View Full Version : Is so fed up with anxiety

09-15-2010, 12:38 PM
Please Help me!!!

Im so fed up with feeling anxious all the time its driving me crazy. Ive always been a person that worries over everything, but ever since ive had a miscarraige in july ive had all these rubbish anxiety symtoms which has made me feel like im seriously ill even tho many doctors and i mean many doctors have told me im not!
When my anxiety was at its peak i began to make myself sick i couldnt eat and id make myself sick just to have some relief from what i was feeling, im constantly checking my spit just incase i seee blood, but since i was making myself sick i keep seeing these small brown peices and even tho the doctors have told me its from me being sick i cant keep thinking its blood and then i start thinking i have lung cancer, even tho all the doctors i have been to see have told me to put that at the back of my mind cuz im to young to get that as im only 23 and have years before i need to start worrying bout that!
Also is there anyone with that lump feeling in there throat? can it make you cough? Please reply it will really help me thanx xx

09-15-2010, 01:18 PM

I do understand as we lost our infant daughter in Feb.also. Please pm me as I would love to chat to you.

09-15-2010, 03:28 PM
This sounds a lot like the type of thing I get. And I guess most people who post on this forum.

At the moment I am learning about cognitive behavioural therapy.

I don't know much about it but it seems to be that you need to replace your irrational thoughts (I have lung cancer even though the doctors say I don't) with rational ones (I don't have lung cancer, I have anxiety and it can't hurt me).

I am reading a book called the Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns. I haven't got very far with it yet but just reading the book, and doing the exercises in it, feels like I am doing something about my problem. Which feels like a start.

Has anyone else read this book, or can recommend a different one?

09-15-2010, 04:26 PM
welcome and calm your self down we are here to help you and comfort you in everyway we can

09-16-2010, 09:07 AM
Do you smoke Rachel? If so that would explain the brown mucus during coughs, being the tar and other things found in cigarettes.

09-17-2010, 03:19 AM
Thankyou for all your replys

And yes i do smoke but not alot bout 4/5 a day! i have never been a heavy smoker! and i have never had the small brown peices before. These started to appear since ive been making myself sick, good news its my first day of no smoking today im quitting!!! :D
Im just fed up with always thinkin there is something seriously wrong with me its like i cant evr believe this is just anxiety playing games with me! Im stil waiting for my cbt but its taking ages i hope it hurries soon xx

09-17-2010, 10:29 PM

friends here is the link of dentistry where you find every information related to this which can help many people
