View Full Version : update and terrified guys
09-14-2010, 10:26 PM
So my blood test were fine but two ekg showed boarderline heart issue w left ventricle I go tomorrow to get 24 hour holter and ecg stress test later this or next week,the dr says could be stress but wants to be safe w borderline result.the numbers should be 120 to 140 for amt of blood flow thru valve and mines 120. The cardio dr said he thinks my test will turn up fine and he is about sure since I am good bp of 102 over something and ok weight 5 ft6 and 130lbs nonsmoker or drinker. I am worried to death about abnormal and wonder if anyone here has had abnormal ekg test. Please help me feel better about this!
09-15-2010, 01:54 AM
So my blood test were fine but two ekg showed boarderline heart issue w left ventricle I go tomorrow to get 24 hour holter and ecg stress test later this or next week,the dr says could be stress but wants to be safe w borderline result.the numbers should be 120 to 140 for amt of blood flow thru valve and mines 120. The cardio dr said he thinks my test will turn up fine and he is about sure since I am good bp of 102 over something and ok weight 5 ft6 and 130lbs nonsmoker or drinker. I am worried to death about abnormal and wonder if anyone here has had abnormal ekg test. Please help me feel better about this!
I dont think you need to be concerned, the levels are only approximations. Most people will have readings that fall outside of "normal" ratings. It doesnt mean a thing, what is normal for some people is abnormal for others. Its getting checked out which is good but you dont need to be concerned!
09-15-2010, 08:01 AM
That makes me feel some better.I couldn't sleep last night good due to worrying if something IS wrong.
I have read alot online how ekg's can be wrong,esp on females..but I HOPE this is the case with me!!
09-15-2010, 10:18 AM
Hi JJ,
If the norm is 120-140 and yours is 120, you are still in the "normal" range. I highly doubt the majority of people would be a perfect 130. Even if you did have a slight issue, it is probably stress-related and temporary.
Your BP is great, your weight is normal, and you do not smoke/drink. You are ahead of the game already - the average American cannot claim as much.
Just hang tight and wait to see what the halter monitor and stress tests show.
09-15-2010, 11:38 AM
Hey there,
Thanks for the reply. My hubby keeps saying it just the stress. Our infant daughter passed in Feb,and we are trying to sell our home for a Navy move to 10 hours away. I have never moved before,so I been freaking about that. Then our son who is 30 months old stopped talking after she passes and we have waitied 5 months for speech..
I think just everything is catching up getting to me as my panic has been bad past 2 months.
09-15-2010, 11:54 AM
My hubby keeps saying it just the stress. Our infant daughter passed in Feb,and we are trying to sell our home for a Navy move to 10 hours away. I have never moved before,so I been freaking about that. Then our son who is 30 months old stopped talking after she passes and we have waitied 5 months for speech..
I think just everything is catching up getting to me as my panic has been bad past 2 months.
I'm so sorry for your loss- but i think your husband just nailed it on the head.
You have way too many life stressors going on at once here. Anyone would have a stress response to it- you're having panic attacks (and I assume palpitations because you talk about the ECG) - other people might get shingles or an ulcer.
You need to do some things to take care of yourself. Get short term therapy to talk it out, read a good book to help you deal with your symptoms ( I recommend Hope and Help for your Nerves by Dr, Claire Weekes), get out and about in nature- take a walk.
Good luck to you. I know your heart will be fine. Anxiety does all sorts of weird stuff to ECGs- and its usually nothing. (I am a cardiac ICU nurse)
09-15-2010, 12:06 PM
Your infant daughter passed away, your 30-month-old stopped speaking as a result, AND you are moving for the first time in your life?? That is way more than the average person can bear!!!! Who WOULDN'T get panic attacks & anxiety under those circumstances but an unfeeling, uncaring, lifeless person.
Your body just needs time to grieve. My mom lost her child (in infancy) before she had me, also. There aren't many things in life worse than losing a child (if anything), so do know what you're going through is PERFECTLY NORMAL and to be expected. You will eventually be just fine. You just need TIME.
09-15-2010, 01:14 PM
Thanks for the sweet replies. It is really weird how my body is reacting to everything. She passed in Feb. 2010 and my panic attacks didnt get really bad untill we listed the house in the end of July.
I HOPE that is all it is,is stress. My ekg was just boderline abnormal. I went today and got the heart moniter but have to go back because it isnt working properly so they have to reprogram it or give me a different one.
My ECG should be the end of this week or beginning of the next week. I will be sure to let everyone know. The dr.has mentioned left ventricular htrophy but I am hoping that isn't it. He too said stress could be the cause with everything going on at once. Since the last post is a nurse, I will take their word for it and hope that is the case with me.
I do have gerd too and I know that causes heart flutters that may be another issue.
I will be sure to let all of my friends here know what the heart moniter and ecg shows.
09-15-2010, 03:29 PM
You blood work is not just fine but is bloody good for someone under stress . It is not unusually for someone with stress to show high numbers . Yours shows low which is even better and means that you have a pretty healthy heart . Your also a little lady so i would think that being low is your normal . I have a mother in law like this.
Mine at one stage was 159/95 for a while but as i settled back down again it dropped back to nearly normal ..
Dont worry about the borderline result as someone said these are just levels that most people have and some are higher and some are lower .
You also need to see that the doctor might be reading things wrong because he is not a heart doctor . You will most likely go to someone else and they will dismiss it as just a level that is off because of the stress you are under . I think the first doctor is covering his/her butt and making sure that if there is something a miss they are not blamed for not doing something .
I have read a lot online how ekg's can be wrong,esp on females I don't know how many times i say this STOP GOOGLING I don't care what it is if it is related to your symptoms them it will only stress you even more . Do you not have a phone line there that you can call and talk to someone that has a clue and is not just feeding you half facts as google does . If you have to then go and see your doctor and explain it . I swear that they should sell a key board the bars google for people with anxiety . :roll:
My hubby keeps saying it just the stress. Our infant daughter passed in Feb
I am so sorry about your daughter and cannot even imagine what you must be going though. But what i do see is someone that is having a hard time dealing with that . I dare say there is some deep issues that you need to deal with behind her death and i think you should find someone that you can talk to . What is there in your area . Have you thought about going to a church and talking things out . Yes i no you might not care for a church but many of them are there to help people and good ones will not push there beliefs onto ours . I really do think that this is your underlying problem and the other things are just adding to it .
I think you said your mother died young also . I think this is feeding into your belief in some way about people dieing young . I think i have told you before that as my mother has also died at 24 i do understand that . I again say you need to talk this out with someone so you can come to some sort of understanding and peace with yourself . I am sure that your daughter is in a better place and would not want you to suffer from her passing .
I am also not sure how you are dealing with things with your son . If you are talking to him about his sister and putting his mind also at peace . He will also come good in time but is dealing with it the only way he knows how . I don't think that there is anything wrong with him . Im 38 and still have problems opening up about things in my life but m getting better . When i am at my worst i also shut down and dont talk .
She passed in Feb. 2010 and my panic attacks didn't get really bad until we listed the house in the end of July.
Correct me if i am wrong here but i will tell you what i see here . I think that you daughters death has been playing on your mind as you would expect and when you decided to sell your house maybe it increased because this house is part of your memories of your daughter and maybe you feel the loss again by losing this house and just maybe you think you may forget her when you don't have things to remind you around you .
I would be guessing here but you may like to look at this .
I think you may be questioning why you , why do you have to lose these great people that you love , why are they taking away from you .
You would have to have some hatred towards something in there . I can tell you for 37 years i hated god for what he did to me and i cannot tell you how much relief it was to let go of that . I have had 11 people die in my life and most of them were people i cared very deeply for and were a big part of my life. Again today i am facing my best mate knocking on deaths door .
You need to talk it out . Find someone and something that will put you at peace with what has happened in your life . I chose god . I didn't chose religion but just with gods help came to some sort of peace with my life and the things that had happened in it . Yes it still hurts and i don't think that will ever stop but i am at peace with it now and i hope that you can find that peace also .
cheers kev :)
09-16-2010, 05:30 AM
You need to do some things to take care of yourself. Get short term therapy to talk it out, read a good book to help you deal with your symptoms ( I recommend Hope and Help for your Nerves by Dr, Claire Weekes), get out and about in nature- take a walk.
I just Got online and purchased this book, Thank you for the suggestion.
09-16-2010, 06:02 AM
I meant to ask do any of you ever wake up and yawn and your chest feels weird? Like a fluttering feeling... or you have to burp alot to get it all out of your system???
09-16-2010, 06:26 AM
I meant to ask do any of you ever wake up and yawn and your chest feels weird? Like a fluttering feeling... or you have to burp alot to get it all out of your system???
What happens is when your anxious your body increases your breathing rate, this means you swallow more air than you would normally. Hence the wierd chest feeling and burping.
09-16-2010, 08:39 AM
Isn't crazy how the body works. I am just setting here in my heart holter. I get that off in 5 hours and 53 mins and counting.... lol
Then the ecg will be hopefully the beginning of the week!
I am getting nearvous about that too because I WANT good results,but expect the worst.
09-16-2010, 09:54 AM
I am just setting here in my heart holter. I get that off in 5 hours and 53 mins and counting.... lol
Yay! Glad it's almost over with - can't wait to hear your results!! :)
09-16-2010, 03:45 PM
Ya what I hate is it is not instant results will be next week before I know.
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