View Full Version : The Cure

09-11-2010, 01:55 AM
The Cure

People who don't suffer from anxiety or depression often just shake their heads at those who do."oh,snap out of it dude" is a common response.

We know different.

I got to a point where I got so fed up with the feeling of depression and anxiety that it actually help me to,well,snap out of it as sorts.

There is no magic cure.There is no magic pill.In fact the further you stay away from pills the better.There is no magic remedy.The awful truth in my opinion is that there is not a single one thing that you can only do to cure anxiety or depression and the sooner one realises that the faster you will start to move in the right direction and stop chasing cure after cure which will only leave you depressed and disappointed again and again.

Ok,this all sounds very negative but hang on for the positive because there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is blindingly bright and today you will start moving into that direction as I did.

See anxiety or depression as an evil alien standing in front of you.You have to kill that alien or it will kill you.So you start slapping it in the face.Ok,that didn't work.What are you going to do now?Slap it in the face again?No...You are going to kick it!So you kick it!Ah..the Alien gave you some response of pain.You feel you are heading in the right direction but the damn thing is still standing!

You get angry,that is good.What are you going to do now?

You quickly move in behind him and elbow him right in his spine and he falls to the floor in pain but the bugger stands up again.Now you really get worked up!You run to him and poke both your index fingers into both his eyes!The bugger get's to his feet again!Now though he can't see anymore and you move in behind him again picking up a shovel you see lying there and digging it into his spine again!

Take that sucker!

Even though the bloody thing is still there and lying there he can't see.He can't move and if he dares get up again you know you are going to beat the crap out of him once again.

My point is that you have to attack your anxiety or depression from all possible angles and even though it will always be in the back of your mind you WILL get to a point where you can go days at first then weeks without thinking about it.

I had to force myself to start eating healthily.I read that it will help against anxiety and depression.I had to force myself into a 4 times a week running routine.Also read it somewhere.After exercising your brain releases endorphins,a natural drug that leaves you feeling happy.I wanted that drug!The brain also releases serotonin,a natural anti depressant.I wanted that and I got it both!

I eat healthy and I exercise.I know that the anxiety and depression at times is still there but hell,I feel a hell of a lot better and I'm going to continue hacking away at that evil alien!

I discovered a new weapon by the way.For the fiction part of this article I will call it anti evil alien acid.Oh,they hate.It is a acid that penetrates the alien skin and burns the living hell out of it!Back to reality?Ok,yoga.

No matter how weak it sounds now it is everything but.The evil alien wants you to believe it sounds weak but in reality it is the last thing it needs!

The programme I'm in is called relax you mind body and spirit.Discover the simple yoga secrets to a happy and healthy life.I just said to myself,It can't do me any wrong and if there is a slight chance that my evil alien will be on the receiving end of a few more acid drops I'm in!

In the programme(which I will add a link to at the end of the article) a lot of promises were made about what exactly yoga can do for you to improve your lifestyle and your state of mind but there was one that came true for me more so that any other and that was leaving me with general feeling of well being.Knowing that again I did something to fight that alien and that no matter how I felt before,I'm sure to feel again a little bit better.And it is in the end where all the little bits add up!

You just have to keep hacking away at that bloody damn evil alien again and again and again!!

Remember not to give up.Different angles of attack is the answer.Exercise,yoga,healthy eating,positive thinking.Replace a negative though with a positive one.Even though you don't feel different just do it and keep doing,remember you must keep hacking away at that evil bloody alien!

You can do it!

Believe in yourself!

By clicking on the link you will directed to my homepage.On the right side simply click simple secrets to yoga and check it out.

I wish you all of the best and I'm confident you can do it!

If you have any questions just let me know!

Kind Regards,