View Full Version : I'm so scared.

09-16-2010, 01:57 PM
I've been suffering from anxiety for a few months now. Two weeks ago i had a massive panic attack at my doctors surgery and since then i have had a headache which has obviously made me so stressed out. Today i was doing so well-no real headache all day until about an hour ago when iwas just chatting to a neighbour, i suddenly felf so much pressure in my head and felt like i couldnt hear what my neighbour was saying to me. i'm so scared that there is something fatal wrong with me. I am a mum of five and i need to be here for my children, i am sufferring from so many physical symptoms of anxiety, even when im having a good day and then i google my symptoms and something terrible pops up. i just want to be free of all of this fear it feels like it is taking over my life. :cry:

09-16-2010, 02:27 PM
I am really sorry to here that this has happened to you. You have come to the right place for support. Just hang in there the lord has a plan for all of us and all we can do is put our trust in him to get over these things.

Mine started just a few months ago also and it has been hell for me and my family. I finally had to be put on medication and it has helped me some, I think but not as much as I hoped. The feelings and the symptoms are over bearing at times but i just try to think positive as much as I can that this is just another huddle i have to overcome.

I also, use to google all of my symptoms and it made my anxiety worse. Who would have ever thought that this would have caused so many different things. It seems like my mind focuses on every little movement and weird feeling that I have and then I start to stree out.

09-16-2010, 04:37 PM

Firstly, do not google your symptoms!!! I know its hard but TRUST me when I say it only makes the anxiety worse. You have come to the right place for help. There are heaps of people on this forum who know what they are talking about and have been though what we are going through and have come out the other side so listen to their advice.

I too had and still have terrible physical symptoms. I went to the doctor and have had every medical test possible to see what was wrong with me but there is nothing worng with me just got anxiety. So maybe go to the doctor and get a full check up and then this will help you to accept your symptoms as just being from anxiety.

And yes my symptoms including bad headaches often come out of the blue which does drive me crazy but I am learning to accept that they are just symptoms of anxiety and nothing else.

I have 2 kids and I know how hard it is. Somedays I feel like I am going backwards but other days I know I am heaps better than what I was 2 months ago.

The stress of raising a family was enough to set me off. Do you find it stressful? Anxiety comes from high stress. You need to find time to relax for yourself and start to let your body calm down. This WILL take some time though.

Go to the doc and get checked first to put your mind at rest. :) hang in there.

09-16-2010, 04:46 PM

Yes NO GOGGLEING :D You have a question drop in here and someone will answer .

After reading your first post can i ask you if maybe you have a cold , sinus or a ear infection .

Just sounds like it could be something like that .

i'm so scared that there is something fatal wrong with me.

Its only anxiety and it will not hurt you so keep telling yourself that over and over again and try and take some time out and relax when you can to help your system settle .

It will not last forever

cheers kev :D