View Full Version : These signs of anxiety and how to cope?
09-08-2010, 08:18 AM
So for about a month I've had these symtoms after an anxiety attack (which was my first ever and I'm 17)
Dry lips, dry mouth
Ringing in the ears
Dizziness (leading sometimes to headache)
Blurred vision
Very hard to focus at times
Eye tricks
Muscle aches around the neck and shoulders
Thoughts easily interrupted
Sleep disorders, hard to fall asleep and hard to get back to sleep if woken up (Even if tired)
Often nightmares or absurd dreams
Feeling fear about things which don't matter
Feeling the need to move or escape all the time
Thoughts rush
Feeling separated, disconnected
Hard to connect with good feelings
Repeatative thoughts, barely any peaceful thoughts
Lack of apetite
Hate waking up
Breathing either too fast, or too slow or holding my breath
No pleasure in everyday acitivities
What are someways to cope with these? Any of these? Espically getting my mind to slow down! It seems alcohol is the only thing that calms my brain a little, it seems like there's constantly too much acitivity going on in my head (even when I'm not worrying) and it's causing me to become confused and making me feel more anxious.
09-08-2010, 11:27 AM
Hi there!
Please do not go down the road of using alcohol. Though you may think you have it "under control," know that every single alcoholic on the planet once thought this also. Nobody aspires to become an alcoholic - they did so because they needed to "cope." You may very well head down that road. Stronger men/women than you have succombed to alcoholism for sure. Please be careful!
Stupid question, but do schools still have counselors? (I'm a lot older than you, sorry!) If so, could you please schedule to see one?
09-08-2010, 11:52 AM
It's true. I was a social drinker until this past year hen my anxiety hit and drink too much because it "saves me" of my thoughts/symptoms ect.
All of those symptoms sound rightf or anxiety! I recommend cognitive behavioral therapy if you are able to get it. It has helped me so much, even working on the drinking thing with my therapist and replacing that with relaxation techniques/finding ways to get good sleep, ect.
09-08-2010, 12:08 PM
Yeah, don't worry I won't turn to alcoholism completely. My mother was an alcoholic so I'm quite careful about that. I just need to find ways to cope. I went to visit the school doctor for a check up and everything seemed fine (apart from my blood pressure which is really high) and getting another check up done next week, after that if everything is fine they susgest I go to therapy. The weird thing is I'm the kind of person that rarely worries, and right now I'm not acutally worried about anything. But the anxiety just has a mind of it's own, it seems to be constantly making me lose sleep and feel like moving around, and my thoughts race a lot. Even when I get sleep, it's really restless sleep. I feel so exhuasted yet unable to get proper sleep, it's like living as a zombie everyday. Basically it just feels like I can't relax at all, not for a second. Alcohol just gives me relief.
Not sure what to do really.
09-08-2010, 12:11 PM
I know how you feel. It's like we are battling ourselves. I see myself one way, but feel completly different. Like I just miss the "old me." While my techniques work for realxation (deep breathing/positive imagery/progressive muscle relaxation ect) it is still a day long constant battle to not let the thoughts get a hold of me.
09-08-2010, 12:29 PM
Yeah it does feel like that. Oh well.. the important thing is to try to remain happy, think of the moments that have acutally felt good after the anxiety began. Because I've still had some amazing moments but obivously I haven't been able to feel as good as I did before. I'm thinking of trying some sort of medication, I hear they work by slowing down brain acitivty and giving that relief. At least maybe they'll help me sleep at night.
09-08-2010, 01:55 PM
Hi Varjo,
A lot of people don't process their worries emotionally, if that makes sense. They may not FEEL worried, but their bodies "feel" it. That happens to me.
Please don't think I'm badgering you, but...if your mom is an alcoholic, you are a prime candidate. You are only 17, and turning to alcohol "even just a little bit" to help you cope is a major, major red flag. Trust me on this one. I'd also avoid medication, though others may disagree.
I think if you got involved in playing sports and "took your mind off of your mind" it'd help you a lot! Anything that gets you moving, breathing, etc.
09-08-2010, 02:07 PM
About the alcohol, yea listen to them when they say don't use it as your way out.
I did...and in the wasn't worth it. I stayed drunk for days and weeks. trying to deal with anxiety. and in the end, i became an alcoholic due to the withdrawals making anxiety impossible to bear. Sometimes I tell myself now "one wont hurt.." but i know it will.
Don't harm yourself trying to get rid of something that isn't harmful itself.
09-08-2010, 02:09 PM
I also say avoid meds dr's will give it out like candy, but that doesnt mean to take it.
09-08-2010, 04:20 PM
i have atleast 5 of them
09-09-2010, 12:24 AM
I wouldn't want to take meds obviously. But I'm getting desperate here. I don't feel like wanting to do anything anymore, and everyday I think about if it were easier if I just "gave up" on life. I can do sports and feel better for about an hour, but I still have the rest of the day to get through. Because this anxiety still hasn't lasted as long as it has for many others (only a month) I'm thinking if I go on meds now, it might distract my mind from the anxiety till it might fade away. Because I wouldn't worry about it at all if the physical symtoms calmed down, I'm fairly positive whenever I feel less of the anxiety. Not to mention there was a time in the middle of the anxiety were the anxiety disappered completely for a couple of days (all the symtoms too) but it came back after I drunk something with caffiene in it.
Just hate feeling constantly exhuasted, I just woke up now and feel so awful.
09-09-2010, 11:52 AM
So my doctor asked me a little about how my life was before the anxiety attack (which was brought on by drinking lots of coffee when I was already feeling a bit anxious) and since it was the holiday, I spend most of the past weeks drinking quite a lot and barely getting any sleep as I was in berlin for the holiday and partying everyday and sleeping maybe a couple of hours. When I came back my friends insisted that I go out with them again for a "welcome back party" and at this point I already felt exhuasted and somehow emotionally numb but still went out to please them. I drunk a lot that night. It was the next day that I woke up feeling anxious, and I woke up early and restless too. That's when I decided to down a lot of coffee and that's when this hell began.
My doctor told me that since I've been having such a rough and unhealthy lifestyle, she thinks that I have a serotonin deficiency, which has been getting worse with the on going anxiety. My head needs rest but doesn't get it anymore, and because I can't think of an single emotional trigger towards this anxiety I'm thinking it's quite likely.
What do you guys think?
09-09-2010, 03:11 PM
Hi Varjo,
A lot of people don't process their worries emotionally, if that makes sense. They may not FEEL worried, but their bodies "feel" it. That happens to me.
Please don't think I'm badgering you, but...if your mom is an alcoholic, you are a prime candidate. You are only 17, and turning to alcohol "even just a little bit" to help you cope is a major, major red flag. Trust me on this one. I'd also avoid medication, though others may disagree.
I think if you got involved in playing sports and "took your mind off of your mind" it'd help you a lot! Anything that gets you moving, breathing, etc.
Great answer
Your body is just stressed and this in turn as with the other symptoms is making you mind work harder . Go and ask any one you know weather when they are under stress that they cant seem to settle their mind . That their mind just keeps running again and again on the problems it has and how to fix them .
As for the alcohol it may make you feel better for a little while but the problem will still be there when it wears off . When it all comes down to it alcohol is a poison and it will effect your body more because your body is under stress . Many things will effect you more when you have anxiety and others are sugar and coffee .
You asked how you stop the brain running away well look into meditation . Meditation teaches the brain to be settled . The bases behind most cures and yes you can cure this and don't have to live with it is meditation and controlling your thoughts . Look into it there is some great stuff online but you must do it over and over again as it takes a while to learn and work so dont give up on it .
There is no quick fix for anxiety no matter how much bullshit you read
My doctor told me that since I've been having such a rough and unhealthy lifestyle, she thinks that I have a serotonin deficiency
Yer Ok would love to see the test on that , Go to the health store and get some L Tyrosine and take it 3 times a day , 1/2 hour before food on a empty stomach . Also a good vit B complex and some Vit C This will help with chemicals in the brain. Also eat often and well . Good and healthy food . It is your grandmother wouldn't notice it as food then don't eat it .There is no side effects such as those drugs the doctors dish out .
cheers kev
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