View Full Version : advice on anxiety symptoms ????????????

09-14-2010, 01:58 PM
about 3 weeks ago i had a tattoo (full sleeve, outline) it took 3 hours, a did feel abit under the weather that day but nothing serious, the next day my wife said she could see some red marks on my arm and it got me paranoid, thinking i had blood poisoning etc, then i started sweating, heart racing, pacing, couldnt stop moving, feeling like i was going to pass out, cold chills, thought i was going insane, ended up going to the out of hours docs, who told me it was a panic attack and to go and see my g.p, which i did he next day, they put me on anti depresants, still thinking i was going insane i thought i had cancer or something more serious, to cut i long story short, i ended up going to the docs four times, the walk in center at the hospital twice, had two sets of blood tests and went to A+E once, all blood test came back ok.
ive been taking the antidepresants for nearly 3 weeks, i feel a bit better, but my heart still races, sweaty palms, tingling all over my body especially down my arms, legs, back of head and face, dont really answer the phone when rings, dont like to go out especially if there is alot of people, for example when me and my wife would go out for a day time drink, we would have to walk past pubs and see how many people were in there, and if there were more than 5 or 6 people i wouldnt go in, i used to go to the gym, one of the only places i would go, and i dont even go there now.
the tingling in my body and stomache cramps are really quite bad and intense in the mornings they normally start about 5 o'clock.
i have suffered with panic attacks before, but never this bad.
can any body help with this as i dont think it is normal.
thanks joe

09-14-2010, 03:24 PM
Hi Joe,

You may have already been concerned in the back of your mind somehow about having the tattoo done, and when your wife made that innocent comment, it set your anxiety off. But, see, the red marks are gone now, right? It was just temporary. Everything's fine. But...now that your adrenals have been spooked, and if you've had panic attacks before then they're jumpy to begin with, then this is going to take some time! You're FINE, you know it, but your "innards" have taken the ball and are running with it.

I've been there!! Again, it just takes time. Please do try to get out and work out, take a walk, etc. Force yourself. You don't have to be around a lot of people - just go to a park and run. Sweat it out!

09-15-2010, 02:01 AM
Yeah once you get an anxiety streak it can be hard to break, I have been up and down with it for a couple of months now.

Just wondering if you have tried speaking to anyone about the issues?

09-15-2010, 03:16 AM
hi thank you for your looking at this its nice to think im not on my own feeling this crap i keep tinking im going mad how can something make people feel so bad i feel for all that feel like this.went back to docs today and she put me on sertraline 50 mg but i dont wont to stop my others in case it makes me feel bad i was up at 5 this morn panic tingling/burnig it was bad im going to start cbt soon hope it well help me thanks people

09-15-2010, 04:37 AM
I was up at 6 this morning stressing and panicking so I can sympathise. Last week I had my first CBT session and am already feeling a bit more hopeful, just knowing that I have someone to go to for help. Hang in there. It will get better.

09-15-2010, 06:05 AM
I can relate. Mine has been going on for 3 weeks and to not much relief, I have calmed down a bit due to meds but I still have tingling and zaping feelings through my body and they freak me out. I guess they take awhile to go away. I keep thinking it is the early stages of a debilitating disease but you have to block out those thoughts and tell yourself it's just anxiety. It also helps to pray if you are a religious person, which I am, so that has helped me. Try to ignore these feelings, I'm sure we will both be just fine :)

09-15-2010, 06:19 AM
i hate getting up early i used to wait till my alarm went off and still be late for work but now im up walking round the house at 5.30 am trying to feel normal. i also feel a bit like im here but not like im floating not walking it sucks and this feeling like butterflys then my hart sinks its not to nice i want to go back to work cant wait till a feel abit better thanks again joe

09-15-2010, 06:30 AM
its nice to chat to people that feel the same as me im feeling better getting some replys its good to have all you nice people just a click away i dont tell many people what i feel they think im mad or tell me to get a grip man if only they new

09-15-2010, 10:23 AM
When do you start your CBT? I have heard good things about it but have never tried it myself. Interested to hear what you think about it! Good luck!!

09-15-2010, 10:35 AM
hi i start in a couple of weeks cant wait i will keep ya posted hope its good :D

09-15-2010, 10:41 AM
In a couple of weeks?? Oh, geez!! You need it NOW. :)

Oh well, in the meantime, get some massages, watch some funny movies, get out in nature, etc. :)

09-15-2010, 10:54 AM
i wish i was going now but good things come to those who wait i hope. i feel abit better to night hope you all have a good one thanks joe :lol:

09-15-2010, 11:46 AM
Instead of the antidepressants, couldn't you get a short term anti anxiety medication just to get you thru the rough spot?

When I go through a tough time and my anxiety is out of control and I'm avoiding people and places, I use medication until I'm feeling better.

I agree with the other poster who said that the whole thing was triggered by the tattoo event.

In any case, it better be a dang nice tattoo :)

09-15-2010, 12:10 PM
its a nice tattoo :lol: what do you mean by short term anti depresant. i dont like taking any tablets even when iv got a headache. im only taking them cause i felt so so bad now i look on hear people are saying its not a good way to deal with it, its makeing me feel better but i dont like taking it thanks for your time joe :)