View Full Version : SYMPTOMS POLL. Please participate! :)

09-16-2010, 06:22 PM
Hi guys,

I thought this might be interesting... Since we are always wondering "who else has had this/that," I thought I'd post something I wrote up a while back and posted on another board. If we can see just how many people have had the same exact symptoms we are going through (past or pesent), perhaps we won't feel so scared and alone.

Kindly copy the questions below and insert your answers. :)



Vision disturbances:

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.):

Toothaches, gum issues:

Facial numbness:

Difficulty swallowing:

Ringing in ears/pain:

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension:

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both:

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?:

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath):

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps:

Back pain (upper. middle, lower):

Rib pain (left/right/both sides):

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations):

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random):

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood):

Frequent urination:

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs":

Feet/toes - numbness, pain:

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation:

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis):

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains:

Overall weakness:

Feeling like you're about to faint:

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness:

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head:

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations:

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot):

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold):

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?:

Any other issues not mentioned here:


Chronic worrying:

Feeling like you're going to go crazy:

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial:

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered":

Chronic fatigue:

Overall feeling of being "off":

Feeling clumsy:

Poor memory:

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence:

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.:

Irritable / impatient:

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world):

Afraid to be alone / clingy:

Agoraphobia or other phobias:

Insomnia or nightmares:

Which disease(s) do you currently think you have?

Which disease(s) have you been convinced of in the past, got tested for, only to find out you were just fine?

Anything else not mentioned here?:

Finally, how old are you?

How old do you feel?:

09-16-2010, 06:41 PM

Headaches/migraines: yep from smoking

Vision disturbances: yep from sinus

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.):yep from smoking

Toothaches, gum issues:yep

Facial numbness:yep had many years not sure what it is

Difficulty swallowing:yep

Ringing in ears/pain:yep

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension:yep yes hold stress there

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both:yep

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?:yep always had this

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):yep

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath):yep

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps:no High heart rate but dont feel it

Back pain (upper. middle, lower):yep have bad back so dont count but have had it in the kidneys

Rib pain (left/right/both sides):yep

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations):

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):yep

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):yep

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random):yep

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood):yep

Frequent urination:yep

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs":yep still get this when very stressed , this symptoms sucks .

Feet/toes - numbness, pain:yep weird one first one and looks last to go

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation:yep

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis):yep

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains:yep

Overall weakness:yep this one is very much a mental thing most times

Feeling like you're about to faint:yep

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness:yep

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head:yep

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations:yep

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot):yep

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold):yep

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?:

Any other issues not mentioned here:


Chronic worrying:yep no

Feeling like you're going to go crazy:yep no

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial:yep no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered":yep no

Chronic fatigue:yep no

Overall feeling of being "off":yep no

Feeling clumsy:yep no

Poor memory:yep no

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence:yep

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.:yep

Irritable / impatient:yep

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world):yep

Afraid to be alone / clingy:yep no

Agoraphobia or other phobias:yep no

Insomnia or nightmares: yep and wish it would go away

Hmm Should have just wrote Yes to all up the top .:tongue:

Many of the top ones i still have at times but as i know they wont hurt me i dont worry about them and just take them as a note that my stress is high and needs working on . Many i have had for 20 years without worrying about them .

Many of your psychological symptoms are physical in nature

How old do i feel , Every day of what i am which i have never . Always felt younger
Oh and im 37

cheers kev

09-16-2010, 06:45 PM
My answers:


Headaches/migraines: Never used to very often, but lately, yes.

Vision disturbances: No

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Used to get congested a lot, esp. at night. Now, my sinuses just feel sore or like the nerves inside are sensitive.

Toothaches, gum issues: Yes, I feel like I have a nerve running through my top left tooth, sometimes my right, and I'll get the ocasional "ping."

Facial numbness: No, but have in the past

Difficulty swallowing: No

Ringing in ears/pain: No

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: YES!!

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both: Not now, but used to have the occasional odd sensation/pain sometimes above the inside of elbows, esp. on left side

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?: Yes, numbness during the night - I'll wake up and my left hand will be numb. I used to have the same issue not long ago, but with the 2 middle fingers of both hands going slightly numb. (Cured by chiropractor.)

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes, vertical splitting on left ring fingernail

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Used to...upper left of chest (pains), sometimes a squeezing feeling

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Used to...hard thumps that almost take my breath away for a second, elevated heartbeat

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower, though not lately

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Used to...under ribcage (left), sometimes feel like my ribs can't expand and it hurts when I move a certain way

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Used to sometimes have "burning spots" which last for a couple seconds.

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes, lumps, plus nerve sensitivity in left armpit - I can feel it when I apply deodorant.

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Used to have quick pains, bloating, gas.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, random spots - little shooting pains, but have found out I have fibroids. Used to have twinges of pain to the right of my belly button but went away now that I have found out I have food intolerances and eliminated them.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools, loose stools, or small little thin stools, or tiny and flat (which I call "crapping leaves"). Has improved lately. Sometimes constipated.

Frequent urination: Yes, sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Some twitching inside left leg & foot

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Was having numbness in middle toes on occasion for a while there, but it stopped

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Was having joint pain and "hot" feeling some time ago, but went away. Started when I started worrying about having arthritis, then went away when I stopped worrying. LOL!!

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes, mild psoriasis & granuloma annulare - nothing major

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Not usually, but used to

Feeling like you're about to faint: Used to

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Used to

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No, but used to

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Used to

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Used to

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?: Under left jaw, next to nostrils, eyeball area, left side of forehead, on scalp - a nerve pain feeling, or like a bruised feeling. this is my latest worry.

Any other issues not mentioned here: Used to sometimes feel like my back/ribs can't "hold me up" - like they feel heavy for my body, if that makes sense!! Plus an overall "just not feeling right" on occasion (moreso in the past).


Chronic worrying: Yes, but it comes and goes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial: Sometimes, esp. in the past

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Used to, though I still occasionally feel I will eventually get "something" dreaded...it's only a matter of time

Chronic fatigue: Not really?

Overall feeling of being "off": Sometimes

Feeling clumsy: Sometimes

Poor memory: Yes

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence: Yes!! All the time!! This concerns me. I will forget the simplest words, sometimes more than one word in the same sentence, like I'll forget the word for "refrigerator" or something. I could swear I'm turning into a vegetable! LOL.

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

Irritable / impatient: On occasion, but PMS-related

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Not lately, but have in the past on occasion

Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No, but a touch of OCD, particularly when leaving house (checking stove, iron, etc.)

Insomnia or nightmares: No

Which disease(s) do you currently think you have? Some sort of neurological disease

Which disease(s) have you been convinced of in the past, got tested for, only to find out you were just fine? Heart problems (EKG, treadmill test), Lupus (ANA), MRI for fainting (which turned out to be whiplash from accident I had just had)

Anything else not mentioned here?: Not that I can think of

Finally, how old are you? 45

How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 45[/i]

09-17-2010, 01:25 AM

Headaches/migraines: Yup, headaches definitely

Vision disturbances: Yup, plus floaters etc etc.

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yup, quite alot recently

Toothaches, gum issues: Yup

Facial numbness: No

Difficulty swallowing: Absolutely

Ringing in ears/pain: Yup

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yup

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both: Not really

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?: Definitely

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yup

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yup, can be quite painful

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: yup

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Frequently

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes, mostly left sided

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): N/A

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Sensitivity yes, never heard of this one before!

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yup, quite a bit.

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yup

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yup

Frequent urination: haha, definitely

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes, I hate this one

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Not really

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yup, pain in joints sometimes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes, have had all my life!

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Occasionally

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Had this one really bad a few years ago.

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Haha, yes!

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes!

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes!

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?: Sometimes, shoulder at the moment!

Any other issues not mentioned here:


Chronic worrying: 100%

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Intermittently

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial: Not so much

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes, can be scary too!

Chronic fatigue: Yup

Overall feeling of being "off": Yup

Feeling clumsy: OMG yes!

Poor memory: Sometimes!

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence: Sometimes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Definitely

Irritable / impatient: yup

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): yup

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yup

Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not really

Insomnia or nightmares: Not overly

Which disease(s) do you currently think you have? Hmm, hard one. I dont necessarily think I have anything, I do fear things alot though.

Which disease(s) have you been convinced of in the past, got tested for, only to find out you were just fine? MS was my original one, testicular cancer was another, more recently mouth cancer and I went through a stint of HIV for some reason.

Anything else not mentioned here?:

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: 40odd!

09-17-2010, 03:12 AM
Headaches/migraines: yes

Vision disturbances: sometimes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yep sinus pain

Toothaches, gum issues: no

Facial numbness: no

Difficulty swallowing: no

Ringing in ears/pain: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes definitely

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both: sometimes

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?: sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): yep

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: sometimes

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): yes

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): yes, the worst of all symptoms!

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): yes

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): yes

Frequent urination: sometimes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": sometimes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: sometimes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes

Overall weakness: yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes definitely

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes definitely

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?:

Any other issues not mentioned here:


Chronic worrying: yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: yes

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial: no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": yes

Chronic fatigue: yes

Overall feeling of being "off": yes definitely

Feeling clumsy: no

Poor memory: no

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence: yes actually but didn't realise could be from anxiety

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes

Insomnia or nightmares: yes nightmares

Which disease(s) do you currently think you have? none

Which disease(s) have you been convinced of in the past, got tested for, only to find out you were just fine? a rare parasite growing inside me! and sometimes a brain tumor

Anything else not mentioned here?:

Finally, how old are you? 29

How old do you feel?: about that!

09-17-2010, 08:21 AM
Headaches/migraines: Maybe once a week

Vision disturbances: Every couple of days

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

Toothaches, gum issues: Yes my wisdom tooth is the issue

Facial numbness: No

Ringing in ears/pain: no

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: YES!

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both: Not numb but sometimes pins and needles

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?: I am slightly shaky

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath) Hard of breathing

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: ALL of those,plus had an ekg come back as borderline left ventricle issue.

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): More in the sternum

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity).yes

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes acid reflux, gas

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes especially if fixing to go to anything "social" whatsoever..diarrhea happens

Frequent urination: nope

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes!

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation:yes in shoulder area

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

Overall weakness: Yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes often

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot):no

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes!

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?: Sometimes, shoulder currently

Any other issues not mentioned here:


Chronic worrying: 24/7

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: More like feeling like I am 'sick and may die"

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial: no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes!!!daily

Chronic fatigue: Yes

Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

Feeling clumsy: yes!

Poor memory: yes

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence: no

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.:
Irritable / impatient: yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

Insomnia or nightmares:Just sometimes

Which disease(s) do you currently think you have? Heart issue.

Which disease(s) have you been convinced of in the past, got tested for, only to find out you were just fine?
lukemia and my white blood count was great
and currently heart issue and my ekgs were abnormal,hopefully due to stress.will be having ecg next week

Anything else not mentioned here?:
Just an over all sense of not being well,.and feel I may faint and die!

Finally, how old are you? 27

How old do you feel?: Wow not even sure they say you are how old you feel...on my good days (every once in a blue moon) I feel 19..but on most I feel old


09-17-2010, 10:18 AM
Such great responses - keep 'em coming!! :)

Also, for the questions that have specifics in parenthesis, such as:

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random):

Please specify which location the pain occurs - left side, right side, middle, or random. The more specific, the better, because chances are, someone else is going through the exact same thing, and would be relieved to know it's not just happening to them. :)

Let me add that it was interesting to me to see how my answers had changed from the first time I posted this elsewhere. I had different symptoms completely, so it's good to go back and see how they eventually did go away!! (Only to be replaced by something else, of course, but such is the nature of anxiety!!)

09-17-2010, 10:44 AM
I think anxiety is so stupid sometimes!!!! It is more annoying and debilitating than people realize. My hubby has a HARD time getting where I am coming from, since he has never had it happen. He is like I can not even imagine...I tell him GOOD, because I don't want him to have to know how it is!

09-17-2010, 11:26 AM
My hubby has a HARD time getting where I am coming from, since he has never had it happen. He is like I can not even imagine...

I hear ya! I have a best friend who didn't seem to understand my health anxiety before. She would try to give me advice to overcome it, etc. Last year, both her beloved dogs died, and she had some health issues, and now she has the very same problem - wakes up every day anxious, has trouble sleeping, wakes up freaked out just as she falls asleep, etc. She has become quite fragile, though she's just starting to get better and it's been about a year I'd say. So, nobody can truly understand until it happens to them!!

09-17-2010, 06:43 PM

Headaches/migraines: yes

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches, gum issues: yep

Facial numbness: always

Difficulty swallowing: often

Ringing in ears/pain: always

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: extreme!

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both: extreme

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?: yep

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): nope

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): yes all of these often, this is worst part of anxiety for me

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: heaps

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): extreme

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): mainly left side, but often

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): always

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):yep

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): indigestion, nausea

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): random

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): yep

Frequent urination: yep

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yep

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: sometimes

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: sometimes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): every now and then

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: always

Overall weakness: always

Feeling like you're about to faint: yep

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yep

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: often

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yep

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold):
Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?: aways, chest, ribs

Any other issues not mentioned here:


Chronic worrying: yep

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: no

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial: no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": too often

Chronic fatigue: yep

Overall feeling of being "off": yep

Feeling clumsy: yep

Poor memory: yep

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence: yep

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

Irritable / impatient: sometimes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): never

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yep

Agoraphobia or other phobias: nope

Insomnia or nightmares: sometimes

Which disease(s) do you currently think you have? Heart problems

Which disease(s) have you been convinced of in the past, got tested for, only to find out you were just fine? heart, cancer

Anything else not mentioned here?:

Finally, how old are you? 35

How old do you feel?:
135 :roll:

09-22-2010, 09:57 AM
Please, please, please - anyone else??

09-22-2010, 03:34 PM

Headaches/migraines: yes, migraine every 2 - 3 days

Vision disturbances: no

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): sinus pressure, runny nose

Toothaches, gum issues: wisdom tooth pain but prob not related to anxiety!

Facial numbness: in one migraine attack yes, up one side of face and neck - v scary

Difficulty swallowing: yes

Ringing in ears/pain: ringing, not pain

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both: left arm

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?: numbness in hand

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sharp pains, inability to take deep breath (my BIG problem), tightness, pressure, shooting pains

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: some palpitations and feeling of pressure round the heart - hard to describe - the feeling that I am about to have a heart attack even tho I have no idea what that actually would feel like!

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): indigestion, stomach cramps, acid reflux - plenty of gas ;-)

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): sort of middle I guess

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): diarrhoea, constipation yep. What are flat stools?!

Frequent urination: yep

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": twitching

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: numbness in left heel and right big toe!

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): itchin

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yep

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: YES

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes, too hot then too cold

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?: no

Any other issues not mentioned here: think that covers it


Chronic worrying: yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: yes

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial: yes, yes, yes

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": yes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": generally feel "not quite right"

Feeling clumsy: yes! I am always clumsy but especially unco-ordinated at the moment

Poor memory: at one stage I couldn't remember whether I had said something 5 minutes ago or just thought it

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence: yes - worrying when you are on the phone to a client half way through giving them some legal advice...

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: mild

Irritable / impatient: no

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): no

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: i have a fear of flying

Insomnia or nightmares: yes, yes

Which disease(s) do you currently think you have? none

Which disease(s) have you been convinced of in the past, got tested for, only to find out you were just fine? brain tumour, stroke, heart disease etc

Anything else not mentioned here?: I get nervous about reading lists of symptoms like this in case it gives my anxiety ideas about symptoms I haven't had yet!

Finally, how old are you? 32

How old do you feel?: 32

09-23-2010, 08:18 AM

Headaches/migraines: headaches sometimes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: some

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both: have had, not frequent

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): some

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sharp pain, ache, pressure

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: palps

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): lower mostly some upper

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Nausea is my main problem! gas, ache cramps, indigestion sometimes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): lower right but this could be something else Im trying to figure out.

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): constipation sometimes. have had Diarrhea I think was IBS.

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: muscle aches

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: some

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?: lower right pelvic area. seeing doc for now. cant figure it out!!!

Any other issues not mentioned here:


Chronic worrying:

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: YES

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Kinda yeah

Chronic fatigue: YES

Overall feeling of being "off":

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence:

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes when I am really bad

Irritable / impatient: some yes

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): some

Afraid to be alone / clingy: YES

09-23-2010, 01:09 PM
Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): lower right but this could be something else Im trying to figure out.

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?: lower right pelvic area. seeing doc for now. cant figure it out!!!

Can you tell me exactly where you mean? Like, how many inches to the right from your belly button, then how many inches down?

I had this, but depends on which spot you are talking about. I found out I had fibroids, so that's the discomfort way down, and I used to have discomfort maybe 3 inches to the right and 2 or 3 inches down. This went away after I had a food allergy test and found out I was intolerant to wheat gluten, yeast, and eggs!! I was having pains here a lot (and not just in that exact spot, but in different spots around my midsection, but that spot is where the large intestine meets the small intestine) and had them for some time, and I was worried - didn't know if it was appendicitis, gallbladder, or what!! Stopping wheat, yeast, and eggs made the pains stop immediately!!!

LOTS of people are allergic or intolerant to wheat gluten or other foods and don't even know it. They can cause a lot of other symptoms, not necessarily abdominal pains. I had been eating those things with absolutely no clue. It's especially hard to figure it out if it's an "intolerance" - which means your body rejects that food, yet does not show the symptoms immediately. Hours or even days later, it will hit you. An allergy, on the other hand, is an immediate reaction - like you bite into something and it feels like your throat is closing up or you break out in hives, etc.

I urge you to get tested for food allergies. I am SO, SO, SO glad I did. The test was worth every penny many times over!!!

09-23-2010, 04:25 PM
Headaches/migraines: yes bad and across my eyes

Vision disturbances: yes floaters

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

Toothaches, gum issues: no

Facial numbness: yes

Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: always

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both: left arm nearly every day more when im tensed

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?: no

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): cant take a full deep breath

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: all of those and i cry over it

Back pain (upper. middle, lower): upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes and bad

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): only when due on

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): gas and reflux

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood):
Frequent urination: yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): crawling issues

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes

Overall weakness: no

Feeling like you're about to faint: yes

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: yes

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes specially side of face and neck

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yep

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?: yes all over

Any other issues not mentioned here: teeth grinding


Chronic worrying: yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: no

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial: no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": yes always

Chronic fatigue: yes

Overall feeling of being "off": no

Feeling clumsy: no

Poor memory: yes

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence:yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

Irritable / impatient: no

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): yes

Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes
Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

Insomnia or nightmares: yes

Which disease(s) do you currently think you have? cancer heart disease

Which disease(s) have you been convinced of in the past, got tested for, only to find out you were just fine? both

Anything else not mentioned here?:

Finally, how old are you? 30

How old do you feel?:50

09-29-2010, 09:47 AM

Headaches/migraines: yes everyday but i think it is all in my head sometimes

Vision disturbances: yes

Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yes

Toothaches, gum issues: yes everyday

Facial numbness: no

Difficulty swallowing: Had this only once

Ringing in ears/pain: yes

Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes everyday

Numbness or pain in left arm/right arm/both: no

Numbness in hands/fingers, trembing?: yes sometimes

Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no

Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: use to not much anymore

Back pain (upper. middle, lower):yes middle and upper

Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): n/a

Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): yes sometimes

Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): yes

Frequent urination: yes

Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yes

Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: yes

Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes

Overall weakness: yes

Feeling like you're about to faint: no

Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: yes

Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head:
yes everyday

Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

Does it hurt to press on any spot on your body? Where?: yes temples neck

Any other issues not mentioned here: clinching teeth day and night


Chronic worrying: yes

Feeling like you're going to go crazy: yes

Feeling guilty for no apparent reason, or feeling overly guilty for something trivial: no

Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": sometimes

Chronic fatigue: no

Overall feeling of being "off": yes

Feeling clumsy: no

Poor memory: yes

Having difficulty speaking / tongue-tied / forgetting words mid-sentence: yes

Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes but i push on

Irritable / impatient: yes - I wan't anxiety to go away

Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): no

Afraid to be alone / clingy:yes

Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes

Insomnia or nightmares: use to when this first started

Which disease(s) do you currently think you have? some neurolgical disease

Which disease(s) have you been convinced of in the past, got tested for, only to find out you were just fine? I had a cat scan to make sure i didn't have a brain tumar.

Anything else not mentioned here?: obessive thoughts

Finally, how old are you? 36

How old do you feel?:50