View Full Version : Having a bad day!!!!!!!!!!

09-12-2010, 06:22 AM
Please Please help.....

Im having a bad day today with my anxiety symptoms, my shortness of breath has come back along with chest pain and when im gettin more panicy about thos symptoms palpitations, im scared i hate feeling like this, feeling like something is seriously wrong with me. im constantly feeling my chest thinking i can feel lumps but its nothing! please help me this whole anxiety is really making me super upset xxx

09-12-2010, 06:56 AM
Hey Rach,

Sorry to hear your having a bad day, everything you are saying is consistent with being in a very anxious state!

Your shortness of breath and chest pains will get worse with the more focus you put on it, what we put our energy into becomes bigger and more problematic! It wont hurt you, its just scary! As for feeling lumps, been there and done that before! When you are in an anxious state you become hyper aware and start to question everything you feel!

Take a couple of deep breaths and distract yourself with something, dont worry everything your going through is perfectly normal!

09-12-2010, 08:58 AM
Hey Rachie,

Sorry to hear about your problems. You should try some qigong exercises
that involve paced breathing, for your shortness of breath. I had one of my blog if you're interested.

09-12-2010, 08:58 AM
Hello,its crazy you posted this as I feel the EXACT same way. I wake in a panic and feel short of breath. There for a while I woke to palpitation, now its breathing hard..not sure why the change

09-12-2010, 01:11 PM
thanks for your blog post,we can all use this info

09-14-2010, 09:40 AM
I have a suggestion for you. I have also faced this problem before. At that time i got some body massage and i feel myself quite better after getting massage. I would also like to suggest you that you should go for massage. I hope it will definitely work for you.

09-16-2010, 12:37 PM
If you're concerned about anything being wrong with you, you should probably seek a doctor to take a look at you. It'll make you feel better if you know that there's nothing wrong with you and it's just the anxiety. After I developed anxiety I kept questioning if there was something physically wrong with me, so I went to have medical tests done and am still waiting for the results which I get back tomorrow. If everything is alright then it'll give me a peace of mind and I'll be able to get closer to feeling back to normal.

Anxiety can really make a person feel like there's something wrong with them (that the point of anxiety, it makes you feel like there's something wrong and scary all the time) so you're most likely fine, you just need to try to relax.