View Full Version : Please help with my anxiety i cant believe the doctors!!!

09-08-2010, 01:03 AM
Hey all im new to this site and to this annoying anxiety so please please try to help me.

Right ive been suffering from anxiety now for about 5 weeks :( it all started after i unfortuantly had a miscarraige which i thort i coped with pretty well even tho i was compleatly devestated! 2 weeks after the miscarraige i had the feeling of something stuck in my throat i was convinced i had some dreaded illness like throat cancer i went to the doctor the doctor told me it was that globus histericus and promised it wsnt anything to worry about, but 3 days later i woke up with shortness of breath i was terrified so back to the doctors i went again everything ok the shortness of breath got worse over 3 week span within that time i have been to over 20 doctors convinced something is wrong with me but they all say im fine, the shortness of brath has improved it comes and goes now but i still get it quite alot which bugs me and then i start thinking what if the doctors have missed something ive had o2 tests and breathing teats and there come back normal. I just want to belive the doctors and to get my life back on track! I hate this anxiety and just wish it would just buzz off and leave me alone xx

09-08-2010, 01:22 AM
Hey all im new to this site and to this annoying anxiety so please please try to help me.

Right ive been suffering from anxiety now for about 5 weeks :( it all started after i unfortuantly had a miscarraige which i thort i coped with pretty well even tho i was compleatly devestated! 2 weeks after the miscarraige i had the feeling of something stuck in my throat i was convinced i had some dreaded illness like throat cancer i went to the doctor the doctor told me it was that globus histericus and promised it wsnt anything to worry about, but 3 days later i woke up with shortness of breath i was terrified so back to the doctors i went again everything ok the shortness of breath got worse over 3 week span within that time i have been to over 20 doctors convinced something is wrong with me but they all say im fine, the shortness of brath has improved it comes and goes now but i still get it quite alot which bugs me and then i start thinking what if the doctors have missed something ive had o2 tests and breathing teats and there come back normal. I just want to belive the doctors and to get my life back on track! I hate this anxiety and just wish it would just buzz off and leave me alone xx

Sorry to hear about the miscarriage, thats no good at all. Its hard sometimes because we are convinced there is something wrong with us but the doctors tell us we are fine. The doctors wont have missed anything and shortness of breath happens alot with anxiety. If they can put tests on the table and say everything is fine then its all ok! You just need to tell yourself that, the fear of the shortness of breath brings it on. You dont need to fear it, if you dont fear it then it will most likely vanish!

09-08-2010, 03:41 AM
Sorry to hear you've had a tough time of things. I can only agree with the last reply, you need to trust your doctor. If they have checked you out and said that there is nothing physically wrong with you then that is the case.
When I suffered from anxiety I spent so much time worrying about the physical symptoms and despite being terrifying, they were only the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety can play some wierd tricks on you and convince you that you have awhole range of problems.
have been anxiety free for two years now and the heart problem that I was convinced I had has never materialised. I now have no aches, pains, pains in my chest. All the physical symptoms disappeared once I got my head around the anxiety.
With what you have been through it is no wonder that you are experiencing anxiety. Try some distraction or relaxation techniques when you next experience the symptoms

Good Luck

09-08-2010, 11:22 AM
What you're going through is so perfectly natural. It's to be expected!!

Really, think about it, do you think you just suddenly developed a disease right after your miscarriage? Nope, it's just your body's way of trying to deal (or NOT dealing correctly) with what just happened.

Please try not to worry, and know that it will eventually pass, but do expect it to take some time, and possibly more symptoms of anxiety the more you worry about the ones you currently have. What you went through was a traumatic event - don't expect to go through such a thing unscathed. Just let it work itself out. :)

09-08-2010, 12:08 PM
My anxiety started like yours. I felt a skip in my heart and panicked and my boss called 911 and I went to the ER and everything. Traumatizing. Well after all tests came out ok, I as reassured...for a little while. Like I have told someone else on here; people are reassured nothing is wrong with them and move on, we with anxiety need more reassurance more often. I contiinued going to the cardiologist until I literally bugged him until he gave me all the heart tests anyone could get. I still wasn't relieved, this is when I started therapy and had to realize I had another problem that was not physically related. I know when I was in the shoes you are in, it was impossible to beleive the Doc or what anyone told me, but being that I went through all that, please beleive the Doc's.