View Full Version : New Meds

06-15-2006, 09:17 PM
Hey everyone, Kim from Australia here. Just letting you know how I am going.

Still on the Zoltoft (been a month now - haven't been out of the house in that time). Not having attacks at home (which is a blessing in itself). But still not sleeping some nights and other nights get 3-4 hours sleep (which with little kids drains you). Went to the Docs today - hubby drove me. Dosed up on Sarapax and thankfully didn't have to wait too long - actually wasn't stressing out too bad really, quite good, just a couple of waves. The doc said she was pleased with me considering I was still on a fairly low dose, but wasn't going to up my dose yet as it would make my insomnia worse, so gave me some more sleeping tabs. Told me to come back next week to see her, and to see a shrink in a couple of weeks time when my meds have kicked in further. Also said (surprisingly to me) that she's fine with me to continue to take Sarapax to get out of the house, her words - whatever it takes!

So there you go. And as you guys all can relate when I got home I felt cool like I had accomplished something. So now I'm ready to get out there and go Ta Ta's (as my one year old would say) - with a support person of course.

Catch ya!