View Full Version : panic attack lead to health anxiety

09-09-2010, 03:01 PM
hi im new to this site!!

I have been diagnosed with anxiety by my docter, it all started before i got married i had my first panic attack!! since then i have been constantly self checking and monitoring my health! i was put on venlafaxine which really did help i was on them for about 3 months then took myself off as i didnt like feeling flat all the time!! now the real problem is when i do get ill the anxiety kicks in and its hard to tell which symptoms are real and not anxiety assosiated. the docs are getting sick of me! im of to see a highly reccomended hypnotist/cbt therapist which is also another reason i took myself of the meds.. any body have any good ideas on what i can do for the next few weeks to chill myself out. to take my focus of my health?

I just feel like im loosing my mind! my family are getting fed up of me talking about my health all the time! so i dont but i feel very alone!!

09-09-2010, 03:26 PM

I think what you are doing is great . Drugs will not help and i think seeing the hypnotist/cbt therapist will help you get to the cause .

Have a look around the internet and search for meditation . Learn to do this a few times a day and you will see your body start to settle . Takes time but it will work

cheers kev

09-10-2010, 01:40 PM
I hear ya - it's hard to tell what's really anxiety-related and "real," and it's quite scary!

Good luck with the Hypnotherapist!! Let us know how it goes! I may do something similar myself!