiety from it . You fear yours and that why there is anxiety attached to it. You may believe you don't fear it but then ask yourself why do you feel the need to google . Is it because you haven't accepted that it is stress causing it .

I guess my point is that anxious people respond to stress differently to a non anxious person, someone without anxiety can go through a large amount of stress without a reaction or an anxiety response whereas an anxious person will drastically over react to a minor stress so while stress is the cause, anxiety is the problem.

I understand what you are saying but i think you are falling for the bullshit . You are falling into this trap that you are this or you are that and it is fixed . This is not correct and what you are today you can chose to not be tomorrow you just have to learn not to react to things as you now do . See i know that if i go on google and look up lets say smoking and illnesses it causes then i would get anxious . So what do i do i chose not to . Its like social anxiety , When did being shy become a disorder for crying out load . If i was to go to a doctor i would be describe with this but you know what its me , I don't like crowds , I feel uncomfortable with crowds but it is not a disorder just something i did not grow up around and now chose not to be around . Some of us are just like this and it should not be seen as a problem . Yes there is the anxiety side of it but if you treat the anxiety and the stress it causes then that person will go back to normal .

No, true fact based on UK research. In developed countries like the US, Australia and the UK internet access is widespread, so is the habit of googling problems. Again, yes the doctors work is stress related but many people are anxious because of what they read on google which is the stress we speak of.

It feeds it that's all it is not the cause . I work online and you would be surprised just how many people are not on the net . It is a younger peoples thing and many people from my age up are not into the net . There will always be that information there weather it be a good old fashion book or the net .

Take this for my case in point, a few weeks ago I Google mucus or something along those lines because I was feeling a bit phelgmy, harmless to me it on the face of it. So next thing I read sinus inflamation and infection. Ok, still harmless until I read that Leaukaemia and HIV may be underlying causes. Now all of a sudden my harmless problem has become life threatening. Was I over reacting? Now further reading tells me that its also an anxiety side effect, and anxiety may increase allergy responses but was that on there? No, only the worse kind. Now I know the information isnt written with anxiety in mind, its just an example of why we have to be ultra careful with Google.

This is why i joined anxietycentre and only used it because it is wrote with anxiety in mind . It is written on facts . Had you been a member then you could have gone there and just read the end bit without all the bullshit on the top . This is why it is the only site i recommend but then people think that there health is not worth paying $30 odd to get the correct information . Go figure :unsure:

Look i have been ill twice in my life and i mean very ill with things that doctors didnt have a clue about and i have used Google or books to help me get past things .
But as i have said i do know how to use them . I will be honest here and what you have to do is stop it . Its that simply and until you do you will send yourself mad . It is a addiction being feed by your anxiety and also by your lack of acceptance towards that anxiety . You have to treat it as a addiction and learn to stop yourself doing it . Addictions are learned and they can be unlearn but you have to put the effort into it .

Every time you Google you are doing the same thing as putting you hand in a mouse trap to get the cheese . You are going to end up hurt , you know it so stop it . You are doing it to feed your anxiety , because you are looking for any hint of information that this is not stress related that it has some sort of cause behind it , That there is no way stress can cause all this . Well it can and it does .

Its plan an simple just stop doing it . If you have a problem then come here and ask and someone will answer . But you have to start to realize that it is stress that is causing it and it is anxiety and the thinking behind it that is feeding it .

Again anxiety is not a disease , a monster , a thing . It is solely a reaction from a stressed out system both physically and mentally . You just have to learn to brake that cycle and stopping all googleing is the first step in that .

Trust me that i could give you some searches that would blow your mind with anxiety , most of these sites are true and based in fact but when you are anxiety you have blind vision and only read what you want to . I have always said the first step away from anxiety is to stop googleing altogether no if buts or maybes .

Just go and google diet , what we should eat and shouldn't . Do that for a day and see if you come out sane the other side . Google is a great tool and has saved many peoples lives but when you have blind vision from anxiety you are best to stay away from it . Google is no different than a good book but when it comes down to it a good doctor will shit all over google any day .

cheers kev :D

09-19-2010, 06:19 PM
Anxiety is solely a reaction . The way we see things and nothing more . We are not so much caused to be anxious but it is the way we chose to react to something and i believe it all comes down to fearing it because we don't understand it and also the thinking that we attach to it .

Give you a example . There is a son and father standing in line waiting to ride the big dipper . Now they are both nervous , they both have high heart rates , they both have adrenaline and cortisol pumping into their blood stream. They are both feeling the same thing but the difference is that the son is excited and feeling happy thinking that this is going to be fun and the father is scared shitless and thinking how much he doesn't want to do this .

Another one is two guys go to football match and one leaves happy and one leaves sad . There is no difference they were both at that same game . The only difference is one team won and one team lost so there reaction is solely on what they see and how they react .

Fair shout, wouldnt argue with that at all. I agree anxiety comes from fearing the symptoms of stress, no arguments there. I guess my add on to that is an anxious person over reacts to the stress, thus fuelling the anxiety and increasing the stress into a vicious cycle.

That wrong unless you are in panic you are not caused to react to stress like that . I know this because i react to my stress different and do not let it worry me . I still have stress and very high stress but i have no anxiety towards it . Anxiety is fear and as i don't fear my stress symptoms i do not have anxiety from it . You fear yours and that why there is anxiety attached to it. You may believe you don't fear it but then ask yourself why do you feel the need to google . Is it because you haven't accepted that it is stress causing it .

Yes anxiety is fear, but I guess my point overall from these last two paragraphs is that anxious people over react to stress. A small amount of stress can send their anxiety sky rocketing. To borrow from your example, two guys are walking through the park, one with a fear of snakes and one without. They come across a stick lying across the path, one thinks nothing of it and sees simply a stick, the other whos brain is hardwired to fear snakes immediately thinks "SNAKE!!! What if i get bitten?"

Both have experienced the same thing but reacted differently because of the thought processes attached. Obviously there is no need to fear the stick yet the anxious person does.

I dont fear anxiety symptoms, if I know that something is caused by anxiety then I am fine. I dont fear it and it can hit me with anything and it wont effect me, the problem is the unknown. If theres something that is not anxiety then I stress out. I dont google things because I havent accepted its stress, I often google things to prove to myself that it is.

I understand what you are saying but i think you are falling for the bullshit . You are falling into this trap that you are this or you are that and it is fixed . This is not correct and what you are today you can chose to not be tomorrow you just have to learn not to react to things as you now do . See i know that if i go on google and look up lets say smoking and illnesses it causes then i would get anxious . So what do i do i chose not to . Its like social anxiety , When did being shy become a disorder for crying out load . If i was to go to a doctor i would be describe with this but you know what its me , I don't like crowds , I feel uncomfortable with crowds but it is not a disorder just something i did not grow up around and now chose not to be around . Some of us are just like this and it should not be seen as a problem . Yes there is the anxiety side of it but if you treat the anxiety and the stress it causes then that person will go back to normal .

I do agree, there is a fixation in the media with diagnosing this that or the other and its not particularily healthy. I do believe that anxiety is caused for the most part by the way we think and the way we react and by learning not to react in certain ways will eliminate or reduce the problem. That said, I know in my heart without a doctors diagnosis that I worry too much and get anxious over things, I dont need a doctor to tell me that. I already know it.

It feeds it that's all it is not the cause . I work online and you would be surprised just how many people are not on the net . It is a younger peoples thing and many people from my age up are not into the net . There will always be that information there weather it be a good old fashion book or the net .

The information has always been there but the accessibility of it is many many times more than it has been in the past. Yes its a younger peoples thing for the most part but there is barely I person I know under 65 that doesnt have or use the net for some purpose. The mere explosion in technology over the last 10-15 years has made this information much more accessible to people, people read things they wouldnt have in the past and stress out about it. 15 years ago I couldnt have just hopped on and read these things that I do now, I would have been left in the dark and would have half the problems I have had.

This is why i joined anxietycentre and only used it because it is wrote with anxiety in mind . It is written on facts . Had you been a member then you could have gone there and just read the end bit without all the bullshit on the top . This is why it is the only site i recommend but then people think that there health is not worth paying $30 odd to get the correct information . Go figure :unsure:

I am intrigued about this site, just wondering what exactly is included for your $30? What are you paying for? It seems like a good site and I thought about joining but I guess I just didnt get what it was all about.

Look i have been ill twice in my life and i mean very ill with things that doctors didnt have a clue about and i have used Google or books to help me get past things .
But as i have said i do know how to use them . I will be honest here and what you have to do is stop it . Its that simply and until you do you will send yourself mad . It is a addiction being feed by your anxiety and also by your lack of acceptance towards that anxiety . You have to treat it as a addiction and learn to stop yourself doing it . Addictions are learned and they can be unlearn but you have to put the effort into it .

Fair shout.

Every time you Google you are doing the same thing as putting you hand in a mouse trap to get the cheese . You are going to end up hurt , you know it so stop it . You are doing it to feed your anxiety , because you are looking for any hint of information that this is not stress related that it has some sort of cause behind it , That there is no way stress can cause all this . Well it can and it does .

Hmmm, like I said elsewhere, I do go looking for signs that something IS anxiety related rather than the opposite. I accept most of my symptoms are caused by anxiety, if somethings anxiety then great, I dont need to worry because its a toothless tiger. It cant hurt me.

Its plan an simple just stop doing it . If you have a problem then come here and ask and someone will answer . But you have to start to realize that it is stress that is causing it and it is anxiety and the thinking behind it that is feeding it .

Again anxiety is not a disease , a monster , a thing . It is solely a reaction from a stressed out system both physically and mentally . You just have to learn to brake that cycle and stopping all googleing is the first step in that .

Agree completely with that!

Trust me that i could give you some searches that would blow your mind with anxiety , most of these sites are true and based in fact but when you are anxiety you have blind vision and only read what you want to . I have always said the first step away from anxiety is to stop googleing altogether no if buts or maybes .

Just go and google diet , what we should eat and shouldn't . Do that for a day and see if you come out sane the other side . Google is a great tool and has saved many peoples lives but when you have blind vision from anxiety you are best to stay away from it . Google is no different than a good book but when it comes down to it a good doctor will shit all over google any day .

Agree with that as well!

09-19-2010, 09:09 PM
Howdy again

Fair shout, wouldnt argue with that at all. I agree anxiety comes from fearing the symptoms of stress, no arguments there. I guess my add on to that is an anxious person over reacts to the stress, thus fuelling the anxiety and increasing the stress into a vicious cycle.

Again its not the anxious person . Its just a every day human who is reaction with fear to there symptoms . Same thing happens with things like the flu if you didnt know what it was or its outcome. As you said it is the unknown that puts the fear into things , If you know the facts behind it then instead of having a first reacting on fear and wondering if it is anxiety or not you can hit it with facts . You cannot fear anything that you understand . Fear is build out of not knowing what is going to happen and nothing more . If you can remove that then the anxiety will go away .

point overall from these last two paragraphs is that anxious people over react to stress. Yes and no . Its a double sided thing . Your react to it with thoughts which keeps you in the stage but your body also reacts to it without your help . This last bit you have to learn because if you dont you will just keep questioning it and this in turn will keep feeding it .

You dont need to know what caused your anxiety and you dont need to know if this symptom or that is anxiety . What you need to learn is let things go . If it is not killing you then you let it go . If it is anxiety and it would be with everyone on these boards then letting it go will make it fade away . Anxiety is only grown by the fear of our thoughts and nothing more .

A small amount of stress can send their anxiety sky rocketing. To borrow from your example, two guys are walking through the park, one with a fear of snakes and one without. They come across a stick lying across the path, one thinks nothing of it and sees simply a stick, the other whos brain is hardwired to fear snakes immediately thinks "SNAKE!!! What if i get bitten?"

Yes but when you are anxious you are on edge so what happens is that something that would normally raise a little fright in you will now send you into high fright . Then in turn your brain will start sending out those dumb what ifs . Those dumb what if are no different than those dumb thought you have and you need to treat them the same . Eg What if i get bitten?? It didn't happen did it so there is no need to feed that thought .

Again you need to look at why someone may be scared of something . It is two things they don't understand it . Eg leave the snake alone and it will go on its way . Or at sometime they have learnt to fear snakes . They may not even know why because it was so long ago but that fear has a start. Fears do not just come out of the blue .

It may only be a small amount of stress but one person is calm and the other is a their highest level . Its not the amount of stress of one thing but there stress overall.

Obviously there is no need to fear the stick yet the anxious person does. Thats the key there . One person used logic and saw it as nothing more than a stick . The second anxious person the brain worked the wrong way because of stress and it didnt use logic first but panic first and used logic second . This is because certain parts of the brain become active when stressed and other become less active . You go into a sort of base mode where the brain is protecting the body . You have to remember that that anxious person is spending 24 hours a day on edge just waiting for something to happen . So when it does they are already anxious so this just adds to the fears .

I dont fear anxiety symptoms, if I know that something is caused by anxiety then I am fine. I dont fear it and it can hit me with anything and it wont effect me, the problem is the unknown. If theres something that is not anxiety then I stress out. I dont google things because I havent accepted its stress, I often google things to prove to myself that it is.

Yes and no i think that the only reason we google is to prove that it is stress but this is not doing any good is it . You have to learn faith in yourself and for now just accept that everything is stress . I guess you could call it a blind leap . But if you accept that its just anxiety and you tell yourself that over and over then you will stop worrying about it , stop thinking about it and in turn your brain will learn that this is nothing to worry about also .

15 years ago I couldnt have just hopped on and read these things that I do now, I would have been left in the dark and would have half the problems I have had And you learn from that . You just stop doing it , You know it is doing you know good so go on the Google diet . =) And to add to that as mean as it sound half the problems are in your head and only there . That is why when a doctors says no you dont have that you move on until you find the next thing to worry about .

I am intrigued about this site, just wondering what exactly is included for your $30? What are you paying for? It seems like a good site and I thought about joining but I guess I just didn't get what it was all about

Join it what have you got to lose . Its about $8 for the month or $30 for the year . There is 100s of pages on anxiety , All fact based . Starting with teaching you how the brain works and how anxiety comes about and then on things to do to fix it . Most of what i know if from this site . Before anxiety hit me i didn't even know there was such a thing . They also do counseling at $80 a hour which is a lot cheaper than here in OZ and they do know what they are talking about which is a change with anxiety .

The list up the top of symptoms comes from this site but when you join it tells you how they are happening .

cheers mate interesting thread kev :D

09-19-2010, 09:18 PM
I am glad to see an interested back and forth thread on here!!!
Love ya guys!:)

09-20-2010, 04:25 AM
Again its not the anxious person . Its just a every day human who is reaction with fear to there symptoms . Same thing happens with things like the flu if you didnt know what it was or its outcome. As you said it is the unknown that puts the fear into things , If you know the facts behind it then instead of having a first reacting on fear and wondering if it is anxiety or not you can hit it with facts . You cannot fear anything that you understand . Fear is build out of not knowing what is going to happen and nothing more . If you can remove that then the anxiety will go away .

Yes fear often stems from the unknown, but its not a requirement. People may fear things on occasion simply because they are afraid of the struggle or pain that might be endured because of it. Very often with anxiousness though the fear does indeed stem from the unknown.

I think we are possibly coming from different directions over the anxious person, yes an everyday person reacts to stress in a certain way but I still think that the difference lies in the anxious person over reacting to the same stress. Their stress levels are higher because of that fear.

You dont need to know what caused your anxiety and you dont need to know if this symptom or that is anxiety . What you need to learn is let things go . If it is not killing you then you let it go . If it is anxiety and it would be with everyone on these boards then letting it go will make it fade away . Anxiety is only grown by the fear of our thoughts and nothing more .

Couldnt agree more, personally I dont care what caused my anxiety, I need to focus on letting random weird things go and not fixate on them because what I put energy into becomes bigger and bigger and thus a bigger worry.

Yes but when you are anxious you are on edge so what happens is that something that would normally raise a little fright in you will now send you into high fright . Then in turn your brain will start sending out those dumb what ifs . Those dumb what if are no different than those dumb thought you have and you need to treat them the same . Eg What if i get bitten?? It didn't happen did it so there is no need to feed that thought .

Again you need to look at why someone may be scared of something . It is two things they don't understand it . Eg leave the snake alone and it will go on its way . Or at sometime they have learnt to fear snakes . They may not even know why because it was so long ago but that fear has a start. Fears do not just come out of the blue .

True that, no disputes there. Although you were just saying in the first part that fear is born from no understanding but I think here you have hit the nail on the head. We either dont understand it or we have learned to fear it.

Thats the key there . One person used logic and saw it as nothing more than a stick . The second anxious person the brain worked the wrong way because of stress and it didnt use logic first but panic first and used logic second . This is because certain parts of the brain become active when stressed and other become less active . You go into a sort of base mode where the brain is protecting the body . You have to remember that that anxious person is spending 24 hours a day on edge just waiting for something to happen . So when it does they are already anxious so this just adds to the fears .

100%, hence we need to retrain our minds and bodies to not be at that peak stress level so much. I have found that I can be generally stressed through work or study and that increased stress area can then trigger anxiety in my pet area, health worries!

Yes and no i think that the only reason we google is to prove that it is stress but this is not doing any good is it . You have to learn faith in yourself and for now just accept that everything is stress . I guess you could call it a blind leap . But if you accept that its just anxiety and you tell yourself that over and over then you will stop worrying about it , stop thinking about it and in turn your brain will learn that this is nothing to worry about also .

I agree, and I guess this is part of the reason I can go for long periods with almost no anxiety, I can eventually take that leap and everything will be fine. Until something new comes up and we start all over again.

And you learn from that . You just stop doing it , You know it is doing you know good so go on the Google diet . =) And to add to that as mean as it sound half the problems are in your head and only there . That is why when a doctors says no you dont have that you move on until you find the next thing to worry about .

Absolutely, as Jack Nicklaus said. "Sometimes your biggest problem is in your head, you have to believe.

Join it what have you got to lose . Its about $8 for the month or $30 for the year . There is 100s of pages on anxiety , All fact based . Starting with teaching you how the brain works and how anxiety comes about and then on things to do to fix it . Most of what i know if from this site . Before anxiety hit me i didn't even know there was such a thing . They also do counseling at $80 a hour which is a lot cheaper than here in OZ and they do know what they are talking about which is a change with anxiety .

The list up the top of symptoms comes from this site but when you join it tells you how they are happening .

Might do that, I do enjoy reading about how these things come about, knowledge is power as they say!

cheers mate interesting thread kev :D

Yeah mate I agree, good to get a bit of back and forward on the forum, many topics seem to just die out. :D

09-20-2010, 05:37 AM
Howdy again

Yes it is great to have a open discussion instead of it just dieing off .

Anyone else feel free to add to it .

I think we are possibly coming from different directions over the anxious person, yes an everyday person reacts to stress in a certain way but I still think that the difference lies in the anxious person over reacting to the same stress. Their stress levels are higher because of that fear.

Thats right mate their stress is higher solely because of that fear . Just think how many of us go to treatment and get asked . What are you worried about ? Well i guess the answer for most would be I dont know but then if you are to think about it it would be i am worried because i feel like shit and no one will tell me what it is . See when you think about it to go to a doctor and simply be told oh don't worry about it its just anxiety is crap . Its like thats any bloody help . At least with many things you can come to grips with them because there are people you can talk to but with anxiety and depression you feel so alone because it is still a sort of hidden thing , A thing that many look on as a major mental problem .

Very often with anxiousness though the fear does indeed stem from the unknown. It does seem to but when you look deep it isnt . It comes from things we have learned and things that we associate with them. I had some weird ones , One was blood never worried me but yet when i was bad it did . It just comes i think from the site of blood triggers something in people and when they are not stressed they can handle it but when they are its harder to .

There is always something there but often it is something the brain has learned that it should not have .

Eg You are scared to go in a supermarket . Now shopping can be stress full not only some people don't like it but also its stressful on the body when stressed because you have all that noise and sights and the brain is very busy . Now if you enter and your stress goes high and you start to feel the symptoms of high stress you react to it with fear on what is happening . Now what the brain sees is that what it is seeing ( the supermarket ) is the problem . So when it happens next time you enter a super market it will be prepaid to react because that is what you taught it . You didn't do it on purpose but if you had the information and you could have said oh my stress is high i will just sit here for a minute and relax your brain would not learn this fear .

Its like anxiety feeds into the fact you think you are going mad . Other than anxiety itself causing this there is also the media films books that play into this . When we think about the mentally ill we think about someone in a padded room or someone losing the plot and doing something . This also feeds into some of those thoughts but it is all untrue , Anxiety is not a mental illness but it is a illness that effects the mind and the body just as a high fever with the flu can effect the mind .

I guess the point i am trying to get you to see is that there is no such thing as a anxious person , It is simply a person that has anxiety. We are all born with a clean slate and sometimes something happens to some of us and we get anxiety . See i am not a anxious persona and never have been and nor do i look at myself like that . I am simply a person who hit a hard patch in life that stress me big time and then with the lack of information on this i reacted to it as any person would with fear . My stress level has been reset and things stress me more but as i keep moving forward i am retraining this stress level and less and less stresses me each and every day .

So again we are not depressed people , anxious people we are simply just people that are living with anxiety and depression . It is not a part of us , in our make up . It is simply a stage in life that we may have yet learn to control and conger .

cheers kev :D

09-20-2010, 10:04 AM
Very simple, stop googling, see a doctor instead, yes use google but don't assume it's that, tell the doctor what your symptoms are tell him or her that you think it's 'whatever' and let the doctor say 'no'


P.S Doctors are human too they make mistakes, but not as much as you're led to believe.

09-20-2010, 06:16 PM
Yes it is great to have a open discussion instead of it just dieing off .

Anyone else feel free to add to it .

Yeah shame it doesnt happen much.

Thats right mate their stress is higher solely because of that fear . Just think how many of us go to treatment and get asked . What are you worried about ? Well i guess the answer for most would be I dont know but then if you are to think about it it would be i am worried because i feel like shit and no one will tell me what it is . See when you think about it to go to a doctor and simply be told oh don't worry about it its just anxiety is crap . Its like thats any bloody help . At least with many things you can come to grips with them because there are people you can talk to but with anxiety and depression you feel so alone because it is still a sort of hidden thing , A thing that many look on as a major mental problem .

Your certainly right in terms of feeling alone with it, its not something that I feel overly comfortable discussing with most people which adds to the feeling of being alone. Although I have been to the docs a few times and they have asked me what I was worried about and generally they have been pretty good dealing with me, not all though.

It does seem to but when you look deep it isnt . It comes from things we have learned and things that we associate with them. I had some weird ones , One was blood never worried me but yet when i was bad it did . It just comes i think from the site of blood triggers something in people and when they are not stressed they can handle it but when they are its harder to .

Yeah I agree, when your not feeling as stressed or anxious its easier to just slide past these things but when we are on high alert we are bothered by alot more.

There is always something there but often it is something the brain has learned that it should not have .

Eg You are scared to go in a supermarket . Now shopping can be stress full not only some people don't like it but also its stressful on the body when stressed because you have all that noise and sights and the brain is very busy . Now if you enter and your stress goes high and you start to feel the symptoms of high stress you react to it with fear on what is happening . Now what the brain sees is that what it is seeing ( the supermarket ) is the problem . So when it happens next time you enter a super market it will be prepaid to react because that is what you taught it . You didn't do it on purpose but if you had the information and you could have said oh my stress is high i will just sit here for a minute and relax your brain would not learn this fear .

True, I think the same applies to health concerns and many other fears as well. We felt stressed by something and reacted in a certain which then almost forms a habit.

Its like anxiety feeds into the fact you think you are going mad . Other than anxiety itself causing this there is also the media films books that play into this . When we think about the mentally ill we think about someone in a padded room or someone losing the plot and doing something . This also feeds into some of those thoughts but it is all untrue , Anxiety is not a mental illness but it is a illness that effects the mind and the body just as a high fever with the flu can effect the mind .

For sure.

I guess the point i am trying to get you to see is that there is no such thing as a anxious person , It is simply a person that has anxiety. We are all born with a clean slate and sometimes something happens to some of us and we get anxiety . See i am not a anxious persona and never have been and nor do i look at myself like that . I am simply a person who hit a hard patch in life that stress me big time and then with the lack of information on this i reacted to it as any person would with fear . My stress level has been reset and things stress me more but as i keep moving forward i am retraining this stress level and less and less stresses me each and every day .

Hmm, anxious people, people with anxiety....its all much the same isnt? I believe many people could end up in an anxious state because of the way their brains have reacted to certain things and how they have dealt with stress. Some people climb back up quicker than others but I think it could befall most people. That said though there is alot of research to show that long term anxiety is the way the brain works so I also think there is an actual physical trait at play as well.

It is simply a stage in life that we may have yet learn to control and conger .

I like that!

Cheers mate! :D

09-21-2010, 08:26 AM
WOW you guys have the "typing fever" I have enjoyed reading everyone imput thus far

09-22-2010, 01:49 AM
WOW you guys have the "typing fever" I have enjoyed reading everyone imput thus far

Haha :D

Glad you enjoyed it.

Paul Dooley
09-24-2010, 03:28 PM
This thread is right on the money. If you want to free yourself from severe anxiety than do this: STOP SYMPTOM HUNTING, period.

You'll start to feel better in days.

09-25-2010, 03:14 AM
Just to add my penny's worth to the discussion.
The reason that most of us Google our symptoms is because we don't believe the doctors. When I was at my worst with anxiety I was convinced that I had a heart condition and no matter how many times I was checked out my heart was fine. I am over my anxiety and now run three times a week. Guess what....no heart attack.
Anxiety makes you very self absorbed.

09-25-2010, 03:24 PM
yes i too keep thinking i have a heart issue has 2 abnormal ekg's and sset to get ecg soon...i wish they would hurry up waiting is making my anxiety really bad