View Full Version : i think its time to seek help...something isnt right?

09-12-2010, 03:52 AM
i posted on here the other day about how im having real bad problems sleeping, its been going on at least 2weeks or more now, it just feels like i never sleep, i´l be led in bed and really tired but just cant switch off and stop ´thinking´or singing a song or something like that, i also noticed the last few nights that i cant stop moving my legs when im in bed im just constantly tossing and turning, iv googled sleep disorders and there is a thing called RLS which is restless leg syndrome however i dont feel the pins and needles, itchying, burning sensation that it describes so im guessing its not that but i just cant stop moving my legs. normaly when im drunk its easy for me to just come home and pass out but even that latley hasnt helped, i took 2 sleeping tablets the other day(they´re spanish as im in majorca for the summer) so im not sure how strong they are ect but they didnt help either. guys im really starting to worry now that i may have a serious problem and wont ever be able to sleep again, its starting to show effects on me too like being clumsy and droppin things, getting frustrated and angry and i just keep crying cos im so tired but i cant sleep. i really dont no what to do? should i see a dr out here in spain? thing is they´l prob just give me more tablets that wont work. can u die from sleeping disorders? i feel like im guna start loosing the plot. please what is wrong with me??

09-12-2010, 04:32 AM
Ok you need to take a deep breath or two and calm down! I am willing to bet you anything you do not have a sleep disorder! :D

Even if you did, it's harmless and won't cause you any long term problems! You have no need to run off to the doctor and I would think you don't need sleeping tablets either.

Stop googling things! Everytime you feel the urge to google something give yourself an uppercut! The reason you can't atop moving your legs is because your stressed and anxious. Stress releases adrenaline which is designed to make you active! By stressing about not sleeping you are creating an adrenal response which is counter productive!

Take the focus off needing to get to sleep, sleep disorders and everything associated with it and you will be fine! You don't need to pay any kind of sleep doctor I don't believe.

What strategies are you using? Btw, stop with the sleeping tablets too because they will only mess up your sleep more!

09-12-2010, 05:34 AM
Howdy worrier

Well mate i have to say you are living up to your name . There is so many what ifs in your post .

I agree with all the Phoenix said , The legs are from the stress hormones . You could try some magnesium with it .

What you need to do is get off the sleeping tablets and the alcohol to start with and get into a routine . Start by starting to settle down a few hours before bed . Have a warm shower or bath . Relax reading or watching something happy . Start doing meditation early in the night . Good if you can do this lying in bed because it will show your brain that bed is a place to relax .

What helped me was a ipod with nature sounds when i was lying in bed . Also i would count backwards from 100 etc 100, 99, 98, 97 .Never once did i get to 0

cheers kev

09-12-2010, 12:51 PM
ok thanks for ur advise, most things uv both mentined i have tried but dont seem to work, i do have GAD but iv had this for years and years and at the mo i cant seem to think if theres anything on my mind that maybe causing this...but i cant think of anything. its just that this has been going on for a while now and its starting to take have effects on me. like today for example i finished work went out and had a few drinks so i got home at about 6am(which is fairly normaly our here as i work nights) i put a film on to help me get sleepy which i did so went to bed and straight away i couldnt keep still just kept tossing and turning, so i got up about 11am after realising its pointless just led here so went back to watch a film....i must of nodded off from about 12-3pm but at the same time i stil felt like through this tme i was consiously awake i wasnt in a deep sleep!! after i woke about 3ish i tried to go back to bed and thas where iv ben until now which is 8:49pm so the best part of 12 hours iv been ´sleeping´but not really sleeping. i just cant seem to switch off, then i focus on switching off which obviously makes everything worse. i just feel so down and tired...and now i have to get ready for work and do this restlessness all over again!!

09-13-2010, 06:24 AM
Hello Worrier
Sorry to hear about your tiredness. Sounds like you've tried a few things yourself to help relax but keep at it and you'll see the results. ;)

Forwells is right - you need to get into a good sleep routine, that means doing the same things night after night. Have a warm bath and/or a warm drink. Do some relaxation exercises - have you ever done that one where you start at your toes and work up to your head and tense all the muscle groups in turn - so tense your toes breathe slowly in and out counting to 5 (or whatever suits you) then tense your calves, thighs etc all the way up. You'll probably fall asleep before you get to your head and if you don't - do it again! At least your body will be in a restfull state which will help to calm your mind. Also do some light exercise during the day if you can. And lastly looking at screens, computers, watching tv etc are not good for the brain especially just before bed so try and avoid them and read a book instead.

;) Sleep tight.

09-13-2010, 07:28 AM
do u guys think i should go to a chemist and get some strong sleeping tablets to help me get back into a sleeping routine? cos i think im going to struggle if i dont! the other week when this al started i got some sleeping tablets but still nothing.....i really dont no what do to feels like i havnt slept right in weeks and im worried im starting to loose my my mind and go mad, im so so worried that im never guna be able to sleep :(

09-15-2010, 02:06 AM
do u guys think i should go to a chemist and get some strong sleeping tablets to help me get back into a sleeping routine? cos i think im going to struggle if i dont! the other week when this al started i got some sleeping tablets but still nothing.....i really dont no what do to feels like i havnt slept right in weeks and im worried im starting to loose my my mind and go mad, im so so worried that im never guna be able to sleep :(

I wouldnt, I would stay away from chemical assistance, especially for something thats a mental problem. It will only scramble your sleep cycles and ultimately make your problems worse!