View Full Version : Palpitations

06-20-2006, 03:20 PM
Hey i have benn getting palpiations for about 2 years now. at first i would get them once in a while.IN september they started happening a lot more. i can get them once or 2a day for a ocuple of days in a row .zSometimes it wont happen for a week
It either feels like a thump or like a coupe beats are outta rhytym.

I saaw a cardio last year to see if i was in shape and a stress test he said iw as fine altho i dnt get the palps. I had a ekg done in september becuz of these and they said i was fine.

Three years ago i dint get them but i was getting lots of chest pains i had 3 ekgs done.
so basicly ive had a lotta tests. If i had a heart problem causing these papls it would of shown right.

IN march i also went to the dr he listened to my heart thru his stetoscope. I was having a panic attack and my herat was racing but he said it wass racing normaly..

IM still worried tho can anyone talk about theres.

06-20-2006, 04:20 PM
I used to have the same problem. Every time it happened I'd freak out, thinking I was going to have a heart attack or something and die. I remember watching an episode of the show House, M.D. where this character had heart problems. This show has some pretty gross visuals sometimes so when the showed the heart with its problem I had to leave the room, my chest felt very uncomfortable at that moment.

It doesn't happen anymore though. The irregular beating I mean, my chest feels a little funny sometimes when I think back to my heart but I think it's because I'm panicking and overthinking things. Kind of like whenever I see pictures of bugs or spiders I have to get my feet off the floor because it feels like they're gonna crawl all over them. :shock:

Best I can say is learn what's good and bad for your heart and try your best to keep yourself healthy, and have a plan ready in case something does go wrong with your heart.

Mine didn't happen for as long as yours but I do know what you're feeling. Mine simply stopped one day and I didn't notice until a week or two after that, and it hasn't done it since.

Maybe you could try focusing your mind on something else to calm yourself when it happens. That's what I did when mine was beating irregularly, I also stayed away from meats(lots of cholestoral) and high sodium foods(pretty much anything in a can and those packs of dried noodles).

I also slept a LOT; that seems to be the way I get through illnesses. If I'm asleep I can't panic or feel what's bothering me. My body fixes itself better when I sleep I guess, maybe that had something to do with it.

Good luck with your troubles. Like I said before, I think you should try to keep yourself calm; you should take comfort though that all your tests show that you have a healthy heart.

I was just looking online for info on this and found some interesting information. Here it is:

[quote]Palpitation is an awareness of a strong, fast, irregular, abnormal or “gallopingâ€

06-25-2006, 06:48 PM
I'm the same as you now a days mate. I took my first attack after i took extacy and i thought my heart was going too fast (120 a minute) but I managed to not think about that no more and it doesnt happen. However one day I was reading something on the net and I read about palpations and since then i've got them :roll:

When i'm doing something i'm fine but when i'm watching tv/inbed I can't stop thinking about it.

My advice would be to exercise more often (tends to work) Good luck

07-03-2006, 10:40 AM
Hey i have benn getting palpiations for about 2 years now. at first i would get them once in a while.IN september they started happening a lot more. i can get them once or 2a day for a ocuple of days in a row .zSometimes it wont happen for a week
It either feels like a thump or like a coupe beats are outta rhytym.

I saaw a cardio last year to see if i was in shape and a stress test he said iw as fine altho i dnt get the palps. I had a ekg done in september becuz of these and they said i was fine.

Three years ago i dint get them but i was getting lots of chest pains i had 3 ekgs done.
so basicly ive had a lotta tests. If i had a heart problem causing these papls it would of shown right.

IN march i also went to the dr he listened to my heart thru his stetoscope. I was having a panic attack and my herat was racing but he said it wass racing normaly..

IM still worried tho can anyone talk about theres.
I have been having palps on and off for many years. More so since menopause. Mine can go on all day for weeks at a time and then again I can go without for months at a time. I went to the doctor, was hooked up to monitors,had a chest xray,oxigen test,blood gasses, and I even had a stress echo and all were normal. I know how distressing they can be.


09-08-2006, 04:58 PM
hey man, I get the exact same stuff. When my nerves are bad I become so obsessed and aware of my heart beat that the palpitations become very noticible. Also, my chest wall tends to get sore. All this stuff usually gets me worried to the point where I have a panic attack, which just makes it worse. I'v ealso had a boatload of tests done on my heart and they've all come back negative. It just stuns me that anxiety can basically affect everything and can cause so many symptoms. For me, I have to find things that keep my mind occupied and off my heart. Working out, playing sports is effective because you really have no time to let your anxiety build up. Video games are also good I find. It's basically a mental battle dude. When they happen you have to try your best to convince yourself that you've had all the tests done and that nothing is wrong with your heart. After a few days of symptom free living, your anxieties should come back down to a manageable level.