View Full Version : does anxiety make more prone to going ´crazy´or mad??
09-15-2010, 10:26 PM
this thought often enters my mind! from time to time i sit there and just think what if i go crazy and even worse what if everyone realises it but not me, and even sometimes picture myself in a mental home. i get wound up quite easily and can be quite snappy and moody at times(i hate it) but i get so worked up sometimes that i think oh my god what if one day i just go so mad that i actually end up loosing the plot or turn into a scitsofrenic or something(dont no how to spell that word btw)....that thought really really scares me, and the more i think about it the more i think oh my god is it going to happen. is it commen to suddenly just go crazy and are people like me with high anxiety more prone to it than others?? cos my mood swings can be very up and down sometimes, one minute i can be fine then something will annoy me and it cleary shows
09-15-2010, 11:05 PM
Howdy Worrier
:roll: Thats a lot of what ifs in there .
This is a fear that we see when we think of the mentally ill . We see someone that has crack and is locked in a padded room . This is also why i never saw my anxiety as being mentally ill . I was just tired and stressed and the symptoms where both body and mind and nothing more .
The feeling you are having are all pretty normal for someone that is in the middle of anxiety . It is normal to question if you are going mad , But the point to this if you are questioning it then it is not going to happen . Take people with schizophrenia ( that the word you were looking for ) they believe that they are normal and yet everyone can see that they are not , They will fight to the death that what they are feeling is normal and that everyone else must be mad.
that thought really really scares me
Thats all it is , it is just a thought and nothing more . If only they work that way what you thought would happen . I would take a million bucks and a long holiday thanks :D
cos my mood swings can be very up and down sometimes, one minute i can be fine then something will annoy me and it clearly shows Hmmm you know what i call this . The i am sick of dealing with all this shit and having it run my life emotions . That is all it is ,it is just shear fustraighten with the amount of things we have to deal with . Its like when something pushes the button we think "what more do we have to put up with "
You will get though it just let it run its course and push it as it goes .
Hey one more thing . worrier of all worriers Do you think you could find something positive to have here . Something that will motivate you to fight on . That saying is very negative . Something like fear is nothing more than fear itself is a better one . Just a thought .
cheers kev :D
09-17-2010, 12:56 PM
thank u kev ur so inspiring with ur outlook on things....whish i could have u in my pocket for 24/7 reasurance lol! i do try and be positive i really do but get me on a down day and its pretty much impossible, i hate thinking i could be a bad person cos of the way i am sometimes(snappy,moody,paranoid,sensitive,worried, tempermental the list goes on) or if others think it too, and if someone wil ever put up with me cos of it. but i know i do have alot of good qualitys about me too and i am a good person its just when the above come in to play i get so down. maybe i do need propper help i dont no :(
im getting all upset righting this now but thank u for ur time and advise i appreciate it
09-17-2010, 03:20 PM
yes i have wonder this alot of times but to be sure of myself i have spoke to other people and asked for advise i worry that in like 40 years time am i going to be sat on a park bench talking to myself omg i really hope that dont happen but i dont think it will either :shock:
09-17-2010, 04:25 PM
Hey worrier
You're anxious, not crazy. Anxiety can make you feel out of control and scared beyond belief, but you're in control. You're not a slave to your anxiety - it just takes time to work that out. It's taken me 7 months, but I've finally worked out a formula to manage my anxiety. I still get anxious and still have to work at it, bit I no longer think I will go crazy or end up in an. Institution. This had been my biggest anxiety fear.
09-17-2010, 10:32 PM
Oh I sure hope not. I feel the same exact way and lately its getting worse. I have such high anxiety that its ridiculous and I always feel like I am gonna lose my mind soon but I'm teying to be positive by saying ... so what if I lose my mind at least I won't know what's goin on! But I'm still scared I have a serious mental illness
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