View Full Version : went to the docs and been put Lorazepam??

09-13-2010, 02:05 PM
i havnt been sleeping properly for weeks and it has been taking its tole and me and really making me upset ect so decided to go to the docs, i didnt wana resault to tablets but i felt i had no choice i tried everything else.....im abit worried about taking them just cos iv never taken anything like that before.if anyone else has been put on them could u tel me what its like and if they really work or any side effects ect. i just wana sleep :(

oh also something else is it normal to experiance stiff jaw with anxiety? it happens quite often and its just hard for me to ´relax´my jaw...then i focus on it too much thiking i need to relax it but it makes it worse

im just falling apart at the seems right now lol

thanks guys x

09-13-2010, 07:18 PM
I've never tried anxiety meds, but a stiff jaw is most definitely an anxiety symptom. I have that!! In fact, I can feel it right now.

09-15-2010, 04:56 AM
I had the stiff jaw problem too I while back. I used to wake up with pain in my teeth and jaw because I'd been clenching my teeth during the night from stress and anxiety. It even began affecting my ears and caused some slight problems with my hearing.

I have taken to listening to a relaxation cd every night before bed and/or doing some deep abdominal breathing exercises to help me to relax. So far so good as the jaw problems have gone and my hearing has returned to normal.