View Full Version : On and off tablets and do not know what to do?

09-11-2010, 05:41 PM
Hey all, I am new to this forum. To be honest, it takes so long for me to get an appointment with my GP, I thought it would be a good idea to post to a forum.

A few years back I lost my job, and became angry with myself and others (never violent) - I found me hating myself and being around others. After visiting the docs he put me on Citalopram.

I found these did something, and removed the anger and anxiety, slightly. But after a while I started to have allergic reactions to Citalopram. And was put on Prozac instead.

Anyways I found these were ok, but I thought in my mind that they were not helping me deal with the problems, but making me forget about them. I also thought they were making me very forgetful.

After about a year on these I was getting all sorts of side effects including serious joint pain. So I decided to come off them.

I have been off the tablets for about 2 months now but I feel I need to be back on them now as the anger is returning, I can not deal with any situation however minor. I am extremely irritable and have just taken on a new job. I feel that I can not face the people there and do not want to do it.

I need to go and see the doctors but can anyone read what I have written and think what could be the matter?

Perhaps shed some light on my situation, and what I need to consider to end the problems?

09-12-2010, 05:12 AM
Your doctor would probably be VERY happy to prescribe you another SSRI. However, what you have experienced with SSRIs is actually quite common. MANY people take them, only to have incomplete relief and suffer from side effects. You are also not alone in feeling that they simply help you forget about problems rather than help you deal with them. In other words, they simply mask symptoms. And if you try taking another SSRI, you can't expect it to do anything more than this for you. After all, pills don't cure ANYTHING.

So what to do? In order to REALLY get over something like this, you need a treatment such as CBT. This will help to retrain your mind so that you feel less anger toward yourself and others. Remember, this is something you learned when you lost your job. So you can certainly unlearn it. If you can find a good therapist, this could be REALLY helpful for you. But you can also accomplish ALOT on your own with a good self-help book.

09-12-2010, 09:03 AM
I understand your fears as I have them too..the dr wrote me an ssri,I got it but never started..celexa.

I think pills are never the answer, and if I were to have an underlying cause,it would make it worse.
Any suggestions on a good self help book for panic attacks anyone?

09-12-2010, 03:37 PM

Good book to start with is anything by Dr Claire Weekes

Old fashion but right on the money .

I think you might be able to down load some from the net

cheers kev :D

09-28-2010, 06:29 PM

Can you recommend a book for GAD (general Anxiety disorder) I'm the what if thinker, afraid of the unknown and negative guy. I care too much what's others say about me and the whole 9 yrds. I have went to a physiologist for CBT, but too many sessions and when the down hits (having some grounds to be negative) then its really awful and problematic.


09-28-2010, 06:36 PM
howdy Abraham

Can you recommend a book for GAD (general Anxiety disorder) I'm the what if thinker, afraid of the unknown and negative guy. I care too much what's others say about me and the whole 9 yrds. I have went to a physiologist for CBT, but too many sessions and when the down hits (having some grounds to be negative) then its really awful and problematic

Try a book called The feeling good handbook . The author also has other that could be some help

cheers kev :D [/quote]