View Full Version : Not having a good day
09-09-2010, 11:07 AM
Hello. I am nervous right now because I am waiting to get a tooth pulled. Sounds really easy, but I am not having an easy time. :o( the thoughts of my heart stopping and lungs not working are relly taking over right now. I am also having thoughts that I will be allergic to the medicine. This is just no fun. Like I said I am CBT and doing much better, but things like this aren't easy for me at all. :cry:
09-09-2010, 11:17 AM
I'm sorry to hear you're having it rough! You will be fine, dear - you've probably had teeth pulled before and you're still kickin'!
There are "scaredy cat" dentists that give giggly gas for patients who have a hard time getting teeth pulled. Perhaps you can look into switching to one (for next time)?
09-09-2010, 12:25 PM
Well, my tooth is out. Having a bad panick attack now becaseu I hate the numb feeling and I am thinking that my throat is closing in and that I am reacting to the numbing meds. I just havent been this bad in a while. I dont know how I am supposed to go to work after this. :cry:
Seems like you're anticipating a lot of bad things coming out of this whole tooth thing.
Well...can you do something for me? Pm me with a detailed description of the last time you felt really confident about something.
09-09-2010, 01:41 PM
I hate to hear this i am leaving in 20 mins for dr and freaking out too
09-09-2010, 01:42 PM
CharmBracelet, I was noticing your signature line and wanted to hopefully make you feel a little better about something. I was reading an article some time ago about Billy Graham where they asked people close to him, "Tell us something we might not know about Billy Graham" and one said he's kind of a hypochondriac. Billy Graham, a great man of faith, a hypochondriac?!
So, don't feel that you are "weak" for feeling this way. It happens to far stronger people than ourselves.
The numbness will wear off soon and you'll be right as rain once again. Hope you don't have to go right back to work while still in the drooling stage! LOL.
09-10-2010, 02:43 AM
Hey Charm,
Sorry to hear your having a rough time of it, I know how we can feel anxious over things that realistically are harmless. We all make outrageous conclusions during times of anxiety!
The numb feeling will pass and the anxiety will pass with it, theres no need to stress too much about having a bad day or the allergy nerves!
Hope your afternoon got better! :D
09-10-2010, 09:23 AM
Thanks for everyone's replies. Of course, here I am, just fine. Feeling now why I had to catastrophize something so simple. But oh well. I am glad I went through with it becaseu I did have a choice just to totally freak and not do it at all. I feel better now that it's over, it was just tough to get through.
09-10-2010, 10:48 AM
Glad you are feeling better!!! :)
09-10-2010, 05:28 PM
Thanks for everyone's replies. Of course, here I am, just fine. Feeling now why I had to catastrophize something so simple. But oh well. I am glad I went through with it becaseu I did have a choice just to totally freak and not do it at all. I feel better now that it's over, it was just tough to get through.
After what ever the fear is passes its interesting to look back on something and find its so silly. Sometimes it brings me comfort when I am stressing, I can think back to something that I was scared of and how it was nothing. :D
09-10-2010, 09:38 PM
dear charmbracelet,
Just think how lucky you are that nothing bad actually happened to you at the dentist. I however, a couple years ago went for a root canal and i was terribly nervous to go. The dentist gave me the numbing shots and starting working on my tooth when all of a sudden my legs starting itching like crazy.. I felt like i couldnt breathe at all and my heart was racing so bad, i tried telling the dentist but he couldnt hear what i was saying because he was working on my tooth. All of a sudden i threw up all over the dentist and i threw up again but he made me hold it in my mouth until he put a temporary filling in so the root canal wasnt ruined. I stood up and fainted then blacked out...
TRAUMATIC! ever since then i am sooo soo terrifed
seriously he should have noticed the huge hives on my legs!
09-10-2010, 09:38 PM
dear charmbracelet,
Just think how lucky you are that nothing bad actually happened to you at the dentist. I however, a couple years ago went for a root canal and i was terribly nervous to go. The dentist gave me the numbing shots and starting working on my tooth when all of a sudden my legs starting itching like crazy.. I felt like i couldnt breathe at all and my heart was racing so bad, i tried telling the dentist but he couldnt hear what i was saying because he was working on my tooth. All of a sudden i threw up all over the dentist and i threw up again but he made me hold it in my mouth until he put a temporary filling in so the root canal wasnt ruined. I stood up and fainted then blacked out...
TRAUMATIC! ever since then i am sooo soo terrifed
seriously he should have noticed the huge hives on my legs!
09-12-2010, 10:07 AM
Sorry to hear about your experience. It does make me embarassed that I thought seomthing was wrong with me, when it really was only a thought. :oops:
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