View Full Version : boyfriend joined navy

09-08-2010, 01:29 PM
im having a really hard time writing this but my boyfriend joined the navy, he is leaving in a little less than a year. we want to stay together and pursue the long distance relationship thing. however over the past week my anxiety has reached a high. im constantly worrying if were gonna work out if hes gonna leave me if im gonna want to leave him if we can make it etc, its making me feel like breaking up with him just to take the easy way out and save myself some pain but then again i dont think thats in my heart what i want. i dont know what i do, im so scared in general of any option. i dont want to break up with him and have it be the worst decision of my life, i dont want to deal with that regret. my sister and a few friends are telling me that it makes no sense to break up with him when we havent even tried the long distance relationship thing yet. but im so scared and im hurting so bad i dont know what to do. i dont want to lose him please help.

09-08-2010, 02:02 PM
from my experience, try the long distance thing.
I dated a girl once, for 2 years. and she left for 3 years after. we kept in touch, and we both stayed faithful. it was worth it. we ended up getting married, and having children.
its a chance that is better to take.
rather try and fail, than live your life with 'what if, and why'.

09-08-2010, 04:14 PM
Hello there, pm me my hubby is in the Navy,I would love to give you insight

09-08-2010, 05:33 PM
As far as I can tell you have nothing to lose from trying it! I can understand your worry though but you dont have a reason to doubt that everything can work out, at least if you try it you will know in your heart that you have done everything you can!