View Full Version : panic or death??

09-12-2010, 02:29 PM
Having a really strong anxiety episode, none like I've ever felt, and its worrying me to the point of death.
I felt a little anxious when I realized I left standing water in the washer with my clothes in it over night. And when I spun dry it, and put it in the washer...Im thinking "Maybe I have mold in my system". So instantly I felt a very strong tingle in my chest, like a sharp pain almost, and I became dizzy, and out of focus with reality. My feet are numb and my vision is doubled and blurry. I can barely remember what im writing here.
Ive never been this terrified in all the years Ive had GAD.
Im telling myself its panic...then im telling myself im poisoned and dying...
which do i do, what do i do...
i tried to eat and drink alot of water, none helped.
gosh im terrified.

09-12-2010, 08:53 PM
Panic attack pure and simple! It can't hurt you, it's just your nervous system overloading. Don't stress about mold, even in the unlikely event you had accidentally ingested some your immune system would kill it off.

Your fine! It will pass, just have a couple of deep breaths!