View Full Version : hi new here

09-08-2010, 06:16 PM
I have been experiencing anxiety lately. I just started my Fall semester at my University. It is my 3rd year and have been doing great so far. It's my major that seems to be the problem. My major is in animation/illustration I wanted to be a children's book illustrator. I took five classes that is within the major during the 3 years.

I went to two my advance classes on the first week of school and already had tons of homework to do. On the weekend I was trying to do the homework but just felt miserable later I decided that this load was crazy so I dropped those classes and added two art classes that are just explortory painting and there is no homework! yay! but I haven't really calm down. I had lots of bloating, gas, and diaherrhea. And also I would wake up feeling the panic rising in me and sweating in my hands. I haven't been interested in eating much but I do noticed that I feel sort of thin. So I guess I reacted to my hard classes and have never turned myself off.

I feel that my major is too intenvise it's very stressful. They are aways saying be the best artist you can be, work hard and draw 24/7. The jobs are competive so I understand why they are doing that to students. But I just wondered if this major is right for a person like me. I'm senstive and easily get overwhelm by things and don't like it when I'm told what to do. I like to be free and explore so I'm thinking maybe I should go into painting and see what happens.

I'm also a perfectionist I can be hard on myself and usually get As and Bs. So it drives me crazy when my teachers are saying you must study or practice your drawing and when I feel I haven't done enough practice I just worry that my teacher will noticed and yell or something bad but that is just my imganation and they often say a lot of harsh words because other students are very lazy and need that whip on their back.

I have experienced anxiety before so I do know that it will pass soon. but it just taking a long time to get back to normal. Especially with my IBS condition that is not excatly fun.

Any good relaxation tips? I already do like to listen to calming music that really helps me to breath better.

thank you for listening! just want to see that I am not alone in this!


09-09-2010, 11:54 AM
Hi there! I'm new here, too.

Sounds like you are WAY too hard on yourself, but that's part of being a sensitive artist! Artistic types don't seem to want to be tied down and pressured because they're more "free-flowing" types, so that's probably why you're feeling anxious. Myself, I'm afraid to do anything artsy (like sewing) as a career because I'm afraid I'll end up hating it in the long run!

I wouldn't say it's not right for you - once you find a job in your field, you will probably still feel plenty of pressure! - but that would be in ANY well-paying job you choose. You pretty much do have to suffer for your $$ by way of anxiety or stress. It's a rare person who can handle pressure well. (Some may think they do emotionally, but they end up with physical complaints, etc.)

Anyway, I'm not being very helpful, but just kinda wanted to say Hi to a fellow newbie and wish you luck! :)

09-10-2010, 11:35 AM
mmmm yes sounds to me like you need a rest but studying is really good because it takes your mind of things IE anxiety and panic but saying that it doesent allways . but it helps my names Mark and welcome to the forum :) :)