View Full Version : Hello from another new one

09-09-2010, 03:54 AM
Hi there,
I have managed to get a handle on my anxiety this year and the fatigue that came with it - I actually had chronic fatigue syndrome and managing my anxiety was for me the biggest contributor to my recovery. However despite being much happier and now getting on with life I still find that I wake every morning with my heart racing and a sense of doom - I'm looking forward to finally cracking this part of the puzzle so that I can wake calm and happy and looking forward to my day. I also do find that my new resources get challenged when life gets tough which happened to me recently and it was a little scary as I feared I was slipping back into my old anxiety patterns. I look forward to being part of this community while we support each other on our various unique journeys back to health.

09-09-2010, 10:37 AM
Hi Pebble - I'm new here, too!

Hopefully we can both show this Anxiety Beast who's boss! :)

09-10-2010, 10:37 AM
welcome to the forum pebble my names mark and i myself just really to be honest annoys me when i wake up with the racing heart beats allways think the worst but i know its mostly all in the mind welcome to the forum :)