View Full Version : Having a hard time accepting my diagnosis

09-09-2010, 06:37 PM
Hi, Im new here, but not new to anxiety. However this time it is different. I started experiencing prickling electrical shock feelings all over my body, not all at once but sometimes here and sometimes there. I went to the ER twice and they diagnosed me with GAD and I have had OCD since childhood. Im scared because these feelings never go away, even when I feel calm. Im a 24 Female 5-5 and 115 lbs and healthy.I have been obsessed with going online and diagnosing myself and I am convinced that I have some kind of neouroligal disorder. I cant eat, I cant sleep, and have been forced to withdraw from my current semester of college. Im a complete mess. Anyways, Im having a hard time accepting the fact that these sensations in my skin are indeed anxiety, because even when I'm calm they are there. Is this really possible? I know its always on my mind, but im not panicking all the time...why wont the symptoms ever let up. Im desperate for someone who can relate because i feel so hopeless at this point. Any words or advice are greatly appreciated!

09-09-2010, 08:52 PM
Hi Sarah,

I to have had a problem with aceepting my anxiety diagnosis as well. I have had many senations and feelings palpations, and pain in my chest tinging in my arms etc. they would come and go when I was calm and anxious, its been several years I have had many test done ekg, trips to the ER etc. I have also done alot of the internet self diagnosis thing as well.

09-09-2010, 09:29 PM
I know the feeling! check out my previous post about going to the dr.

I was convinced I have cancer..I just hope my blood work comes back ok..last night it was my heart I was scared about

09-09-2010, 10:07 PM
Hello Sara,
I understand completely what you are going through. Among many others, I too have anxiety issues. This constant anxiety that you feel is very common. From living with it a long time, I usually made a habit of ignoring it...and when I do, my heart beat is normal, my mind is clear, my body isn't in a panic mode. The second I stop and notice what I am feeling, its always there. Anxiety is just one of many emotions that people feel as an extreme.
Some people are always happy, some are always sad...hell some are always angry lol. We're just...always anxious. It just depends how far we take it, to how far it can affect us.
Convince yourself that it is normal to feel it, and it'll lessen. Its an emotion so it will never go away, of course. Try not to worry, you even said it's always on your mind. Don't let it.

09-10-2010, 12:49 AM
Howdy Sara

All sound very common for anxiety and i had many of them and still get the buzzing shock every once in a while

Only tip i want to give you is stop googleing because you will drive yourself mad from doing it .Google is not a doctor and doctors take everything into account not just symptoms but also the way you talk and act

cheers kev

09-10-2010, 02:14 AM
Hi, Im new here, but not new to anxiety. However this time it is different. I started experiencing prickling electrical shock feelings all over my body, not all at once but sometimes here and sometimes there. I went to the ER twice and they diagnosed me with GAD and I have had OCD since childhood. Im scared because these feelings never go away, even when I feel calm. Im a 24 Female 5-5 and 115 lbs and healthy.I have been obsessed with going online and diagnosing myself and I am convinced that I have some kind of neouroligal disorder. I cant eat, I cant sleep, and have been forced to withdraw from my current semester of college. Im a complete mess. Anyways, Im having a hard time accepting the fact that these sensations in my skin are indeed anxiety, because even when I'm calm they are there. Is this really possible? I know its always on my mind, but im not panicking all the time...why wont the symptoms ever let up. Im desperate for someone who can relate because i feel so hopeless at this point. Any words or advice are greatly appreciated!

Hi Sara,

I understand where your coming from, I had a similiar situation when I was first diagnosed too, I had weird sensations and things going on even when I was calm and not anxious which made me insane. I was asking myself how can this be anxiety?? I am getting these symptoms even when calm!

Eventually if you choose to ignore them then you can move past them, they will still happen sometimes but if you dont stress about it they dont get worse, when you focus on them you increase them.

Plus as Kev said, never Google! Never!!!!!

Good luck!

09-10-2010, 11:02 AM
Hi Sara!

I hear ya - I have been dealing with neurological issues in my face & head for the past 4 months that have me worried. It's probably stress, but dang it, I wasn't stressed when it started!! It did get worse when I did get stressed over something, but still. That's what kills ya - when these things happen during the calm times!! But, you know, that's often when things happen - when the dust settles.

09-10-2010, 03:54 PM
Hello Sara, your post grabbed me. Let me throw in my two cents. I also am 24 and struggling through college. I have GAD and obsessive tendencies. I wrote my first will in second grade because I was convinced I was going to die of testicular cancer. I have messed around with the google and it just makes things worse. Anxiety can make you feel very physically ill, as it is in your body, not just your mind. I know the feeling of being absolutely convinced something is wrong, and drs. telling you that you are fine. However they are a better source of medical care than google!

09-10-2010, 04:21 PM
Ya when I google every single symptom of lekumia I have..so

09-10-2010, 06:54 PM
Hey there, I myself havn't experienced the electric shock feeling but if you looked on every anxiety website that would be listed as a possible symptom. I spent months researching my symptoms and you know what it didn't help my anxiety one bit! I promise you it wont help. I am now finally accepting that anxiety is the cause of all my symptoms but sometimes my mind trys to wander. The fact that you have posted on here says that you are worrying about it and that is keeping the anxiety going. Dont worry I still ask questions about random symptoms too.

It is really hard but the quicker you accept your diagnosis the sooner you will feel better.

09-11-2010, 09:09 AM
Thanks everyone for your replies! The sensations in my skin feel like they never go away no matter how much deep breathing I do or how calm I am. Do I just have to ignore them? I tell myself to accept them as anxiety but then I'm like no there's something wrong here, this isn't right. Should I be confident in the fact that it is just anxiety. I also get left shoulder and arm pain from time to time and then I obsess about that. It's ruining everything right now and I even have to take Xanax to even remotely stop letting them consume my mind. So is what you're saying is that as long as I let them be on my mind and rule my thoughts that they will be there. It's been 3 weeks already and haven't felt much relief. I know the OCD doesn't help because I obsess constantly that I have this neurological disease that is going to criple me and my life as I know it is gone. But right now this worry is ruining my life. Thank you all for your reassurance I just have a hard time accepting this because I have never felt such scary shocks for no medical reason. I'm constantly living in fear :(

09-11-2010, 09:28 AM
Hey ya,

It's hard but yeah, as long as you fear them and think about them they will be there. Even when you don't think about them they will pop up from time to time but after a period of time they will reduce and then virtually vanish.

I used to have it with dizziness, it would just pop up out of the blue which worried me but after a period of time just ignoring them they went away!

09-11-2010, 11:57 AM
I've been obsessing over my neurological symptoms in my face & scalp as well and they're just getting worse, which makes me worry more!! So, I know what you are going through, worried about it being some disease that will keep going downhill. It's most likely anxiety, but I can't help thinking about all the "what ifs"!