View Full Version : family thinks im crazy so i must be

09-16-2010, 07:58 PM
Today was a horrible day. I woke up with my lungs and esophagus feelin like there is broken glass in them. I think I have a chest infection. I tryed callin my stepmom to tell her and I mentioned how I wanted to go to the doctor and she was like our insurance doesn't cover drs visits and ur fine u just have a cold. She told me I'm not gonns have insurance at all startin oct 31 because my dad didn't work enough becauses there's no carpenter jobs since the economy. I started cryin a lot and sayin how its not fair that they could just take my insurance away and just leave me to worry about what I'm gonna do now. I was also cryin sayin how I need help with my anxiety/panic disorder because it is turning to agoraphobia. later on I was with my brother and he was saying how my stepmom and my dad were saying how crazy I am because everytime I'm sick I think I should go to the doctor so I started crying again thinkin that everyone thinks I'm crazy and I will never be normal and I should just kill myself because I cannot stand feeling like this anymore nothing is ever gonna help me and nobody is ever truly gonna believe how I feel. I am so alone I just want to be normal before I actually do kill myself.

09-16-2010, 08:47 PM
i dont understand your step mom? if you are older than 18 you can get medicaid from your local social services. your step mom should do it for you. and your not crazy. keep your head up

09-16-2010, 10:43 PM
Sometimes, especially when things go really bad, your family can be your worst enemy.