View Full Version : Someone please give a straight answer....

Nadia A
09-07-2010, 05:04 PM
...I've been told I have social Anxiety disorder and depression but I cant find out anywhere if I'll have it forever. I'm seeing a CBT and on meds. Any answers would be good


09-08-2010, 11:56 AM
Symptoms will alleviate or go down, but the point of therapy is to teach us how to deal with our thoughts/anxiety/symptoms in a different way than we did before starting therapy. We will be recovered in that anxiety will not control us anymore, we will have learned how to cope with it.

Nadia A
09-08-2010, 01:31 PM
Thanks for you help, that helps a bit. Thank you, NA

09-12-2010, 09:42 AM
Hi I have depression and have had it for about a year and a half or so. My doctor told me it usually lasts for about 6-12 months but I still have it. On medication I am a normal happy person but if I miss a couple of pills I will cry about nothing constantly and think that the world is a horrible place. I wish I knew when it would be over too and though I cannot provide a useful answer I hope that it goes away soon for the both of us

Nadia A
09-12-2010, 01:56 PM
Thanks for that, Ive had it for over a year and a half now too and meds are helping a lot, though I do still get really weepy at night when lying in bed. I'V BEEN OFF WORK TOO FOR THE PAST FOUR MONTHS WHICH HAS HELPED ME BUT I HAVE TO GO BACK SOON AND I WORRY IT WILL GET WORSE AGAIN! TAKE CARE NA

09-12-2010, 05:23 PM
Interestingly enough I was able to go to work and uni fine but wouldn't leave the house for anything else. It was actually beneficial as I spent all my time studying and got amazing marks that semester. I could compose myself in public but as soon as I got back in the car or home I would cry. mostly I think because I'd held it in while I was out and needed to get it out when I was alone. I don't know if this will make sense or help at all but maybe try viewing work in a different way like i work for money to buy things that make me happy or something and just go back part time for a while if you can and ease your way into it

Nadia A
09-13-2010, 08:32 AM
Thanks, I kept in all in like you do for a year and a half but in May I just fell apart. The final thing was my boss giving all my respossibilities over to a new starter with less experience than me and told me I had problems(I was not diagnosed with social anxiety and depression at that time.) This is now is one of the things I worry about going back. What if I still cant deal with it? I love where I work, I have so much passion for what I do that most of my hobbies revolve round it!!! I have to go back, take orders from her and be around people all day and this terrifies me to the point it makes me sick thinking about it. I know what you mean though, Really apreaciate your advice. I just cant seem to function around people. Hope you are doing ok today, Im having a good day but I am in the house on my own! NA

09-27-2010, 07:17 AM

I have had SA and depression for my whole life, but I manage to do the things I need to do as well as the things I want to do.

It really sounds like you're doing all the right stuff honey. Keep at it. Keep it up. Work with your therapist, take your meds as necessary, vent your frustrations here or to a friend, journal about your successes - so you can look back and be proud and also use this to help you thru the tough days.

Do a little something for stress relief like yoga or exercise of some sort. Lay off the caffiene as best you can. Don't over drink or do drugs.

You may always be sensitive when you're around certain social situations--and maybe you won't. Either way, do the best you can in your current situation to make your life the best it can be for YOU :)

Good luck!

Nadia A
09-27-2010, 09:26 AM
Thanks, that is the nicest stuff anyone has said to me since the start of this. So basically, I will always SA and depression but I will learn to control it? Most of the time? I know I will always be sensitive at work, its the worst there for some reason. Thanks again . NA