View Full Version : Will i ever be able to sleep again!?

09-10-2010, 10:49 AM
i dont no whats wrong with me but i just cant sleep! its been going maybe 2 weeks or more now, it didnt help that i lost my job a while back so wasnt doing anything with my time so my sleep pattern was al over the place, i now work in a bar from 11pm til 3 am and i normally hang around and stay out for a few drinks,im normally in bed by 6am but if i ever get to sleep its not until at least about 9-11am!! iv only just got out of bed after being there for 12hours and feeling as if all night iv just been consiously awake!! i even took a sleeping tablet,im not sure how strong they are but that did nothing!!! when i was 9 yrs old i saw this program about a man who could never ever sleep, even trying to be put under anesthetic didnt work so eventually he just died. if a sleeping pill isnt even knocking me out and if i go to bed really tired but stil cant switch off then there must be some other problem, i have been a little anxious these past weeks but nothing more noticable than what im used to so i dont think its anxiety. im just really worried. why cant i sleep??

09-10-2010, 11:29 AM
I work nights too, so I know how hard it can be getting to sleep even without insomnia! If this is affecting your life then you should get yourself down to a GP, there could be a number of reasons why. Worrying doesn't help and then worrying about not being able to sleep would just make it worse.

I was terrified of my GP but I forced myself down there and realised they are just there to help.

Hope you figure it out soon hun!

09-10-2010, 03:41 PM
Its sounds like a visit to the doctor might be in order. However if that is not an option, valerian root, melatonin are easily attainable otc herbal remedies that can help. I have this guided meditation thing on my ipod and I didnt think it would help but it puts me out pretty darn good for a non pharmacological tool.

09-10-2010, 06:36 PM
Hey there, sorry to hear that you are not sleeping. Have you tried meditating or doing relaxation visualisation exercises before going to bed? I do this for about 20 min after my kids go to bed and 9 times out of 10 I fall asleep doing it! and this is at like 7.30pm.

09-10-2010, 10:57 PM
I honestly wouldnt be worried about it at all, the more pressure you put on yourself to fall asleep the harder it will be. Lying there thinking to yourself just reinforces that behaviour.

Try meditation, relaxation CDs etc etc. Or try mindfullness meditation, thats fantastic for getting off to sleep.